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What does weekly engagement mean on Facebook?

What does weekly engagement mean on Facebook?

Facebook engagement is a measure of how users interact with your Facebook Page or posts. It shows how interested your audience is in your content and how likely they are to take actions like liking, commenting, sharing, and clicking. For businesses and creators, high engagement rates on Facebook can lead to increased brand awareness, website traffic, conversions, and sales.

What is considered good weekly engagement on Facebook?

There is no universal benchmark for “good” weekly engagement on Facebook. What is considered quality engagement will vary based on factors like your industry, audience size, and business goals. However, as a general rule of thumb:

  • An engagement rate of 1-3% on posts is considered decent.
  • An engagement rate of 3-5% is considered good.
  • Anything over 5% is considered great.

To calculate your weekly engagement rate, add up all post reactions, comments, shares and clicks for the week. Then divide that total by your weekly reach (the number of unique people who saw your posts).

For example, if you had 5,000 total engagements last week and 150,000 reach, your engagement rate would be 5,000/150,000 = 3.33%.

Tips for increasing engagement

Here are some best practices for boosting engagement on your Facebook Page:

Post consistently

Posting regularly helps keep your Page active and surfaces your content in the News Feeds of your followers. Aim for 1-2 posts per day, spaced throughout the day when your audience is most active.

Mix up your post types

Post a variety of content like photos, videos, links, questions, events, Stories, and live videos. This adds visual interest and encourages different types of engagement.

Use interactive content

Posts that invite participation, like polls, quizzes and questions, tend to drive higher engagement. Give your audience opportunities to get involved.

Optimize posts for engagement

Use action-oriented language, encourage comments, use strategic hashtags, tag people, and include emojis to help boost reactions and shares.

Respond and follow up

Like and reply to comments on your posts in a timely manner. This shows you care about the conversation and are listening to your audience.

Run contests and giveaways

Sweepstakes, contests and giveaways are highly shareable and can quickly increase likes, comments, shares and overall reach.

Use Facebook ads

Run Facebook ad campaigns targeted to your audience to expand your organic reach and engagement. Consider boosting top-performing posts.

Analyze and improve

Use Facebook Insights to identify your best performing post types, days/times and review engagement metrics. Find out what resonates with your audience and do more of that.

Types of Facebook engagement

The main actions that Facebook considers “engagement” include:


When people react to your posts or ads by clicking Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry. More reactions signal a post is resonating.


When people leave comments on your posts or ads. Comments show people want to have a conversation.


When people share your post or ad on their own Timeline or to a friend. Shares help expand your reach.


When people click on links, photos, videos or ads that take them to another website or page. Clicks show interest in your content.

Live video views

The number of times your live videos are viewed. Engaging live videos can reach more people.

Event responses

When people respond Going, Interested or No to your events. More event engagement helps promote your event.

Offer claims

When people take action on special offers in your ads, like claiming a coupon. Offer claims indicate valuable promotions.

Why Facebook engagement matters

Focusing on Facebook engagement is important because it can:

  • Indicate how interested and responsive your audience is
  • Help strengthen relationships with your audience
  • Drive awareness about your brand, products or services
  • Increase website traffic when people click links
  • Lead to conversions and sales
  • Improve your organic content reach on Facebook
  • Lower your Facebook ad costs

Essentially, higher quality engagement represents a more enthusiastic audience that will continue engaging with your brand into the future. So put time into crafting content that resonates with your target audience and encourages engagement.

Facebook engagement vs other metrics

While engagement is important, you’ll also want to track other Facebook metrics like:


How many people saw your posts in their feed. Aim to grow your overall reach consistently.


The number of times your content was displayed in feeds. More impressions give you more chances to engage people.

Page views

How many times people viewed your Page. This shows general interest in your brand.

Page likes

How many new people liked your Page. Growing your likes builds your audience.

Link clicks

When people click links on your Page to visit your website. Valuable for driving traffic and conversions.

While engagement shows how people interact with your existing content, these other metrics also reflect your ability to reach new people and expand your audience.

Using Facebook Insights

Facebook provides a detailed analytics tool called Insights that breaks down all your Page metrics, including engagement. You can access Insights from your Page’s admin menu.

Key Insights engagement reports include:

  • Post engagement: Shows reactions, comments, shares and more for each post.
  • Video engagement: Shows views, watch time and engagement for your videos.
  • Post reach: Tracks reach and engagement over time for your posts.
  • Engaged users: Shows the people and demographics engaging with your Page.
  • Events: Provides engagement stats for your events.

Analyze these reports frequently to see what content and tactics perform best. Then use those insights to create more engaging content going forward.

Facebook engagement tips and tricks

Here are a few more specific tips for boosting Facebook engagement:

Engagement bait

Ask questions, run polls and encourage people to tag friends in comments to bait engagement.


Include relevant hashtags in your posts so they appear in hashtag feeds where people are already engaged.

Tag people

Tag relevant people, brands and influencers to grab their attention and tap into their audiences.

Optimal times

Post when engagement and response rates tend to be highest for your audience based on your Insights.

Pin top posts

Pin your best performing posts to the top of your Page to keep driving engagement.

Go live

Live broadcasts notify your audience and let them comment in real-time, driving strong engagement.

Reply quickly

Check for comments often and reply within minutes or hours to keep people engaged.

Tag in Stories

Tag people and brands in your Facebook Stories to alert them and gain additional views.

CTAs in captions

Add clear calls-to-action inviting reactions, shares and clicks.

Engaging images

Use interesting and eye-catching photos and videos that people want to engage with.

Re-engage old posts

Repurpose or resurface your best old posts to tap back into that potential engagement.

Respond to mentions

Stay on top of mentions of your Page and respond quickly.


Facebook engagement provides valuable insights into your audience and the content they find most interesting. By actively monitoring your weekly engagement rates and trends in Facebook Insights, you can learn what works well and craft an engagement-focused content strategy.

Combining great content with tactical practices like optimizing posting times, using interactive formats, responding quickly and re-engaging old content will help maximize your Facebook engagement. The more your audience engages, the more Facebook’s algorithm will show your posts to others as well.

So put time into understanding your audience and what motivates them to react, comment, click and share. Higher engagement leads to greater reach, lower cost per result on ads, and most importantly – happy, loyal followers for your brand!