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What happened to Facebook Marketplace chat?

What happened to Facebook Marketplace chat?

Facebook Marketplace launched in 2016 as a way for people to buy and sell items locally. One of the key features of Marketplace was the ability to chat directly with sellers or buyers within the platform. This provided a convenient way for users to ask questions, negotiate prices, and arrange meetups to complete transactions. However, in 2022 Facebook began phasing out the Marketplace chat feature, removing the option to start new chats. This left many users confused about what happened to chat and why Facebook would remove this useful functionality.

Why did Facebook remove Marketplace chat?

According to Facebook, the decision to remove Marketplace chat was driven by feedback from users as well as safety and privacy concerns. Some of the main reasons behind this change include:

  • Misuse of chat – Some users were reportedly using Marketplace chat for purposes outside of buying and selling, such as spamming or inappropriate communication.
  • Safety concerns – Without proper moderation, chats could be used for harassment, scams, or other unwanted behavior.
  • User preference for other contact methods – Many users found it easier to connect via email, phone, or other platforms rather than use in-app chat.
  • Desire to streamline platform – Removing chat lets Facebook focus the Marketplace experience solely on browsing, posting, and responding to listings.

Essentially, Facebook felt the cons of chat outweighed the pros and decided to move forward without this feature. The goal was to simplify the platform and address rising issues with how chat was being utilized by certain users.

How was Marketplace chat removed?

Facebook did not remove Marketplace chat all at once. Instead, they gradually phased it out over the course of 2022. Here is a timeline of how this process unfolded:

  • October 2021 – Facebook begins testing removal of chat for some users in certain regions.
  • March 2022 – Chat is disabled for newly created listings globally.
  • April 2022 – Ability to create new chats is removed from iOS app.
  • May 2022 – Ability to create new chats is removed from Android app.
  • July 2022 – Existing chats begin shutting down and are removed entirely by September.

This gradual approach allowed Facebook to monitor impacts and address any issues before fully retiring Marketplace chat. It also gave users time to adjust to using alternative contact methods for any active or future transactions.

What are alternatives to Facebook Marketplace chat?

With Marketplace chat no longer an option, buyers and sellers have turned to other platforms and methods to communicate, such as:

  • Email – Users can easily share email addresses through Marketplace listings to take conversations offline.
  • Phone – Sharing phone numbers is another direct way for users to discuss transactions.
  • Facebook Messenger – Facebook’s standalone messaging app can be used instead of in-app chat.
  • WhatsApp – Many opt to use this popular messaging platform owned by Facebook.
  • Social media – Some use Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter DMs, etc. to chat.
  • Comments – Continued conversations can happen through post comments.

The removal of chat pushes more activity outside of Marketplace itself. But experienced users typically already had alternative channels they relied on for deeper transactions anyway. The various options above help ensure Marketplace connections can still happen chat-free.

What has the reaction been to chat removal?

Opinions on Facebook’s decision to remove Marketplace chat have been mixed:

  • Positive – Some users are happy chat is gone, as they found it redundant or unnecessary. The simplified experience also makes it easier to browse and shop.
  • Negative – Other users heavily relied on chat for negotiations and coordination. They see the change as disruptive to their selling/buying workflows.
  • Confused – Many weren’t aware chat was being phased out until they tried to use it. The lack of communication caused frustration.
  • Indifferent – For casual Marketplace users who rarely chatted, the impact has been minor.

Overall the reaction has not been entirely positive or negative. While some miss this feature, many understand why Facebook prioritized safety and simplicity here. And experienced sellers tend to readily adapt using the array of outside chat apps available.

Could Facebook Marketplace chat return?

Given the issues and complications chat created, it seems unlikely Facebook will reinstate it any time soon. However, they could potentially revisit the idea with stronger guardrails in place. For chat to return, Facebook may need to:

  • Have better moderation and abuse detection – This could reduce spam, scams, harassment.
  • Limit chat availability – Keeping chat locked until after a sale could prevent misuse.
  • Offer chat opt-in – Letting users choose to activate chat could increase accountability.
  • Restrict chat access – Applying filters on new/suspicious accounts could improve safety.

Enabling these precautions could allow chat to come back in a safer, more controlled environment. But building these mechanisms takes significant resources. Unless chat usage and demand increases drastically, Facebook will likely keep Marketplace chat-free for now.


Facebook Marketplace chat provided an easy way for buyers and sellers to connect. But concerns around safety, misuse, and complexity ultimately caused Facebook to retire this feature. While confusing and disruptive for some users initially, many adapted by taking conversations to alternative platforms like email, messaging apps, comments, and more. Given the complications chat created, it seems unlikely to return to Marketplace unless Facebook heavily invests in moderation. But for now, users will need to rely on other contact methods to connect over listings.