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What does the care button mean on FB?

What does the care button mean on FB?

The care button is a relatively new feature on Facebook that allows users to show support, empathy, and compassion for posts sharing difficult news or requesting help. When someone clicks the care button reaction on a post, a care emoji is shown to indicate caring, concern, or comfort.

What the Care Button Looks Like

The care button on Facebook appears as a gray emoji face with eyebrows furrowed upward and a small frown. The expression conveys a sense of worry, compassion, and kindness. When users click on the care button under a post, the emoji pops up beside their name to publicly show their support.

When Should You Use the Care Button?

The care button is meant to show emotional support during tough times. It can be used to react to posts where someone:

  • Shares difficult personal news like a illness, loss, or hardship
  • Asks their friends and family for any kind of support
  • Expresses being worried, concerned, or simply down
  • Discusses emotional topics like grief, depression, or trauma

For example, if a friend shares that their grandmother has passed away, clicking the care button is a way to wordlessly express your condolences and concern. It shows that you care about their loss and sends compassion their way.

How It Differs from the Like Button

The care button serves a very different function than the classic like button on Facebook. While liking a post shows positive endorsement, the care button conveys emotional support during vulnerable moments. It should not be used to casually react to upbeat posts the way someone would hit like.

Here are some key differences between the like and care buttons:

Like Button Care Button
Shows enjoyment or agreement with lightweight posts Shows concern and compassion for difficult or emotional posts
Casual way to interact with fun content More sensitive way to support vulnerable life moments
Given lightly Given thoughtfully during tough times
Similar to a high five Similar to a consoling hug

Why Facebook Added This Feature

Facebook introduced the care reaction in early 2021 to provide a more meaningful way for users to respond to posts expressing vulnerability. Prior to the care button, people would often use the like button to show support during difficult times, which could seem insensitive.

Some key reasons why Facebook launched this new reaction include:

  • To allow users to express sincere empathy and concern when liked seemed inappropriate
  • To help people clearly convey comfort and compassion
  • To better support community members going through hardships
  • To avoid misunderstandings when liking sensitive content

Essentially, Facebook wanted to give users a way to clearly communicate care and emotional support during life’s challenges and painful moments. The care button helps people connect around vulnerabilities in a more meaningful way.

The Rise of Empathetic Social Media

The addition of the care button reflects a wider shift toward more empathetic communication on social media. Features like care reactions attempt to foster deeper connections during difficult life moments. Other platforms like Twitter and Instagram have also introduced options to express caring beyond the generic like button.

This empathetic trend aims to build community and temper the negativity sometimes associated with social media. It encourages users to exercise compassion, especially when others are going through hard times.

How to Use the Care Button Thoughtfully

Because the care button carries deeper emotional weight than liking, it should be used selectively and intentionally. Here are some tips for using the care reaction sensitively and appropriatently:

  • Reserve it for posts where someone is requesting support or sharing an emotional struggle.
  • Take your cue from the original poster’s tone rather than reacting immediately.
  • Avoid overusing it or letting it become your default reaction.
  • Consider commenting your thoughts or condolences in addition to using the care button.
  • Keep in mind your relationship with the poster as you decide if and how to respond.

While the care button opens up meaningful opportunities to support others, it should be used with discernment. Take your time before reacting to sensitive posts and thoughtfully consider the poster’s needs and perspective.

Care Button Etiquette

To avoid miscommunications when sharing support and empathy on Facebook, keep these care button dos and don’ts in mind:


  • Take it seriously – the care button is not meant for casual use like the like button.
  • Keep the focus on the poster’s experience rather than your own.
  • Acknowledge what the poster is going through and meet them where they are.
  • Use it sparingly to avoid diluting its significance.


  • Overuse it on lighter content.
  • Capitalize on others’ challenges to attract attention to yourself.
  • Feel compelled to use it for every sad post.
  • Assume others want your care reaction before considering their perspective.

When used appropriately, the care button opens up new avenues for compassion and human connection on social media. Treat it as a meaningful gesture and remain sensitive to the original poster’s mindset and needs.


The care button allows Facebook users to thoughtfully express support, condolences, and understanding when community members are going through difficult times. It provides a nuanced alternative to the like button for vulnerable posts. When used sensitively, it can deepen social media connections and communication.

Remember to use care button selectively in response to posts seeking help or sharing emotional struggles. Take your cues from the poster’s tone and consider the relationship context as well. With basic etiquette in mind, the care reaction offers a simple yet meaningful way to show you care.