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What does my Facebook profile link look like?

What does my Facebook profile link look like?

A Facebook profile link allows you to access someone’s profile on Facebook directly through a web address. When you create a Facebook account, Facebook automatically generates a unique profile link for you. This link contains your username and allows people to visit your profile when they type it into their browser.

In this article, we’ll explore what a Facebook profile link looks like, how it’s generated, and how you can find and share your own link. We’ll also look at some best practices for customizing and using your profile link effectively.

What Does a Facebook Profile Link Look Like?

A default Facebook profile link has the following structure:

For example, if your username is “john.doe”, your profile link would be:

The link contains two main elements:

1. Base URL: This is always for standard Facebook profiles. This base URL will direct users to Facebook’s website.

2. Username: This is your unique username on Facebook. Your username is the text that comes after “.com/” in the link.

Usernames can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. But usernames cannot contain spaces or most special characters.

So in summary, a default Facebook profile link simply combines the base Facebook URL with your unique username.

How Are Facebook Profile Links Generated?

When you first create a Facebook account, you choose a username for your profile. Facebook then automatically generates a profile link for you using your new username.

Specifically, here is how it works:

1. Pick a Username: When creating your account, you’ll be prompted to choose a unique username for yourself. This is the name that identifies you on Facebook.

2. Facebook Generates Link: Once you complete signing up, Facebook will combine your new username with the base URL to create your profile link.

For example, if you choose “johnson88” as your username, Facebook would generate:

3. Link Stays the Same: This link will then remain unchanged as your default public profile link. Even if you later change your username, your original link will still direct to your profile.

So in summary, Facebook automatically generates your unique profile link when you first pick your username during account creation.

How to Find Your Facebook Profile Link

There are a couple easy ways to find your personal Facebook profile link:

1. Look in Profile Settings

To find your profile link in your account settings:

– Click the down arrow icon in the top right
– Select “Settings & Privacy”
– Go to the “Settings” tab
– Click “Profile” in the left sidebar
– Your profile link will be listed under the “Public Profile” section

2. Extract from Profile URL

When you’re already on your profile, you can extract your profile link:

– Go to your profile page
– Look at the URL in the address bar
– Your profile link will be everything after “”

For example, if your profile URL is:

Your profile link would just be:


So those are two easy ways to find and view your personal Facebook profile link.

How to Share Your Facebook Profile Link

Once you know your profile link, you can share it with others in a few ways:

– Copy and paste it: You can copy your full profile link and paste it into emails, chats, or documents to share with people. This allows them to simply click the link to access your profile.

– Add it to your other social media profiles: Include your Facebook link in your bio or contact info on sites like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This allows your followers on those platforms to also connect with you on Facebook.

– Share it on business cards or resumes: Adding your Facebook profile link to business cards or resumes gives people an easy way to view your Facebook page and connect with you.

– Promote it on your website or blog: You can include your Facebook profile link on your personal website, blog, or online portfolio to drive visitors to your page.

The key is to share your link anywhere you want to gain more Facebook connections, reach new audiences, and drive visitors to your profile.

Customizing Your Facebook Profile Link

While Facebook automatically generates your profile link, you do have some options for customizing it:

1. Change your username

You can change your Facebook username up to 5 times per year in your account settings. This will update your profile link.

Be sure your new username is:
– Unique – not already taken by another profile
– Memorable
– Professional if you use Facebook for business

2. Get a personalized URL (vanity URL)

Facebook allows you to create a custom personalized URL for your profile like:


This makes your link more memorable and brandable. You can request a vanity URL in your Facebook profile settings.

3. Use your name ID

If your name is taken, Facebook assigns you a name ID you can also use in your link instead of a username, like:

So in summary, while you can’t completely change your original profile link, you do have options like vanity URLs and name IDs to customize it.

Best Practices for Using Your Facebook Profile Link

Here are some best practices for leveraging your Facebook profile link effectively:

– Make it public: Keep your profile public so anyone with your link can view your Facebook page. A private profile requires sending friend requests first.

– Use it consistently: Always share the same profile link so it’s easy to memorize and find you. Don’t keep changing your username.

– Pick a good username: Choose a clean, professional username for branding purposes.

– Get a vanity URL: Consider a vanity URL or name ID that includes your real name or business name.

– Customize your profile: Make sure your Facebook profile is optimized to represent you in the best possible light.

– Share it widely: Promote your profile link across your website, social media, resume, and anywhere people might look for you online.

– Monitor your profile: Check your profile regularly and remove any unprofessional content. Stay on top of visitor comments and interactions.

Following these tips will help you maximize the impact of your Facebook profile link as part of your personal online presence.


Your Facebook profile link is the unique web address that leads directly to your Facebook profile. It is automatically generated when you first create your account, using your chosen username.

You can find your link in your profile settings, share it with others, and customize it to some degree with username changes or vanity URLs. Using your profile link strategically can help drive more traffic to your Facebook profile and grow your presence.

With an understanding of what your Facebook profile link looks like and how it works, you can better leverage it as part of managing your brand and connecting with others online. Just be sure to follow best practices in keeping your profile optimized and professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for a Facebook username when creating your profile?

Facebook user names can be between 5 and 50 characters long and can consist of letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. Usernames cannot contain spaces or special characters. Usernames also cannot already be in use by another profile.

Can you edit your Facebook profile link?

No, the original profile link generated when you create your account can not be edited directly. However, you can request a new customized vanity URL or change your username up to 5 times per year to update your profile link.

Does deactivating your Facebook account free up your username?

No, if you deactivate your account, your username remains reserved to your profile and cannot be claimed by another user. You would need to delete your account completely to free up the username.

Can you have multiple Facebook profile links?

No, each Facebook profile can only have one profile link associated with it. However, you can create multiple profiles tied to the same account and manage the links separately.

Why do some Facebook profile links use ID numbers instead of usernames?

If the username you want is taken, Facebook will assign your profile an ID number to use in the link instead. You can replace this with a vanity URL later if desired.

Example Facebook Profile Links

Here are some example profile links to illustrate their structure:

Default username link:

Link with name ID:

Customized vanity URL:

Page for business/brand:

Artist/musician fan page:

Sharing Your Facebook Profile Link

Here are some good places to share your Facebook profile link to maximize connections:

– Your website bio or “About” page
– Your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles
– Your email signature
– Business cards
– Online directory profiles
– Professional networking bios
– Online resumes/portfolios
– Band/musician promotional materials
– YouTube video descriptions
– Instagram bio

Tips for Customizing Your Profile Link

If you want to customize your profile link, here are some tips:

– Pick a username relevant to your name or brand
– Keep it simple and easy to remember
– Make it consistent across platforms
– Use your real name if promoting yourself professionally
– Add your business name or keywords for SEO
– Avoid numbers or hard-to-spell words
– Consider getting a vanity URL with your name

Best Practices for Your Profile Link

Here are some top tips for managing your profile link:

– Keep your profile public
– Share the link prominently
– Use it consistently over time
– Monitor comments and tags on your profile
– Remove inappropriate/unprofessional content
– Customize your link periodically if needed
– Respond to messages and requests
– Add context for who you are in your bio
– Update your profile photo and cover image
– Showcase your best posts and achievements