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What font is the trademark symbol?

What font is the trademark symbol?

The trademark symbol TM is a special typographical character used to indicate that a word, phrase, or image functions as a trademark. Though there is no single designated font for the trademark symbol, it is most commonly rendered in a simple sans-serif font.

What is the trademark symbol?

The trademark symbol, TM, is a special typographical symbol used to designate that a word, phrase, logo, graphic, or other indicator serves as a trademark. A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services from a particular source and distinguishes them from similar offerings from other sources. The trademark symbol is used to provide notice that the preceding mark is used as a trademark and to indicate its status as a trademark.

The TM symbol puts others on notice that the owner claims trademark rights to the marked word, phrase, logo, etc., and that use of the mark by unauthorized parties may constitute trademark infringement. Use of the TM symbol helps establish and preserve trademark rights and notifies others not to use the mark without permission.

Appearance and origin

The trademark symbol appears as a stylized capital letter T and small letter M connected together, like TM or TM. This design originated in the 1950s from the desire to have a quick, simple way to designate something as a trademark in typewritten and handwritten documents.

Prior to the creation of the TM symbol, trademarks were designated with the letters “TM” spelled out, enclosed in parenthesis or quotation marks, or marked with the letters T and M combined in various stylized ways. The need for a standardized, easily typed symbol led to the adoption of today’s simple TM mark.

Proper usage

The TM symbol is placed adjacent to the trademark word or logo, most often in the superscript position. Some examples of proper trademark symbol usage:

  • BrandTM
  • BrandTM cookies
  • I ♥ BrandTM

It is important to use the trademark symbol consistently and in close proximity to the trademark. The symbol should appear in the same font and type size as the surrounding text. Multiple instances of the symbol may be used within a single document.

What fonts can you use for the trademark symbol?

The trademark symbol does not have an officially designated font or typeface. It can technically be rendered in any font. However, since the mark is intended to be visually subtle so as not to distract from the trademark itself, it is typically set in a simple, generic sans-serif font.

Common fonts used

Some of the most commonly used fonts for rendering the trademark symbol include:

  • Arial
  • Verdana
  • Helvetica
  • Tahoma
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Calibri
  • Gill Sans
  • Century Gothic
  • Futura
  • Franklin Gothic

These clean, unfussy sans-serif typefaces allow the symbol to blend seamlessly with the text without attracting undue attention. The trademark symbol generally matches the font used for the surrounding copy.

Avoiding decorative fonts

More decorative, display fonts are not recommended for rendering the TM mark. Typefaces with strong personalities—like cursive, handwritten, or condensed fonts—could draw the eye away from the trademark itself. Similarly, monospaced fonts like Courier that align all characters in a fixed width are not ideal.

The trademark symbol displays best in simple, upright, medium-weight sans-serif fonts that match the font used for the accompanying text.

How to type the trademark symbol

Because the trademark symbol is a special character not found on a standard English keyboard, typing it requires using the insert symbol function:

On Windows

  1. Place your cursor where you want the trademark symbol to appear
  2. Open the Symbol menu (shortcuts include holding the Windows key and pressing the period key or going to Insert > Symbol in some programs)
  3. Select the TM symbol and click Insert

On Mac

  1. Place your cursor where you want the symbol
  2. Go to Edit > Emoji & Symbols in most applications
  3. Scroll down to the Trademark section and select TM
  4. Click Insert

On Google Docs

  1. Place your cursor where you want the symbol
  2. Click Insert > Special characters
  3. Scroll down to the Trademark section and select TM
  4. Click Insert

On Microsoft Word

  1. Place your cursor where you want the symbol
  2. Go to Insert > Symbols > Symbol
  3. Select the TM symbol and click Insert

Refer to your operating system or program’s help documentation for exact instructions on accessing special characters and symbols if needed.

Typing the trademark symbol on mobile

On mobile devices, accessing special characters like the trademark symbol varies by operating system:

On iOS/iPhone/iPad

  1. Touch and hold on the letter T until the magnification window pops up
  2. Slide to select the TM symbol
  3. Release to insert it

On Android

  1. Touch and hold on the letter T which will bring up special characters
  2. Slide your finger to the trademark symbol
  3. Release to insert

On Chromebook

  1. Search for the character with Search+Escape keys
  2. Select the TM symbol
  3. Press Enter to insert it

You may need to enable the onscreen keyboard or Unicode hex input keyboard to view special characters on mobile. The trademark symbol may also be available through the emoji keyboard.

Using the HTML code

For web pages and other electronic documents, the trademark symbol can be inserted using its HTML entity code:

™ or ™

Typing one of these codes will display the TM symbol when the page or document is rendered. This avoids issues with cross-platform symbol insertion and ensures the mark appears correctly on all devices.

Other ways to indicate trademarks

When the trademark symbol is unavailable or unsuitable, trademarks can also be designated with:

  • TM – Spelling out “Trademark”
  • [TM] – Square brackets surrounding “TM”
  • TM* – Asterisk footnote after “TM” leading to trademark ownership attribution

These textual representations fulfill the function of identifying a trademark even if the TM symbol is not used. However, the distinctive symbol remains the most common, preferred, and visually concise way to mark a trademark.


Though trademarks may appear in a wide range of fonts, the symbol is best rendered subtle, lightweight sans-serif typefaces. While typing the special character requires using symbol insertion tools, the trademark symbol conveniently identifies trademarks in just two characters. Along with consistent use, the proper TM mark plays an important role in building and maintaining trademark rights.