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What does OBO mean on Facebook?

What does OBO mean on Facebook?

OBO is an acronym that stands for “On Behalf Of” on Facebook. It is used when someone wants to post something on another person’s Facebook page on their behalf.

What does On Behalf Of mean on Facebook?

On Behalf Of on Facebook means posting or commenting as another person with their consent. For example, if John wants to post a happy birthday wish on Jane’s Facebook wall but can’t access his account, he can ask a mutual friend to post it “on behalf of” him.

When someone posts or comments using the OBO feature, it shows up on the Facebook page as “Jane Doe via John Smith” or “John Smith on behalf of Jane Doe.” This indicates that the post was made by John with Jane’s permission.

When is OBO used on Facebook?

Here are some common situations when the On Behalf Of feature is used on Facebook:

  • Posting birthday or anniversary wishes on someone’s behalf
  • Sharing condolence messages if someone is grieving the loss of a loved one
  • Making announcements like new job, engagement, pregnancy, etc if asked by the person
  • Posting on behalf of celebrity fan pages or brand pages if you are an admin
  • Commenting on a post that you’ve been tagged in by a friend
  • Responding to messages directed at your page that you’ve been assigned to handle

The OBO feature allows people to participate in important conversations on Facebook when they can’t access the platform themselves. It facilitates posting important updates even when someone is unable to do it personally at that time.

How to use OBO on Facebook

Using On Behalf Of on Facebook is easy if you follow these steps:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of your Facebook page and select “Use Facebook As”
  2. Search for the name of the person you want to post as and click on their name
  3. A pop up will appear – click on “Confirm” to post as that person
  4. Write your post or comment as usual. It will appear as “[Your name] on behalf of [other person’s name]”
  5. When done, click on the down arrow again and select “Use Facebook As [Your name]” to switch back to your account

The person you are posting on behalf of will be able to see and moderate the content. You should always get consent before posting OBO.

Who can use OBO on Facebook?

Here are the requirements to be able to use On Behalf Of on Facebook:

  • You must be friends with the person on whose page you want to post
  • Both your account and their account must be authentic and in line with Facebook’s policies
  • Pages and groups allow OBO access to their admins and editors
  • You can only post on behalf of one person at a time

Unauthorized or improper use of OBO can result in banning of your Facebook account. Always take the permission of the person beforehand.

Pros and cons of OBO on Facebook

Posting On Behalf Of on Facebook has its advantages and disadvantages:


  • Allows posting important updates on someone’s behalf when they can’t access Facebook
  • Useful for managing social media presence of brands, celebrities, influential people
  • Admins of group pages can post announcements and respond to queries
  • Gives a feeling of personalized communication when used judiciously


  • Can be misused to post inappropriate content on someone’s page
  • Gives limited control to others over your social media presence
  • Overuse makes all communication look impersonal
  • Reduces authenticity if used without consent

Best practices for using OBO

To ensure proper use of On Behalf Of feature on Facebook, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Always take prior consent before posting OBO on someone’s page
  • For brands/celebs, have clear guidelines on tone, messaging, frequency
  • Monitor posts made by others on your page when using OBO
  • Switch back to your own account as soon as you are done posting OBO
  • Use OBO sparingly to maintain authenticity of communication
  • Be transparent and disclose OBO usage in sensitive situations


The On Behalf Of feature on Facebook enables posting and commenting by one person on another’s page with their consent. It is useful for sharing important updates when someone can’t access Facebook themselves. However, authenticity and transparency must be maintained through judicious usage and prior permission.

Following best practices around frequency, tone and disclosure of OBO usage will prevent misuse. With clear guidelines and monitoring, OBO can be leveraged responsibly to maintain social media presence and engagement.

Pros Cons
  • Allows posting important updates on someone’s behalf when they can’t access Facebook
  • Useful for managing social media presence of brands, celebrities, influential people
  • Admins of group pages can post announcements and respond to queries
  • Can be misused to post inappropriate content on someone’s page
  • Gives limited control to others over your social media presence
  • Overuse makes all communication look impersonal

Best Practices for Using OBO

  • Always take prior consent before posting OBO on someone’s page
  • For brands/celebs, have clear guidelines on tone, messaging, frequency
  • Monitor posts made by others on your page when using OBO
  • Use OBO sparingly to maintain authenticity of communication
  • Be transparent and disclose OBO usage in sensitive situations

Facebook’s On Behalf Of feature allows for convenient and timely updates when direct access isn’t possible. However, thoughtful usage while respecting consent and authenticity is key to preventing misuse. With clear guidelines and transparency about its application, OBO can become a valuable tool for individual users and organizations alike.

In summary, OBO on Facebook enables useful features like collaborative posting, but requires responsibility to maintain trust. The pros of wider engagement need to be balanced carefully against potential cons like impersonal communication. Overall, the feature is best leveraged strategically after ensuring proper permissions are in place.

Some key situational usages include: birthdays, condolences, announcements, fan/brand interactions and responding to tags. However, frequency and transparency must be balanced to sustain authenticity.

Going forward, Facebook may enhance OBO capabilities further for business/creator accounts. But preserving user consent and preventing misuse will be critical. With care, OBO can allow more seamless social media management at scale.

In conclusion, On Behalf Of on Facebook bridges access gaps for important updates but needs responsible usage. Prior permissions, strategic application and transparency around OBO post authorship will prevent misuse while allowing more collaborative social media engagement.

The On Behalf Of feature enables helpful use cases like posting for someone when they can’t access Facebook themselves. However, there are also risks like impersonal communication if used without consent or authenticity. Following best practices around permissions, tone, frequency and disclosure can prevent misuse while allowing OBO’s benefits.

Overall, OBO introduces useful capabilities for individual users and organizations through collaborative posting options. But preserving transparency and consent is crucial to maintain trust and sustain value. If applied strategically, OBO provides solutions for common social media engagement needs.

In summary, Facebook’s On Behalf Of feature enables useful collaborative posting in many situations but requires a responsible approach to prevent misuse. While offering benefits like timely updates, OBO also risks reduced authenticity and consent if applied carelessly. A balanced approach focused on transparency can allow realizing OBO’s advantages fully.