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What does my fb page look like?

What does my fb page look like?

Facebook pages allow individuals and businesses to establish an online presence and connect with others on the platform. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the biggest social network worldwide. Understanding what your Facebook page looks like to others provides valuable insight into how you are presenting yourself or your brand online. This includes the visual design, content shared, info displayed, overall user experience, and more. By evaluating your page, you can optimize it to achieve your goals on Facebook.

Profile Picture

Your profile picture is one of the first things people will notice on your Facebook page. It appears in the top left corner and next to any posts or comments you make. Your profile photo helps identify who you are and humanizes your presence. For personal accounts, use a clear headshot of yourself. This allows friends to recognize you. For business pages, feature your company logo or a product image. Ensure the photo is high quality and representative of your brand. Most profile pictures are square crops. You can upload images in other shapes, but Facebook will frame them within a square when displayed.

Cover Photo

The cover photo sits at the top of your Facebook page. It serves as the banner and backdrop behind your profile picture. This is valuable visual real estate to convey your personality or business offerings. Personal cover photos often include travel pictures, family photos, or background images relating to hobbies and interests. Company pages tend to use cover photos featuring products, employees, storefronts, or marketing graphics. Facebook cover dimensions are 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. Upload a high-quality image that looks good stretched across different desktop and mobile screens.

Page Info

The basic info on your Facebook page appears below the cover photo. This includes your name, category you are listed under, and number of likes/followers for the page. Make sure your name and category accurately reflect who you are or what your business does. The number of likes shows how many people follow your page and will see your content. More likes means greater reach and engagement. Consider running Facebook ads to get more likes if this number seems low.

About Section

The about section provides a space to share key details on your Facebook page. Personal profiles can give background on where you’re from, what you do, interests, contact info, relationship status, etc. Business pages should use this space to summarize what the company does, history, mission, contact info, and more. This helps visitors immediately learn about you or your brand when landing on your Facebook page. The about section also influences how your page appears in searches. Include relevant keywords related to your niche.

Featured Photos and Videos

Scrolling down your Facebook page, visitors will next see featured photos and videos you’ve shared. These are pulled and highlighted from your recent posts. The images and videos autoplay as people scroll, bringing your content to life. Curating engaging visual content is important on Facebook, so make sure what gets featured represents you or your business well. Post consistently, test different creative approaches, and analyze what gets the most interaction. This content is front and center on your page.

Posts Feed

The bulk of your Facebook page consists of the posts feed. This is where all your status updates, photos, videos, links, page updates, and other content appears in chronological order. Staying active and posting regularly is key for an appealing Facebook presence. Share a mixture of:

– Updates on your life/business.
– Links to interesting articles and resources.
– Photos from events, travels, products, etc.
– Videos that educate, entertain, inform, etc.
– Requests for feedback and engagement.
– Responses to comments and messages.
– Ads and promotions as needed.

Post content that aligns with your niche, personality, brand voice, and audience interests. Make use of Facebook features like live video, stories, events, polls, and more to diversify your feed.

Pinned Post

You have the option to pin one post to the top of your Facebook feed. This pinned post acts as a sticky feature that people always see first when visiting your page. Pinning evergreen content that introduces who you are and what you offer is effective. For example, pin an “about me” post on a personal profile or an overview of products and services on a business page. You can change the pinned post at any time to highlight important announcements.

Shop Section

If you have an online store connected to your Facebook page, a shop section will appear. This allows people to browse and purchase products right within Facebook. The shop showcases product photos, prices, descriptions, inventory status, and more. Visitors can filter products, view specifics, add items to their cart, and check out. Having an integrated Facebook shop makes it easy for people to discover and buy your products. Customize your shop’s look, product organization, checkout settings, and more.


On business Facebook pages, a reviews section shows ratings, testimonials, and feedback left by customers. Positive reviews build credibility and social proof. Satisfied customers can leave a 5-star rating and written review describing their experience. Respond to reviews thanking happy customers and addressing concerns from unsatisfied ones. Make improvements to strengthen the areas receiving negative feedback. Reviews influence whether people patronize businesses on Facebook.

Offers and Ads

Facebook offers and ads may appear on your page. Offers allow you to share deals, promotions, contests, and more. Create offers that provide incentives for people to engage with your page and content. Choose whether offers are always accessible or only available for a limited time. You can promote offers in ads and target them to specific audiences. Facebook advertising appears as sponsored posts in feeds. Ads help you reach more people, drive traffic, build awareness, and get results from various marketing objectives.


Facebook messaging allows people to contact you through your page. The messaging button is located below your cover photo. Anyone can tap this to open a messaging window and send you a private message. Respond to messenger inquiries and requests in a timely manner to provide good customer service. Messages may include questions, comments, support needs, or conversation starters. Be sure to check and engage with your Facebook messages regularly.

Page Customization

Take advantage of options to customize your Facebook presence. This includes:

– Adding a button for booking appointments, ordering food, contacting you, etc.
– Creating customer lists and segments to target specific groups.
– Using creatives like frames and stickers in Facebook Stories.
– Designing chatbots to automatically respond to messages.
– Installing a Facebook Pixel to track activity.
– Embedding a customized feed onto your website.

Personalize your page for the best user experience and to support your goals on Facebook. Select options that make sense for your needs and niche.

Insights and Analytics

Dive into the Facebook Insights and Page Analytics tabs to view detailed data on your page’s performance. This includes metrics on:

– When followers are online.
– Demographic data on your audience.
– Types of content getting engagement.
– Traffic sources driving visits.
– Post reach and impressions.
– Mentions and check-ins.
– Ad performance.

Analyze this data to optimize your Facebook presence. See when to post for maximum impact. Identify your top-performing content. Get to know your audience better. Understand traffic patterns and sources. ultimately, data from Insights helps guide your strategy.

Competitor Comparison

Research how competitors and leading brands use Facebook. Compare their page designs, content approach, special features, engagement levels, and more. This competitive analysis reveals what works well in your niche. Get ideas you can apply to stand out from competitors. Look to exceed their results and establish your authority. If certain pages have much higher engagement, study what those brand superfans love interacting with.

Cross-Platform Presence

Your Facebook page doesn’t exist in isolation. To present a cohesive brand, ensure your presence aligns across other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, your website, etc. Maintain consistent branding, messaging, visuals, tone of voice, and user experience. Allow visitors to move seamlessly between platforms. Adding links and integrating multi-channel tactics makes the customer journey easier. A unified strategy across marketing channels and touchpoints is crucial.

Optimization Checklist

Run through this checklist to optimize your Facebook presence:

– Engaging profile and cover photo.
– Clear name and category.
– Compelling about section.
– Consistent high-quality posts.
– Responsive to messages and comments.
– Clear CTAs and contact options.
– Tracks key metrics in Insights.
– Appealing visual design.
– Positive reviews featured.
– Advertising when needed.
– Aligned with other platforms.


Your Facebook page is central to your social media marketing and brand-building. Be thoughtful in designing a page that represents you or your business in the best light. Add visual elements, content, and features that speak to your target audience and industry. Analyze how visitors interact with your page and make ongoing improvements. Aim to inform and engage all who come to your Facebook presence. With optimization over time, your page can effectively achieve your digital marketing goals through this unmatched social media platform.