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What does session expired please login again mean?

What does session expired please login again mean?

The message “Session expired please login again” is a common one that many users encounter while browsing the web or using web applications. It indicates that the session or connection between the user’s browser and the website or app has ended, and the user needs to log in again to continue.

There are a few key reasons why a user might see this message:

Session Timeout

Many websites and applications have a session timeout feature configured. This means that after a certain period of inactivity – like 15 minutes or 30 minutes – the session will automatically end. This is done for security purposes, to prevent unauthorized access if a device is left unattended.

So if a user steps away from their computer for longer than the timeout period, the next time they try to interact with the site they will get the “session expired” message and be asked to login again before continuing. This prevents someone else from accessing the site if the original user forgot to formally log out.

Closed Browser

Another common reason for getting the “session expired” message is if the user closes their web browser tab or window without properly logging out of the site.

When the browser is closed, any existing sessions and cookies are destroyed. So when opening the site again, the application no longer recognizes the user and requires them to log in again.

This applies to both web sites as well as web applications and mobile apps. Force quitting an app can similarly end the session.

Cleared Cookies and Cache

If a user clears their browser cookies and cached files, this will also result in any active sessions being terminated.

Cookies allow websites to store small amounts of data in the browser and help maintain user sessions. Clearing them necessarily clears any session cookies and the site will no longer recognize the user on their next visit.

When Does the Message Appear?

The “session expired” message can appear in a few different scenarios:

Upon Opening a Website or App

If the message appears as soon as the user opens the website or launches the app, it indicates there was no active session present. This may be because:

– They closed the browser or app since their last visit
– It’s been longer than the timeout period
– They cleared their cookies/cache recently

In this case they simply need to log in again to start a new session.

After Inactivity

If the message appears when the user tries to perform an action like clicking a link, submitting a form, or loading a new page, that indicates the session timed out due to inactivity.

The user will need to log in again before continuing what they were trying to do.

Switching Devices

When accessing a site on one device, then trying to access it on a different device, the “session expired” message indicates there is no active session on the new device.

For example, if a user browses a website on their desktop, then later tries to access the site from their phone they will likely get the message and need to log in on the phone before continuing.

How to Avoid Session Expiration

There are a few ways users can avoid having to deal with the inconvenience of constant session timeouts:

Log Out Properly

Always logging out of websites and apps when finished avoids orphaned sessions. Rather than just closing the browser or app, take the extra step to formally log out which cleanly ends the session.

Increase Timeout Length

For sites and apps that allow it, users can extend the session timeout length in account settings to longer than the default (e.g. 1 hour instead of 15 minutes). This gives more time before inactivity timeouts occur.

Stay Active

Taking any action on a site – like navigating pages, scrolling, or clicking buttons – resets the inactivity timer and extends the session. So staying active avoids idle timeouts.

Enable “Keep Me Logged In”

Some sites give users the option to enable a “Keep me logged in” or “Remember Me” setting when logging in. This sets a persistent login cookie that will maintain sessions across browser restarts and keep users logged in indefinitely.

Dealing with Session Expiration

When the dreaded “session expired” message does hit, here are some tips for dealing with it:

Log In Again

The simplest solution is to just log in again! Enter your username and password when prompted to start a fresh session. Make sure to check any “Keep me logged in” options.

Refresh the Page

For some sites, refreshing the page will redirect back to the login screen. This allows restarting the session without having to manually navigate back to the login page.

Clear Cookies

If having trouble logging back in, try clearing cookies for the site before attempting again. Stale cookies from old sessions can sometimes interfere with new logins.

Use Private/Incognito Mode

Private browsing ensures no old cookies or sessions impact the new login. Open a private/incognito window, log in, then continue browsing normally.

Contact Site Support

If unable to login after multiple tries, reach out to the website’s tech support for assistance. There may be an underlying issue needing investigation on their end.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do sessions expire?

Sessions expire due to configured timeouts, closing the browser, or clearing cookies. This is done for security reasons and to free up server resources from inactive sessions.

How long do sessions last?

Session length varies by site. Common timeouts are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour. Admins can configure longer or shorter timeouts as needed.

Do mobile apps expire sessions?

Yes, mobile apps can expire sessions due to inactivity or force quitting the app. Users will need to login again. Apps may have different timeout lengths than websites.

What if I can’t log back in?

If unable to log back in, try refreshing, clearing cookies, using private browsing, or contacting support. Stale cookies or device changes may interfere with new logins.

How can I stay logged in permanently?

Enable “keep me logged in” or “remember me” at login if the site allows it. This sets a persistent cookie that maintains login state across sessions.


Getting the “session expired” message is a common occurrence online. This indicates the session has ended and requires logging in again before continuing. Sites use timeouts and cookies to maintain sessions for active users, but expiring inactive sessions enhances security. Understanding session lifecycles and how to properly restart sessions makes dealing with this message straightforward. Using persistent logins, where available, can minimize frustrations as well.