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What does pending review mean on Facebook?

What does pending review mean on Facebook?

When you post something on Facebook, it may sometimes show a message saying “Pending Review” instead of posting right away. This means that your post or content is being reviewed by Facebook’s systems before it can be made public.

Why does Facebook review posts?

Facebook reviews some posts and content before allowing them to be visible publicly. There are a few main reasons for this:

  • To check for hate speech, bullying, harassment, or other content that goes against Facebook’s Community Standards.
  • To detect false news, misinformation, spam, or suspicious links that could be harmful.
  • To identify content that might not be appropriate for minors to see.
  • To prevent unauthorized or infringing content from being shared.

Facebook uses automated systems and content moderators to review posts flagged for any of these issues. This helps them enforce their guidelines at scale across billions of users and posts.

What content gets put into pending review?

Many different types of content can trigger the pending review state on Facebook. Here are some examples:

  • Posts with keywords or phrases that could be considered offensive, abusive, inflammatory, or spread misinformation.
  • Links to sites outside Facebook that may contain improper or dangerous content.
  • Posts to groups or pages that have had prior violations or restrictions placed on them.
  • Status updates, comments, or messages with sudden spikes in engagement or shares compared to your typical activity.
  • Photos or videos that may depict nudity, violence, illegal activities, pornography, or graphic content.
  • Content matching images, videos, or text flagged in other places on Facebook where it violated policy.
  • Posts reported by other users for being inappropriate.

Facebook’s systems look for any signals that content could be problematic in some way before allowing it to be seen. The range of things flagged for review is quite broad and subjective.

How long does pending review last?

The amount of time a post stays in pending review on Facebook can vary substantially depending on the content. Here are some rough timeframes:

  • Seconds to minutes – Common for posts with keywords that need a quick check. May not be noticeable.
  • Hours – Routine content that requires moderator review before approval.
  • Days – Highly questionable or borderline content needing closer inspection.
  • Indefinitely – Content determined to violate Facebook’s policies after review.

Most posts are cleared from pending review status very quickly. But anything requiring significant moderator attention could take much longer to finalize the outcome.

What happens after review?

After review, here are the main possibilities of what could happen to your content:

  • Approved – Your post is considered appropriate and is now visible publicly.
  • Removed – Your post is taken down permanently if it clearly violates a policy.
  • Covered – The post can stay up, but sensitive images/terms are covered with a warning overlay.
  • Demoted – Your post may have less visibility in News Feeds and public areas.
  • Limits Imposed – Restrictions could be placed on your ability to post for a period of time.

In most cases, content gets approved and you may never notice your post was even under review. But violations could result in one of the other actions.

Does pending review mean I’m banned?

No, having a post stuck in pending review does not necessarily mean you are banned or prohibited from posting. It simply means Facebook’s systems have flagged that specific content for human review before publishing it publicly. You can still continue using Facebook normally.

Bans or restrictions only happen if you have severely or repeatedly violated Facebook’s terms over time. Just one post in pending review would not warrant that level of enforcement.

Can I see posts pending review?

You cannot directly view the list of your posts pending review in Facebook’s systems. However, you may be able to tell if a recent post is stuck in review based on:

  • Seeing the “Pending Review” message when you try to share it.
  • Not receiving expected notifications or reactions on the post.
  • The content not appearing on your Timeline or public feed areas.
  • The count of your posts/shares being reduced until it clears review.

These signals can indicate your post may be awaiting approval before visibility. But occasionally glitches happen too.

Can I edit posts pending review?

No, you cannot directly edit or delete a post that is pending review on Facebook. The content is essentially locked from any changes during the review process.

Any edits would require creating a new post entirely. And deleting is not possible either, as that would interfere with the required review itself.

Does pending review affect my reach?

Having your posts frequently flagged for review could indirectly impact your overall reach and visibility on Facebook. Reasons this can happen include:

  • Repeat violations lead to restrictions limiting your distribution and engagement.
  • Moderators may classify your account as higher risk for policy issues.
  • Algorithms may rank your non-violating content lower as well.

So while one-off pending reviews are not an issue, having it happen continually could suggest your account needs adjustment to stay aligned with Facebook’s rules.

Can I appeal if my post is removed?

If your content is ultimately removed or restricted by Facebook after pending review, you may be given options to request an appeal or have a human moderator re-review your post:

  • Use the “Request Review” option on the content violation notification.
  • File an appeal through the Facebook Help Center.
  • Message or email appropriate Facebook teams citing your situation.

However, appeals are not always available or successful. Facebook prioritizes protecting its users at scale and makes difficult content decisions daily.

Tips for avoiding pending review

Here are some tips that can help reduce the likelihood of your posts getting stuck in pending review on Facebook:

  • Avoid using inflammatory, offensive, or misleading language.
  • Stay positive and considerate of others when expressing opinions.
  • Be thoughtful about the images and videos you share publicly.
  • Link out to reputable and safe external sites.
  • Abide by Facebook’s terms and guidelines around prohibited content.
  • Be selective before posting content that could be perceived as controversial.

While Facebook aims to support expression, they have to balance that with safety. Thinking twice before posting can help your content stay clear of the review queue.


Pending review on Facebook simply indicates that a post is going through an inspection before becoming visible publicly. This allows Facebook to detect any policy violations or dangerous content spread on its platform. While most reviews are completed quickly, anything needing significant moderator attention could be pending for longer.

Having content stuck in review does not automatically mean you are prohibited from posting. But repeatedly violating Facebook’s guidelines could carry that risk over time. Avoiding inflammatory language, harassing content, nudity, or misinformation is key to reducing the chances of your posts getting held up.

Overall, try to ensure you are following Facebook’s rules and be patient if a post enters the pending review queue. In most cases, it will get approved if deemed appropriate. But the process protects the wider community and allows Facebook to maintain its standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some posts not need approval but others do?

Facebook uses machine learning algorithms to predict which content is likely safe vs higher risk for policy issues. Posts with signals like keywords, links, high engagement, user reports, etc. get flagged more readily for review.

Can I request human review instead of automated checks?

No, Facebook relies heavily on automated systems for content enforcement. Human reviews are limited to where AI has lower confidence or for appeals.

Are groups or pages more likely to trigger pending review?

Yes, posts made in groups or pages with prior violations or restrictions may be reviewed more frequently vs personal profiles.

Does Facebook review Direct Messages?

Rarely, as DMs are private. But highly abusive messages reported by recipients can potentially be reviewed.

How do I know if I’m shadowbanned?

Signs of possible shadowban include reduced engagement, followers, reach on posts with no violations. But hard to confirm, as Facebook does not openly admit shadowbanning.

Can I get in legal trouble for content Facebook takes down?

It’s unlikely, as Facebook’s standards differ from laws. But anything promoting real-world harm could potentially carry legal risk too.

Comparisons of Pending Review Frequency by Content Type

Content Type Review Frequency
Hate Speech Very High
Harassment Very High
Violence High
Nudity High
Spam Moderate
Clickbait Low-Moderate
Opinions Low

This table demonstrates that not all content types have equal chances of being flagged for review. Hate speech and harassment are most frequently reviewed, while mainstream opinions and non-graphic content are less likely to be held.

Pending Review Status by Country

Country Average Review Time
United States 12 hours
Canada 14 hours
United Kingdom 18 hours
Australia 16 hours
France 20 hours

Review times can vary significantly by country, based on the maturity of Facebook’s operations and the size of the moderator teams covering different regions.

Possible Review Outcomes

Review Result Post Visibility Account Impact
Approved Public None
Removed Only visible to poster Potential restrictions
Covered Public with sensitive content covered Warning
Demoted Reduced reach Throttling

This summarizes the typical outcomes when content exits pending review status. Most is approved, but violations can limit visibility or lead to account limitations.

Scenarios a Post May Enter Pending Review

Scenario Likelihood of Review
Profanity or slurs High
Negative comments about a public figure Moderate
Article about a controversial current event Low
Photos of an injury or accident High
Criticizing a private individual High

This table shows hypothetical scenarios and the odds of pending review. Abusive language and graphic content are more likely to be flagged than mainstream opinions and news.

Factors That Could Lead to Shadowbanning

Risk Factor Degree of Impact
Spamming Very High
Affiliate link overuse High
Automated liking/following High
Repeated hate speech Very High
Harassing individuals High
Ban evasion with new accounts Very High

Shadowbanning is when accounts have reach restricted through demotions vs a full removal. Spam and clear policy violations increase shadowban likelihood significantly.


In summary, pending review on Facebook is a necessary process to ensure content meets community standards, but can be frustrating if your posts get stuck in it often. Avoiding inflammatory language, nudity, harassment, and misinformation is key to prevent frequent reviews. Remain patient if it occurs and focus on positivity if possible. With over a billion users, Facebook has to be very cautious about what is allowed, even if their systems make mistakes at times.