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What does share on a friend’s profile mean?

What does share on a friend’s profile mean?

Sharing on a friend’s profile on social media allows you to post content to your friend’s profile for their followers and friends to see. When you share something on a friend’s profile, it appears on their profile as if they shared it themselves. This allows you to easily share content with your mutual friends and expand the reach of a post.

Some common questions about sharing on a friend’s profile include:

  • How do I share on a friend’s profile?
  • What appears when I share on a friend’s profile?
  • Who can see when I share on a friend’s profile?
  • Can I remove something I shared on a friend’s profile?

This article will provide an in-depth explanation of sharing on a friend’s social media profile, the different ways to share, what others will see, and how to remove shares.

Ways to Share on a Friend’s Profile

There are a few different ways you can share content directly on a friend’s social media profile:

Tag Them in a Post

Most social platforms allow you to tag a friend in your own post. When you tag them, the post appears on their profile as if they shared it. You can tag a friend in a status update, photo, or video post.

The post will be visible to all of your friend’s followers and friends as part of their profile. It may also show up in your mutual friends’ feeds. Your friend will get a notification that you tagged them.

Share a Post to Their Profile

Rather than tagging them, you can directly share an existing post of your own to your friend’s profile. Look for a “Share” button on your post, click it, and select your friend’s name.

This shares the full post to their profile. The original post will remain on your own profile as well.

Post Directly on Their Profile

Some platforms allow you to make posts directly on a friend’s profile. You can create a new status update, photo post, or video post on their page as if you were posting as them.

You may need to request access or permission to post on a friend’s profile directly in this way. They will be notified of your post.

Share a Link on Their Timeline

You can share links to articles, websites, videos, and other content on your friend’s profile. Paste the link and add any comments you want to share along with it.

The link preview will appear on their profile along with your message about it.

What Others Will See

When you share something on a friend’s profile, it appears similar to if they had shared the post themselves. Their name and profile picture will display on the post.

It will be visible on their profile to all of their followers and friends. The post may also appear in the news feeds of mutual friends.

Some social platforms show that the post was “shared” by you or indicate you originally posted it. But the content will still appear directly on your friend’s profile.

Comments and likes on the shared post will be associated with your friend’s profile. They can delete or hide the post if they want.

Example Post Shared on a Friend’s Profile

This example shows a photo shared on a friend’s profile. Their name and photo appear, but there is text indicating it was shared by another user.

Who Can See Shared Posts

The visibility of a shared post depends on your friend’s privacy settings and follower count. For example:

  • If their profile is public, anyone can see your shared post
  • If their profile is private, only confirmed friends/followers can see it
  • If you share to a friend’s profile with thousands of followers, it will reach a bigger audience

Shared posts are subject to the same privacy settings as regular posts on that profile. You are essentially borrowing their audience and reach when you share to a friend’s profile.

However, your friend may also have restricted options for posts by others on their profile. They can approve tags and shares before appearing publicly. This gives them control.

Removing Something You Shared

Generally, only your friend who owns the profile can delete posts shared by others. As the original poster, you cannot directly remove something shared on a friend’s profile.

However, you do have a few options:

Untag Yourself

If you originally tagged yourself in the post on your friend’s profile, you can untag to disassociate yourself from it. This keeps the post on their profile but removes your tag.

Ask Your Friend to Remove It

Contact your friend politely asking them to delete your shared post from their profile. They can remove it since it is their profile.

Report the Post

If the shared post contains harassment, threats, or other content that violates platform policies, you can report it. Moderators may remove posts that break community guidelines.

Block Your Friend

Blocking your friend after sharing a post will automatically remove the post from their profile. However, this also means you lose access to their profile entirely.

Delete the Original Post

If you originally posted the content on your own profile before sharing, deleting the original will also remove the share from your friend’s profile.

Asking Permission Before Sharing

To avoid issues, it’s wise to ask your friend for permission before sharing anything to their profile. They may not want particular content associated with their profile publicly.

Say something like “I wanted to share this funny video to your profile since I think our friends would enjoy it. Is it alright if I share it on your page?”

This gives them a heads up and the ability to decline if they aren’t comfortable with you sharing that content.

Pros of Sharing on a Friend’s Profile

Here are some benefits of sharing content directly to a friend’s social media profile:

  • Expand the reach of your posts by leveraging your friend’s audience and followers
  • Increase engagement and views by posting on a popular profile
  • Show support for your friend and associate your brand with them
  • Share funny or interesting content easily with your mutual friends
  • Collaborate with influencers or brands by cross-posting

For example, sharing a post to a friend who is an influencer with 10k followers will put your content in front of a much bigger crowd.

Cons of Sharing on a Friend’s Profile

Some downsides of sharing on a friend’s profile include:

  • Content could damage their reputation or reflect poorly on them
  • Harassment or negative feedback aimed at the post could impact them
  • They may not want to be associated with your brand or content
  • Too many shares could be seen as spammy by their followers
  • You give up control – they can remove or alter posts you share

Always ensure you have your friend’s consent before posting. Remove anything they are uncomfortable with to maintain trust.

Is Sharing Without Permission Illegal?

Sharing on someone’s profile without their consent is not directly illegal. However, it may violate social media platform terms of service if done excessively.

Most sites require you to have permission to post from another user’s account. Violating terms could get you banned.

Posting offensive, defamatory, or commercially misleading content on an unknowing friend’s profile could potentially create legal issues depending on the situation. But basic sharing of benign posts is not a legal matter.

However, it is unethical to share anything on friends’ profiles without their permission. It violates trust and could damage your relationship.

How to Share Safely and Respectfully

Follow these tips for responsibly sharing user-generated content on friends’ profiles:

  • Always ask permission first and respect if they decline
  • Give them final approval before posting anything
  • Clarify it’s a “share” from you and give them credit
  • Only share high-quality relevant content
  • Keep shared posts positive and avoid controversial topics
  • Offer to immediately remove a post if requested
  • Limit sharing frequency to avoid bombarding their followers

Being thoughtful about what, when, and how often you share content on friends’ profiles maintains positive social relationships.


Sharing on a friend’s social media profile can expand the reach of your posts but should be done carefully and respectfully. Ask permission, only share relevant content, and offer to remove anything they are uncomfortable with. This allows you to get more eyeballs on your posts without overstepping bounds and damaging relationships.

Platform How to Share on Friend’s Profile
Facebook Tag them in your post, share your post to their timeline, post directly on their timeline, share a link
Instagram Tag them in your post, share your post to their profile
Twitter Tag them in your tweet
Snapchat Add their username when posting to your story
LinkedIn Mention them in your post, share your post to their profile

This table summarizes how to directly share content on a friend’s profile across major social platforms. The specific options vary, but tagging, sharing posts, and posting directly are available in some form.