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What engagement metrics are available on Facebook Live?

What engagement metrics are available on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows creators and businesses to broadcast live video to their followers and fans. It has become an extremely popular way to create engaging video content on Facebook. One of the main benefits of Facebook Live is the ability to view detailed analytics on the performance of live videos.

Facebook provides creators with several engagement metrics that allow them to understand how their live videos are performing. Having access to robust analytics is crucial for optimizing live video strategy and consistently creating content that resonates with target audiences.

This article will provide an overview of the key Facebook Live engagement metrics and how to access the analytics dashboard. It will also explain how to interpret the data to gain insights that can inform future broadcasts.

Overview of Facebook Live Analytics

The Facebook Live analytics dashboard provides the following key engagement metrics:

  • Live Views
  • Peak Concurrent Viewers
  • 10-Second Views
  • Average Live View Time
  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Shares

Analyzing these metrics allows creators to understand both the reach of their live videos as well as how engaging the content is. The analytics provide quantitative data to optimize future broadcasts for higher viewership and engagement.

Accessing the Facebook Live Analytics Dashboard

The Facebook Live analytics dashboard can be accessed in the following ways:

  • On the Facebook app, go to the video in your library and swipe up from the bottom to access analytics.
  • On the desktop site, below the video is a bar chart icon that opens the analytics page when clicked.
  • Go to Facebook Insights, select “Videos” on the left sidebar and choose the live video to view analytics.

The metrics are available immediately after a broadcast ends to provide an instant snapshot of performance. The data populates fully within 24 hours after the live video concludes.

Facebook Live Engagement Metrics

Live Views

This metric shows the total number of views your live video received. It includes both concurrent viewers and views that happened after the broadcast ended when people rewatched the recorded live video.

A higher number of Live Views is a positive indicator that the video is reaching a larger audience. However, it’s also important to analyze the other metrics to understand overall engagement and watch time.

Peak Concurrent Viewers

Peak Concurrent Viewers indicate the highest number of people watching the live video simultaneously at any point. This allows creators to understand spike points where engagement peaked during the broadcast.

A higher Peak Concurrent Viewers count relative to average Live Views shows there was a period of very high engagement. Analyzing concurrent viewership can help identify which parts of the broadcast were most interesting to viewers.

10-Second Views

The 10-Second Views metric shows the number of views that lasted for at least 10 seconds. This provides a sense of how captivating the content and intro were to get people initially interested.

A high number of 10-second views indicates the topic and opening remarks were effective. However, creators should still aim for strong average view duration beyond 10 seconds.

Average Live View Time

Average Live View Time reveals how long viewers are staying engaged during the live broadcast on average. This metric is calculated by the total watch time divided by the number of live views.

A higher Average Live View Time signals that content is resonating strongly with viewers and they are staying tuned in. This metric carries more weight than solely analyzing live views, as it measures quality engagement.


The Reactions metric shows the total number of reactions a live video received, such as Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry. Viewers can tap to react during a live broadcast.

A higher number of reactions relative to live views implies meaningful engagement. Certain reactions can also provide qualitative insight into how viewers felt about broadcast content.


This metric displays the total number of comments viewers posted during the live video. Facebook Live comments appear in real-time during a broadcast.

A high volume of comments signals active and robust engagement. Analyzing comment content can provide qualitative insights into what resonated most with viewers.


The Shares metric shows how many times viewers shared the live video broadcast. This includes shares during the broadcast as well as shares of the recorded video after the broadcast ended.

A high number of shares extends the reach of live video and indicates viewers found it compelling enough to actively promote to their own networks.

Best Practices for Analyzing Facebook Live Metrics

Here are some best practices for effectively analyzing Facebook Live analytics data:

  • Compare metrics over time to identify trends and optimize future strategy.
  • Segment data by certain broadcast parameters to analyze performance.
  • Aim for high Average Live View duration as an engagement goal.
  • Use Peak Concurrent Viewers to see engagement spikes during video.
  • Monitor Comments and Reactions for qualitative insights from viewers.
  • Set benchmarks for metrics to measure performance against goals.

Comparing Performance Over Time

The most effective way to leverage Facebook Live analytics is by comparing metrics over time. This allows creators to see how engagement and viewership has grown or declined.

For example, creators may compare total Live Views for their last 10 broadcasts to identify trends. Seeking overarching trends is preferable to drawing conclusions from a single broadcast.

Comparing performance over time also clearly shows the impact of strategies like changing broadcast times, using different creative approaches, and promoting live videos differently. Creators can see which changes increase engagement.

Segmenting Data

Facebook also allows creators to apply filters to view segmented analytics data. This is useful for analyzing how metrics differ based on certain broadcast parameters.

For example, creators can compare engagement for live videos broadcast on weekends vs weekdays. The platform also allows filtering by location, device type, age and gender demographics.

Segmenting data can provide powerful insights to improve video strategy. Identifying which user segments engage the most allows creators to tailor future live video content accordingly.

Analyzing Qualitative Engagement

While overall live views provide reach data, metrics like Comments, Reactions and Shares reveal qualitative engagement. Even if live view counts are high, low comments and shares may signal content is not resonating.

Conversely, a spike in comments or reactions during certain parts of a broadcast provides insights into what really piqued viewer interest the most. This helps identify strengths to emphasize in future videos.

Setting Benchmarks

Establishing internal benchmarks for Facebook Live metrics allows creators to measure performance against tangible goals.

Benchmarks should be based on past data and industry standards. For example, a creator may set goals to achieve a 20% increase in Live Views, an average Live View duration over 1 minute, and 25+ comments per broadcast.

Setting and monitoring benchmarks helps quantify progress and gives creators targets to aim for to improve engagement over time.

Using Facebook Live Metrics to Optimize Strategy

The greatest value of Facebook Live analytics lies in actually applying insights to optimize future broadcasts. Here are some ways creators can use metrics to improve live video strategy:

Refine Content Based on Response

Analyzing Comments, Reactions and Peak Concurrent Viewers helps identify what content resonates most. Creators can use these insights to refine their approach. For example, focusing on more of the topics that generate spikes in engagement.

Optimize Broadcast Times

Comparing metrics by time filters can reveal which broadcast times experience higher response. Creators may discover evening or weekends have highest engagement. Adjusting broadcast times accordingly can increase live views and participation.

Promote Videos Differently

Seeing which promotion channels drive the most concurrent live viewers helps refine promotion strategy. Creators may find promoting via Instagram Stories or running Facebook ads results in a surge of live viewers compared to other channels.

Engage Viewers with Interactive Features

Seeing low comments or shares can prompt creators to add on-screen chat, live polling and Q&As to make broadcasts more interactive. Prompting engagement during the video can get more viewers actively participating.

Optimize Hook and Intro

Slow buildup of 10-Second Views may signal the hook and intro can be stronger. Creators can A/B test different openings to find approaches that attract viewers early and boost average view duration.

Using Facebook Live Data in Combination with Other Analytics

To fully optimize video strategy, Facebook Live metrics should be analyzed within the context of broader analytics. This includes data like overall Facebook page insights and YouTube channel analytics.

Comparing Live View growth to Follower growth provides perspective on how reach is expanding. Similarly, analyzing Facebook user demographics helps creators tailor video content accordingly.

For multi-platform creators, looking at Facebook Live metrics alongside YouTube, Instagram and TikTok analytics paints a fuller picture. Identifying best performing platforms and content helps allocate creation resources.

Essentially, integrating Facebook Live data with other available analytics provides crucial context. This enables creators to connect the dots on performance and growth across platforms.

Using Facebook Live Analytics Dashboards

Facebook provides creators several options to view live video analytics, including:

  • Facebook Live Insights Dashboard
  • Facebook Creator Studio App
  • Third-Party Analytics Platforms

Facebook Live Insights Dashboard

The native Live Insights dashboard on Facebook offers an intuitive way to analyze broadcast metrics. It displays key data like Live Views, Watch Time, Comments and Shares.

Filters allow creators to segment data by location, date, device type and other parameters. This is beneficial for isolating factors that impact engagement.

The dashboard also shows graphs of Peak Concurrent Viewers during the video timeline. This helps identify spikes in engagement at certain points.

Facebook Creator Studio App

Creator Studio is Facebook’s analytics app for creators. It provides an overview of Live metrics along with metrics for other content like videos and posts.

The app makes it easy to monitor Facebook Live performance on-the-go via mobile. It also sends instant notifications about stream health and viewers during broadcasts.

Third-Party Analytics Platforms

Numerous third-party analytics tools integrate with Facebook to offer enhanced functionality beyond the native dashboards. Popular options include Hootsuite, Sprout Social and Socialbakers.

These platforms typically provide options to create custom reports with live data visualizations. Additional features may include competitor benchmarking, identifying top contributing posts, and scheduling publishing.

Third-party analytics require creator access to connect Facebook accounts. However, they provide powerful options to monitor performance beyond the native tools.

Tips for Increasing Facebook Live Engagement

Using the available live analytics, creators can gain insights to improve engagement. Here are some additional tips to increase viewership and participation for Facebook Live videos:

Go Live Consistently

Broadcasting on a consistent schedule trains followers to tune in live more regularly. This makes it easier and more top of mind for your audience.

Promote Videos Beforehand

Rallying your audience with preview posts and reminders helps drive hype for upcoming broadcasts. Let viewers know the broadcast topic and timing.

Engage With Comments in Real-Time

Responding to viewer comments as they roll in makes them more likely to actively participate throughout the entire broadcast.

Incorporate Interactive Features

Polls, Q&As, chats and bringing guests on screen gives viewers ways to actively engage rather than just watch passively.

Re-Share Recordings

Sharing recordings to your timeline, accounts like Instagram and YouTube expands potential reach and views.

Collaborate With Other Creators

Co-streaming with other creators or inviting them as guests lets you tap into each other’s audiences for higher engagement.

Run Targeted Ads to Your Live Video

Facebook offers the ability to run ads directly to your live broadcasts. This drives more viewers from your target demographic.


Analyzing Facebook Live analytics provides crucial insights that creators can leverage to refine their video strategy over time. Tracking engagement metrics reveals what content resonates best with target audiences.

Facebook provides robust analytics through interfaces like the Live Insights Dashboard. Core metrics include Live Views, Reactions, Comments and Average View Time. Monitoring these datapoints helps creators increase viewership and participation.

Regularly accessing the analytics and comparing performance over time is key. Applying learnings to optimize future broadcasts results in consistently improving engagement. With the power of data, creators can connect with audiences through captivating live video content.