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What format is a mobile ad on Facebook?

What format is a mobile ad on Facebook?

Facebook offers several ad formats that can be used to advertise on mobile devices. The main formats available are single image ads, carousel ads, collection ads, canvas ads, and video ads. The optimal format will depend on the objective of the ad campaign and creative assets available. When creating mobile ads, it’s important to keep in mind the constraints of smaller screens and ensure the ad is easy to read and interact with on a smartphone.

Single Image Ads

Single image ads are one of the most common and simple ad formats on Facebook. Here are some key things to know about single image mobile ads:


Image Size 600 x 315 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio)
Image Format JPG or PNG
Text Limit 125 characters
Link Description Limit 30 characters

– The image should be high resolution and look sharp on both desktop and mobile screens.

– The text must be short, clear, and compelling to motivate users to click.

– The link description should accurately convey where users will land.


– Work well when you have a visually striking image.

– Simple and familiar format that most users recognize.

– Fast-loading creative can capture attention in the mobile feed.

Best Practices

– Showcase one main product or message in the image. Avoid cramming in too many visual details.

– Use high contrast text that is legible on mobile screens. Don’t rely only on image text.

– Leverage the broad reach of single image ads to promote brand awareness or conversions.

– Test different images, text, and targeting to refine the ad. Monitor performance and iterate.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow advertisers to showcase multiple images and links within a single ad unit. Key features include:


Number of Images 2-10
Image Size 600 x 315 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio)
Image Format JPG or PNG
Text Limit 125 characters
Link Description Limit 30 characters

– Each image can have unique text, link, and destination.

– Images are swipeable on mobile for easy reviewing.

– Optional indicator dots show number of images.


– Tell a more in-depth brand story with multiple visuals.

– Showcase products from different angles.

– Split test different images, offers in one ad unit.

– Maintain user attention by encouraging interaction.

Best Practices

– Use a cohesive theme and visual style across images.

– Limit text to key selling points and calls-to-action.

– Drive traffic to a landing page or product collection.

– Place important messages and CTA in the first 1-2 images.

– Monitor clicks and interactions with each slide.

Collection Ads

Collection ads enable showcasing of multiple products in a mobile-optimized catalog-style format. Key attributes:


Number of Products 2-10
Product Image Size 400 x 400 pixels
Product Title Limit 25 characters
Product Description Limit 100 characters

– Products include title, image, price and description.

– Optimized for mobile shopping experience.

– Call-to-actions below each product or collection.


– Promote multiple products within a category or collection.

– Enable one-click purchases directly from the ad.

– Showcase more products than a single image ad.

Best Practices

– Curate a complementary mix of products to promote. Avoid random assortments.

– Ensure product images are consistent in style and production quality.

– Keep text brief but descriptive of each product.

– Link the ad to a collection or category shopping page.

Canvas Ads

Canvas enables creating full-screen vertical ads with interactive elements. Features include:


Canvas Size 600 x 1040 pixels
File Type HTML5
File Size 150KB max
Animation Length 15 seconds max
Video Length 15 seconds max

– Interactive components like image galleries, carousels, product catalogs.

– Animation or short video capabilities.

– Call-to-action button required.


– Provide an immersive brand experience within the ad.

– Drive conversions with dynamic or interactive content.

– Combine graphics, animation, video as needed.

Best Practices

– Guide the user through a logical content path and call-to-action.

– Minimize file size for quick load times.

– Design for vertical orientation. Check rendering on multiple devices.

– Add captions or overlay text for video/audio elements.

Video Ads

Video ads play in-stream within Facebook feeds. Specifications include:


Aspect Ratio 16:9 recommended
Length Up to 240 minutes
File Size 4GB max
File Format MP4 or MOV

– Autoplay without sound based on user preferences.

– News feed placement shows first frame as image.

– Call-to-action button overlays end of video.


– Convey emotions and storytelling through video.

– Achieve high levels of brand awareness and recall.

– Link to a product page or website at the end of the video.

Best Practices

– Hook viewers with compelling opening visuals and graphics.

– Convey key messages early before viewers drop off.

– Use captions and avoid long blocks of text.

– Create a strong call to action at the end.

– Test different video lengths and messages.


When designing mobile ads for Facebook, the optimal format will depend on campaign goals, product or message being promoted, and creative assets available. Simple image ads can be effective for brand awareness while video and canvas enable more storytelling. Carousel and collection help showcase more products in one ad. Testing different formats, placements and creative is key to determining the right mobile ad strategy on Facebook. Regardless of the format, keep file sizes small, text brief but compelling, and design for vertical thumb-stopping visuals in the mobile feed. With the right creative optimizations, Facebook’s mobile ad formats provide effective solutions for reaching audiences on smartphones.