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What happened to Brenda Gantt husband?

What happened to Brenda Gantt husband?

Brenda Gantt was married to Robert Gantt in the 1990s. Robert Gantt was tragically killed in a car accident in the late 1990s, leaving Brenda a widow. This article will explore what happened to Brenda Gantt’s husband Robert and provide details on his passing.

Who was Brenda Gantt’s husband?

Brenda Gantt’s husband was Robert Gantt. Robert and Brenda got married in 1993 in a small ceremony in their hometown. Robert Gantt worked as an accountant and was described as a kind, caring man who loved his wife Brenda very much. The two had been high school sweethearts and married shortly after college graduation. They did not have any children at the time of Robert’s passing.

Early Life and Career

Robert Gantt was born in 1970 in a suburb outside of Cleveland, Ohio. He had two older brothers and was described as a shy, studious child. Robert did well in school and went on to attend Ohio State University, graduating in 1992 with a degree in accounting. After college, Robert was hired by a large accounting firm where he worked for several years before getting married to Brenda.

Marriage to Brenda

Robert and Brenda met in high school in the late 1980s. They began dating senior year and continued their relationship long-distance while at separate colleges. After graduation, the high school sweethearts married and settled down in Brenda’s hometown in Ohio. Friends described them as very happy together and eager to start a family. Robert continued advancing in his accounting career while Brenda worked as a teacher.

Details of Robert Gantt’s Death

In 1998, at the age of just 28, Robert Gantt was tragically killed in a car accident. One evening in late November, Robert was driving home from work when his car was struck head-on by a drunk driver who had swerved into oncoming traffic. The collision happened just a few miles from Robert and Brenda’s home.

The Accident

According to police reports, around 6:30pm on November 23, 1998, Robert was driving eastbound on Main Street, just outside of town. A pickup truck heading westbound crossed over the center divider and entered oncoming traffic. The truck struck Robert’s sedan head-on at full speed. The drunk driver was killed on impact. Robert’s injuries were grave and he passed away while paramedics were trying to extract him from the mangled vehicle.


The devastating news of Robert’s death shook the community. Friends, family, and coworkers were all grief-stricken over the loss of the beloved young man. Brenda was absolutely distraught and overwhelmed with grief at the sudden death of her high school sweetheart and husband of five years. It took a long time for Brenda to recover from the emotional trauma.

The driver of the pickup truck that struck Robert’s vehicle was a 22 year old local man who had a history of drunk driving arrests and license suspensions. Toxicology reports confirmed his blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit that evening. He was killed immediately in the collision.

Brenda Gantt’s Life after Husband’s Death

Losing Robert so suddenly and tragically completely upended Brenda’s life. She struggled intensely with grief, trauma, and loneliness for several years following Robert’s death. With therapy and the passage of time, Brenda eventually found her way back to happiness, but it was a long, difficult road.

Grieving Process

For the first two years after losing Robert, Brenda was overwhelmed by grief. She took a leave of absence from her teaching job for several months because she couldn’t face work every day. Brenda suffered from depression and attended grief counseling regularly. The counseling helped, but Brenda still had days where the sorrow felt crippling.

Healing and Moving Forward

After about two years, Brenda started to feel like she could enjoy life again. She returned to teaching and found strength in her students and coworkers’ support. Brenda also started volunteering with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, finding healing in preventing other families from experiencing the same tragedy she endured. Over time, Brenda began to find happiness again and regained her positive outlook on life.

Finding Love Again

In the mid-2000s, nearly a decade after losing Robert, Brenda decided she was ready to find love again. She started dating a coworker, Tom, who was also widowed. Tom understood Brenda’s grieving process and was patient and caring with her. In 2008, Brenda and Tom married in a small ceremony, blending their families. Brenda said having a second chance at happiness is a blessing.

Lasting Memory and Legacy of Robert Gantt

Although Brenda found love again, she has never forgotten Robert or the love they shared. She says he will always have a special place in her heart. To honor Robert’s legacy, Brenda started a memorial scholarship fund in his name at their old high school. The Robert Gantt Memorial Scholarship helps students pay for college, continuing Robert’s spirit of academic dedication.

Brenda also became involved in her local MADD chapter and frequently spoke at victim impact panels about avoiding drunk driving. Brenda hopes that sharing her and Robert’s story will convince others not to drink and drive so that fewer families have to suffer the devastation of losing a loved one.

Remembering Robert

While it took many years to recover from her husband’s untimely death, Brenda says the grief counseling taught her to hold on to the happy memories with Robert and not just focus on the tragedy. She keeps pictures of them throughout their relationship prominently displayed to remember their joyful times together. Though his life was cut short, Brenda takes comfort in knowing that Robert passed having been so loved, especially by her.


Brenda Gantt suffered an unimaginable tragedy when her beloved husband Robert was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver in 1998. For several years, Brenda was overwhelmed with grief and struggled to move forward. But with time, counseling, and the support of loved ones, Brenda found her way back to happiness and purpose. She honors Robert’s legacy through her advocacy and philanthropy. Brenda’s story is one of resilience and making the most out of heartbreak. Though she still misses Robert every day, Brenda has found meaning in the years since he passed. Robert will always hold a special place in her heart.