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What does share now friends on Facebook mean?

What does share now friends on Facebook mean?

The “Share Now” button on Facebook allows users to share posts with their friends on Facebook. When you click the “Share Now” button on a post, a box pops up giving you options for sharing that post. One of those options is “Friends” which allows you to share the post with all of your Facebook friends. So “Share Now Friends” simply means sharing a post with all of your Facebook friends immediately with one click of the button.

What is the Share Now button?

The Share Now button is a feature on Facebook that allows users to quickly and easily share posts with their connections on Facebook. The Share Now button appears on the bottom of posts, below the like/comment/share icons.

When you click on the Share Now button, a pop-up box appears with several options for sharing the post:

– Share Now: Sends the post to your timeline
– Share on a Friend’s Timeline: Allows you to share the post directly to a friend’s timeline
– Share in a Group: Gives you the option to share the post in any groups you are a member of
– Share on a Page You Manage: Lets you share the post on any Facebook pages you manage
– Send in Messenger: Sends the post through Facebook messenger to contacts
– Share Now Friends: Shares the post on your timeline for all of your friends to see

The Share Now feature provides a quick and easy way to get content out to your friends and connections on Facebook without having to go through the standard share menu.

What does “Share Now Friends” mean?

When you select the “Share Now Friends” option from the Share Now popup box, it shares that post on your timeline and makes it visible to all of your Facebook friends.

Basically, “Share Now Friends” shares a post instantly to your entire friends list on Facebook with one click. All of your Facebook friends will see the post in their news feeds.

This provides an easy way to broadly share content and information with your whole friend network. For example, if you want to share an important update or interesting video with all your friends at once, you can click “Share Now Friends.”

Who can see posts shared with “Share Now Friends”?

When you share a post using the “Share Now Friends” option, it shares that post on your own personal timeline. This means that the post will be visible to all of your Facebook friends as well as anyone else who can normally see your timeline posts.

Specifically, here is who will be able to see posts you share via “Share Now Friends”:

– All of your Facebook friends – Any of your Facebook friends will see the post in their news feeds. Friends get top priority for seeing shared posts in their feeds.

– Friends of friends – For friends of friends who have access to view your timeline, the shared post may show up in their news feeds as well.

– Public – If your Facebook profile is public, the shared post will also be visible to anyone on or off Facebook.

– Groups – If you share the post in any public or private groups, members of those groups will see it.

– Pages – If the post is shared on any Facebook pages you manage, people who like/follow those pages will see it.

So in summary, “Share Now Friends” shares a post to your personal timeline and distributes it primarily to your Facebook friend network. But depending on your privacy settings, the post can be seen by friends of friends, the public, groups, and page followers as well.

How is “Share Now Friends” different from normal Facebook sharing?

Normally when you want to share something on Facebook you have to:

1. Click the Share button below the post
2. Select how you want to share – on your timeline, in a group, on a page, etc
3. Choose the specific friends, groups, or pages you want to share to
4. Click “Share” to post

This standard sharing process requires several steps before finally sharing the content.

The “Share Now Friends” option simplifies this sharing process allowing you to instantly share a post with all friends in one click.

Here are some key differences between standard Facebook sharing and “Share Now Friends”:

– Fewer clicks – “Share Now Friends” only takes one click to share immediately. Standard sharing requires going through a menu and selecting options before posting.

– Faster sharing – Because there are fewer steps, “Share Now Friends” allows you to share content faster. Standard sharing takes more time.

– Broader audience – “Share Now Friends” shares posts to your entire friends list by default. Standard sharing lets you specify exactly who to share with.

– Less customization – You can’t customize the audience for “Share Now Friends.” Standard sharing lets you pick specific people, groups, or pages to share to.

So in summary, “Share Now Friends” provides a quicker, simpler way to share posts with your all friends at once. But standard Facebook sharing gives you more control over customizing the share audience.

When would you use “Share Now Friends”?

Here are some common situations when using the “Share Now Friends” option can be useful:

– Sharing breaking news or urgent information – Getting important updates out quickly to all your friends.

– Sharing content you think many friends will like – Funny videos, interesting articles, great photos, etc.

– Promoting events or announcements – Share events, news or updates relevant to many friends.

– Engaging many friends at once – Increase engagement and interaction by sharing content to your whole network.

– Reaching friends who don’t interact often – Connect with friends who rarely react to your posts.

– Sharing easily across friend circles – Don’t have to pick and choose groups of friends to share with.

– Expressing thoughts, opinions, or stories to your community – Updates about your life, views on issues, etc.

Overall, “Share Now Friends” can be used to quickly share any type of content with your entire circle of Facebook friends. It eliminates the steps of selectively choosing who to share with.

How to use “Share Now Friends”

Using the “Share Now Friends” option to share posts with all your Facebook friends is easy:

1. While viewing any post on Facebook, click the “Share Now” button below the post.

2. In the share pop-up box, click the option for “Share Now Friends.”

3. A preview of the post as it will appear on your timeline shows. Click “Share Now” to share it instantly.

4. The post will now be shared on your timeline and distributed to all of your Facebook friends.

You can also access the “Share Now Friends” option through the standard share menu:

1. Click the “Share” button below any post.

2. In the share menu click “Share on your timeline.”

3. Click the down arrow next to “Friends” and choose “Share Now Friends.”

4. Preview the post and click “Share Now.”

The benefit of using the “Share Now” button is it skips directly to the sharing options without having to first open the standard share menu.

Pros and Cons of “Share Now Friends”

Here are some key advantages and disadvantages to consider when deciding whether to use the “Share Now Friends” sharing option:


– Quick one-click sharing to all friends
– Gets content out faster to a wider audience
– Good for time-sensitive posts or announcements
– Great for increasing engagement and reactions
– Simple way to connect with friends who rarely interact


– Cannot customize who you share with
– Friends may miss the post in their news feeds
– Too much sharing may overwhelm or annoy some friends
– Some friends may not be interested in all content you share
– Important posts may get lost in the volume of shares

Best Practices for using “Share Now Friends”

To use “Share Now Friends” most effectively, keep these tips in mind:

– Don’t overuse it – Make sure you’re not sharing too much and irritating friends.

– Select relevant content – Share posts that are applicable or interesting to most of your friends.

– Monitor reactions – Check if your shares are getting good engagement from friends.

– Follow up on important posts – Ask specific friends if they saw key posts you shared.

– Comment on the share – Add context telling what the post is about or why you shared it.

– Target standard sharing too – Still use regular sharing to control exactly who sees posts.

– Analyze your results – See what types of content get the most interactions when shared to all friends.

– Ask for feedback – Solicit input from friends about your sharing strategy.


The “Share Now Friends” option on Facebook provides an easy and fast way to share content broadly across your network of friends. While standard Facebook sharing allows more customization of who sees your posts, “Share Now Friends” enables sharing relevant, timely content instantly with your whole community.

Using this one-click sharing selectively when you have content that many friends would appreciate can help boost reactions and engagement. But be careful not to overdo it or share too trivially. Pay attention to feedback from friends and interact thoughtfully with content you share using “Share Now Friends.”

Pros Cons
  • Quick one-click sharing to all friends
  • Gets content out faster to a wider audience
  • Good for time-sensitive posts or announcements
  • Great for increasing engagement and reactions
  • Simple way to connect with friends who rarely interact
  • Cannot customize who you share with
  • Friends may miss the post in their news feeds
  • Too much sharing may overwhelm or annoy some friends
  • Some friends may not be interested in all content you share
  • Important posts may get lost in the volume of shares

When to use “Share Now Friends”

  • Sharing breaking news or urgent information
  • Sharing content you think many friends will like
  • Promoting events or announcements
  • Engaging many friends at once
  • Reaching friends who don’t interact often
  • Sharing easily across friend circles
  • Expressing thoughts, opinions, or stories to your community

Best Practices

  • Don’t overuse it
  • Select relevant content
  • Monitor reactions
  • Follow up on important posts
  • Comment on the share
  • Target standard sharing too
  • Analyze your results
  • Ask for feedback