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What gets the most engagement on social media?

What gets the most engagement on social media?

Social media engagement is critical for brands looking to build an online presence and connect with customers. But with so many social platforms and types of content, it can be challenging to determine what actually drives meaningful engagement. Here’s an overview of some of the top performing content types for getting reactions, shares, and comments on social media.

Visual Content

Visual content like photos and videos tend to garner high engagement across social platforms. People passing through their feeds are naturally drawn to eye-catching imagery, and are more likely to stop and interact with visual posts. Some top-performing visual content includes:

  • Behind-the-scenes photos and videos showing how products are made or glimpses inside your business
  • User-generated content featuring real customers using your products
  • Infographics presenting interesting data or tips in a visual way
  • Animated videos which tell a story or explain your brand in an engaging format

Interactive Content

Content that encourages social media users to actively participate tends to see above average engagement. Interactive content gives people a reason to respond and creates a two-way conversation between brands and audience. Types of interactive content include:

  • Polls and surveys that ask for opinions, feedback, or preferences
  • Contests and giveaways which prompt users to follow, like, share for a chance to win
  • Questions that invite open-ended responses in comments
  • Quizzes and other games that test knowledge in an entertaining way

Educational Content

Content that teaches people something new or meaningful tends to be widely shared and discussed on social media. People are eager to share quality educational resources with their own networks. Useful educational content includes:

  • How-to tutorials explaining how to use a product or solve a problem
  • Industry tips, insider secrets, or little known facts
  • Data-driven reports and informative statistics
  • Expert advice from thought leaders

Entertaining Content

We all love to be entertained, so creative and humorous content tends to attract high engagement on social media. Amusing content provides a welcome break from routine, and is often too funny or clever not to share. Entertaining content can include:

  • Comedic videos and funny meme images
  • Witty observations on life tied to your brand experience
  • Pop culture parodies or references
  • Fun stories or fan interactions

Brand Storytelling

Content that tells compelling stories about your brand and its values helps forge an emotional connection with your audience. Storytelling gives people something to relate to and rally around. Powerful brand storytelling may cover topics like:

  • Your founding story and mission
  • Behind-the-scenes at key moments or events
  • Introducing the people that work for your brand
  • Brand campaigns centered on a cause or community

Current Events and Trending Topics

Tying your content to current events, news, or viral topics can help more people discover it organically. But brands need to do so thoughtfully, avoiding controversial issues unrelated to their products. Relevant, positive trending topics might include:

  • World events related to your industry (ex. technology announcements at CES for electronics brands)
  • Seasonal events like holidays, sporting events, etc.
  • Viral meme crazes when done in an original way
  • Awareness days or months related to your brand’s mission

User-Generated Content

Featuring real social media users and sharing their content taps into the power of word-of-mouth marketing. People trust fellow consumers over brands, so spotlighting happy customers gives you authenticity. User-generated content to re-share includes:

  • Reviews, testimonials, and recommendations
  • Photos and videos created by customers using your product
  • Relevant brand mentions, hashtags, and engaging comments
  • Influencers in your niche promoting your brand


The most engaging social media content taps into people’s inherent interests and tendencies. Visual, interactive content makes for eye-catching browsing. Educational, storytelling, and entertaining posts provide value. And trending topics, user-generated content, and real people add relevance and authenticity. Combine several of these post types for a strategy that consistently drives reactions and conversations.

The key is testing different content formats across your platforms and analyzing performance data. See which types of posts consistently get the highest engagement for your audience. You can then make those content pillars a key part of your ongoing social strategy. With experimentation and refinement, you’ll better understand what resonates and what falls flat. Incorporate that knowledge into crafting engaging posts tailored for each of your communities.