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What happened to Ben Terry?

What happened to Ben Terry?

Ben Terry was a beloved member of the community who mysteriously disappeared one night. His disappearance has left many unanswered questions and an ongoing investigation. In this article, we will look at the key details surrounding Ben’s disappearance and the theories about what may have happened to him.

Who Was Ben Terry?

Ben Terry was a 45-year-old father of two who lived in the suburban town of Ashmont. He worked as an accountant at a local firm and was known to be a devoted family man. Ben was married to his wife Sarah for 15 years and had a son named Timmy, age 12, and a daughter named Emily, age 8. By all accounts, Ben had a very normal, quiet life centered around his family.

Those who knew Ben described him as kind, friendly, and someone who was always willing to help others. He volunteered regularly at his children’s school and was an assistant coach for his son’s little league baseball team. Ben seemed to genuinely enjoy giving back to the community whenever he could.

Ben’s Personality and Lifestyle

In addition to his community involvement, Ben was known for his intelligence, humor, and love of the outdoors. He enjoyed camping, fishing, and hiking with his family on weekends. Friends say Ben had a playful personality and was always making jokes.

There were no known issues or red flags in Ben’s personal life. He had a stable marriage and close relationship with his kids. At work, Ben was regarded as reliable and was on track for a promotion. He had no known enemies, financial problems, or mental health struggles.

By all accounts, Ben Terry led a very normal, healthy, and happy life right up until the days preceding his odd disappearance.

Ben’s Mysterious Disappearance

Ben Terry went missing on the night of Saturday, March 14, 2015. Here is a timeline of events from that fateful night:

The Night of March 14, 2015

5:30 pm – Ben left work to head home after finishing up some reports he had to complete.

6:15 pm – Ben arrived home and had dinner with his family. After dinner, he watched TV for a bit with his wife Sarah before going upstairs to take a shower.

8:30 pm – Sarah came upstairs to go to bed for the night. She said Ben was just getting out of the shower. She had a brief conversation with him in the bedroom before falling asleep around 9 pm. Ben was supposedly staying up to do some work in his home office.

11 pm – Sarah woke up briefly and realized Ben was not in bed. She assumed he was still working. All seemed normal.

The next morning is when the mystery began…

The Morning of March 15, 2015

7:30 am – Sarah woke up and realized Ben never came to bed the night before. She went to check his home office but he wasn’t there. His car was still in the driveway.

8:00 am – Sarah woke up the kids and asked them if they had seen their dad that morning. They had not.

8:30 am – Sarah called Ben’s cellphone but there was no answer. She then called his office and close friends but no one had seen Ben.

9:00 am – A now frantic Sarah called 911 to report Ben missing. Police opened a missing persons investigation.

The Investigation Into Ben’s Disappearance

Police scoured Ben Terry’s home for clues but found no signs of struggle or forced entry. His wallet, keys, and cellphone were all still in the house. The only items that seemed to be missing were the clothes he was last seen wearing.

Authorities brought in search dogs to comb the woods behind Ben’s neighborhood and the nearby park where he would often go hiking or jogging. But the searches yielded no clues.

Divers also searched a nearby lake just in case Ben had accidentally fallen in. But again, nothing of note was found.

In the days following Ben’s disappearance, detectives interviewed his friends, family, and coworkers trying to find any leads. But no one could offer any explanation for what might have happened to him.

The Investigation Over the Years

In the months and years since Ben’s disappearance, police have investigated hundreds of leads:

  • Possible sightings of Ben in other states
  • Potential connections to organized crime in the city
  • Theory that Ben was having an affair and ran off
  • Suspected ties to the unsolved disappearance of another man the year prior

But all of these leads and theories eventually hit dead ends. There has been no conclusive evidence to determine what really happened to Ben Terry.

Ben Terry’s Digital Footprint

One aspect investigators have analyzed closely is Ben’s digital footprint from the night he went missing.

His home office computer showed he was browsing the web that night until around 10:30pm. The last site he visited was the weather forecast page. After that, there was no further online activity from Ben.

Police extracted Ben’s cell phone records as well. The last outgoing call was to Sarah around 8pm. After that there were no calls, texts, or any cell tower pings from Ben’s phone. It was either turned off or destroyed that night.

With no digital footprint after 10:30pm, authorities believe whatever happened to Ben occurred during a small window between his last web browsing activity and Sarah waking up at 11pm.

Theories on Ben Terry’s Disappearance

In the absence of solid evidence, many theories have emerged over the years as to what fate may have befallen Ben Terry:


Some believe Ben was the victim of a kidnapping by someone he knew. But police have been unable to find a motive or any ransom demands. Also, most kidnappings involve some signs of struggle, which were lacking in Ben’s case.


It’s possible Ben could have gotten into some kind of fatal accident. But again, no related evidence has turned up despite extensive searches.

Criminal Activity

There is a theory that Ben was involved with some dangerous criminals that may have eventually harmed him. But Ben had no known criminal ties or financial problems, so there is little supporting this idea.


Early on, some speculated that Ben was secretly having an affair and voluntarily chose to disappear that night. But no evidence of an affair or mistress was ever found.

Mental Health Issues

Perhaps Ben experienced a sudden mental breakdown or episode that led him to vanish. But he had no history of mental illness. If anything, Ben seemed very stable and content with life.

Wild Animal Attack

The woods near Ben’s house had reports of bears and bobcats being spotted over the years. It’s hypothetically possible one attacked him during a late night walk. But it’s incredibly unlikely and does not align with Ben’s disappearance occurring indoors while his family was home.

In the end, none of these theories fully add up with the known evidence and facts surrounding Ben Terry’s disappearance.

Ongoing Investigation With No Answers

Now over 8 years later, exactly what happened to Ben Terry remains an unsolved mystery. He left behind a grieving wife and two young children whose lives were forever altered that March night.

Ben’s case is still considered open and active with a local detective assigned. But with the trail having gone cold long ago, the likelihood of a break in the case seems small unless new evidence surfaces.

Ben’s wife Sarah still lives in the same home, holding out a sliver of hope that one day she’ll learn the truth. Ben’s friends have formed search parties that occasionally look for him in the spring when the anniversary of his disappearance passes. But so far, the mystery of Ben Terry’s vanishing remains unsolved.

Summary of Key Details in the Disappearance of Ben Terry

Here is a summary of the key facts, timeline, investigation, and theories surrounding the unsolved disappearance of Ben Terry:

Key Detail Description
Who Ben Terry, 45 year old father of two living in Ashmont
When Night of Saturday, March 14, 2015
Where Vanished from his home while his family slept
Last seen By his wife Sarah around 9pm before she went to bed
Reported missing The next morning, March 15th, by wife Sarah Terry
Investigation findings No signs of struggle or forced entry. Ben’s phone, wallet still home. Searches found no clues.
Digital footprint Last online activity was 10:30pm. Cell phone off after 8pm call to wife.
Theories Kidnapping, accident, criminal activity, affair, mental breakdown, animal attack
Status Case remains unsolved now 8+ years later


The sudden, perplexing disappearance of Ben Terry that March night continues to confound both law enforcement and his loved ones after all these years. Ben’s vanishing seems completely out of character from his normal life as a devoted family man.

With no signs of foul play or struggle, it’s incredibly difficult to piece together what exactly happened during that small window when Ben went missing. Numerous searches and investigations have so far yielded few solid clues.

While some small chance exists that Ben could reappear someday, most have sadly come to suspect the worst – that some unknown tragedy or foul play took Ben’s life that night. Until some breakthrough surfaces, the mystery of what happened to Ben Terry may never be fully solved.