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What does the waving hand mean on messenger?

What does the waving hand mean on messenger?

The waving hand emoji is a commonly used emoji on messaging apps like Facebook Messenger. It shows a cartoon hand waving hello or goodbye. This emoji can have different meanings depending on the context it’s used in. Generally, it’s used as a friendly greeting or farewell. In this article, we’ll explore the different meanings and uses of the waving hand emoji on Facebook Messenger and other messaging platforms.

Meaning of the Waving Hand Emoji

Here are some of the common meanings associated with the waving hand emoji:

Saying Hello

The most common use of the waving hand emoji is to say a friendly “hello” or “hi” at the start of a conversation. It’s a casual and upbeat way to greet someone over messaging.

Saying Goodbye

Similarly, the waving hand emoji can be used to say “goodbye” or “bye” at the end of a chat. It indicates leaving the conversation on a positive note.

Excited Greeting

The waving emoji can depict excitement or enthusiasm when greeting someone, especially if you haven’t chatted with them in a while. It shows you’re happy to be talking to them.


Some people use the waving hand emoji when flirting with their crush or romantic partner. It projects playfulness and friendliness.

Acknowledging Something

The waving emoji can also be used to casually acknowledge something the other person said. It’s like a virtual nod of the head when you don’t have much else to add.


If used with a message, the waving emoji can softly apologize for something, expressing regret or embarrassment.

When is the Waving Hand Emoji Used?

Here are some common situations where the waving hand emoji tends to get used on Messenger and other messaging apps:

Starting a Chat

People often start a chat conversation with the waving hand emoji before they’ve typed out their actual message. It’s like walking up to someone and waving hello.

Ending a Chat

The waving emoji frequently gets used at the end of a chat to say bye before logging off. It provides closure.

After Sending a Message

Some folks will send a text message and follow up immediately with the waving emoji as if it’s waving off what they just said. This gives the message a more casual and lighthearted tone.

Multi-Message Conversation

In long conversations spanning multiple messages, the waving emoji may get sprinkled in between texts to maintain a connection and energy.

Apologizing in a Chat

When apologizing for something minor said in a chat, the waving emoji softens the regret and indicates you’re still on good terms.

Responding to a Compliment

If someone pays you a compliment in chat, you can reply with the waving emoji to graciously accept it without being overly verbose.

Gender Variations

The waving hand emoji has two main gender variations:

Default Yellow Hand

The default waving hand emoji shows a yellow hand in a neutral skin tone. This version is gender-inclusive.

Man and Woman Modifiers

Skin tone modifiers allow you to change the default yellow hand to different skin tones, including light, medium, and dark shades. There’s also a distinct man modifier with a male wrist and a woman modifier with a female wrist and nail polish.

Skin Tone Variations

In addition to the gender options, the waving hand emoji has 5 main skin tone variants to represent people of different races and ethnicities:

Skin Tone Meaning
🖐🏻 Light skin tone Waving hand with a light or pale skin tone
🖐🏼 Medium-light skin tone Waving hand with a moderately light skin tone
🖐🏽 Medium skin tone Waving hand with a balanced medium skin tone
🖐🏾 Medium-dark skin tone Waving hand with a moderately dark skin tone
🖐🏿 Dark skin tone Waving hand with a rich dark skin tone

These allow people of all skin tones to feel represented when using the waving emoji. The default yellow version is still commonly used for its universal, gender-neutral depiction.

Waving Hand vs Other Greetings

The waving hand emoji conveys a more casual, friendly tone compared to some other greeting emojis:

Folded Hands

The 🙏 folded hands emoji is more formal and respectful, commonly used to say “Thank you”, “Please”, or “Namaste”.


The 🤝 handshake emoji depicts professionalism and greeting someone in a business setting.

Bowing Head

The 🙇 bowing head emoji shows deep respect and can indicate gratitude or apology.

Related Emojis

Here are some other emoji that can have similar meanings to the waving hand:

Waving White Flag

The 🏳️ white flag can indicate surrender but also goodbye, such as waving farewell.

Backhand Wave

The 🤚 backhand wave emoji depicts waving the back of the hand instead of the palm.

OK Hand Sign

The 👌 OK hand sign can also be used as a casual hello or acknowledgment emoji.

Victory Hand

The ✌️ victory hand emoji shows a v-sign, which can look similar to a wave.

Clapping Hands

The 👏 clapping hands emoji conveys applause and enthusiasm, similar to an excited wave.

Using the Waving Hand Emoji

Here are some tips for using the waving hand emoji effectively in your messages:

Match the Context

Make sure your use of the waving emoji matches the overall tone of the conversation. Don’t use it in somber or serious chats where it would seem out of place.

Place at the Beginning or End

Typically it’s best to place the waving hand at the very start or very end of your message for the clearest meaning.

Wave Back

If someone waves hello or goodbye to you using the emoji, wave back! This keeps the conversation reciprocal.

Avoid Overuse

Like any emoji, the waving hand can lose its meaning if you use it too much in a short span. Use it sparingly for the biggest impact.

Consider Skin Tone

Select a skin tone modifier that feels most natural and representative of you. This makes the emoji feel more personal.


The waving hand emoji is a versatile way to express greetings, goodbyes, flirtation, and enthusiasm across social media and messaging apps. With its friendly demeanor and range of skin tone options, it’s become a popular shortcut for connecting with others in chat. Like any emoji, be sure to consider context before selecting the waving hand to avoid misinterpretation. Used thoughtfully, it can add a warm human touch to your digital conversations.