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What does memorializing a Facebook account do?

What does memorializing a Facebook account do?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized to protect their privacy and preserve their memory on the platform. Memorializing an account is intended to prevent unwanted access while still enabling friends and family to visit the profile and remember their loved one.

Overview of Memorialized Accounts

Memorializing an account essentially freezes the profile in time. Here are some key things to know about memorialized accounts on Facebook:

  • The word “Remembering” will appear next to the person’s name at the top of their profile.
  • Content the person shared remains visible, such as photos, posts, and friend list.
  • No one can log into a memorialized account.
  • Memorialized profiles do not appear in public places like the Suggestions sections of Facebook.
  • Friends can still post on the memorialized Timeline to remember their loved one.
  • Memorialized accounts cannot create new friend requests.
  • No new tags or posts to a memorialized account will appear in News Feed.
  • Memorialized accounts cannot be changed or altered in any way.

In essence, memorializing an account prevents anyone from logging in and making changes while still allowing the person’s memory to be honored on their profile.

Who Can Memorialize a Facebook Account?

Only certain people can submit a request to have an account memorialized on Facebook. They include:

  • An immediate family member of the deceased person.
  • Someone with power of attorney.
  • An executor of the estate.

These individuals will need to provide Facebook with documentation proving their relationship to the deceased before the memorialization request can be processed.

How to Memorialize a Facebook Account

If you need to memorialize someone’s Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form on Facebook and select “Request to Memorialize an Account.”
  2. Enter the name of the deceased person and their Facebook URL if you know it.
  3. Indicate your relationship to the deceased.
  4. Provide a link to an online obituary or news article reporting the death.
  5. Upload documentation proving your relationship such as a death certificate, power of attorney, birth certificate, etc.
  6. Click “Submit” and Facebook will review your request.

Once submitted, the memorialization process can take up to a few weeks as Facebook verifies your documents. You may need to provide additional information if anything is unclear in your initial request.

Differences From Deactivating an Account

Memorializing an account is very different from simply deactivating it. Here is a comparison:

Memorialized Account Deactivated Account
Profile remains visible Profile is hidden
“Remembering” added to name Name remains unchanged
Can’t log in but page stays active No one can log in or see page
Permanently frozen as-is Can be reactivated by user

As you can see, memorialization keeps the account visible but totally locked down, while deactivation temporarily hides the profile and can easily be undone.

What Happens When a Facebook Account Is Memorialized

Here are some of the key effects that take place when an account is memorialized:

  • The memorialized account will not appear in the People You May Know recommendations or as suggested friends.
  • Friends and family can still accept any pending friend requests sent by the memorialized account.
  • Friends can share memories on the memorialized Timeline.
  • Content the deceased person posted remains visible.
  • No one can log in to the account ever again.
  • New friend requests cannot be sent from the memorialized account.
  • Notifications and messages cannot be sent to others from the account.
  • No changes can be made to profile photos, cover images, or information.

Overall, memorialization aims to freeze the account in time as a place for loved ones to connect while protecting the deceased person’s privacy.

Can a Memorialized Account Be Deactivated or Reactivated?

Once an account is memorialized, it cannot be reactivated or deactivated. Memorialization is designed to be permanent in order to preserve the memory of the deceased person on Facebook.

However, if an account was memorialized by mistake, Facebook can undo the memorialization. Only the original memorializer can submit requests for undoing a memorialization if processed incorrectly.

For accounts that need to be taken down entirely, such as cases of abuse or criminal activity, Facebook can fully delete a memorialized profile upon valid requests.

What Happens to Facebook Messages of Memorialized Accounts?

When an account is memorialized, incoming messages can no longer be received, but previous conversations remain visible.

Friends and family will still see past messages with the deceased person and can even download a copy of the conversation history. But no new messages will ever be received going forward.

Can You Share a Deceased Person’s Posts or Tag Them?

For memorialized profiles, friends and family members can still tag the deceased person in any of their own posts or share the person’s original posts to remember them. However:

  • Tagged posts will not appear in the News Feed of the memorialized account.
  • Shared posts will show that they were originally posted by the memorialized account.
  • Friends will receive a notice indicating the account is memorialized if they try to tag it.

So while you can still interact with a memorialized account’s content, the account itself remains locked from making any new posts or actively engaging.

Can You Comment on a Memorialized Facebook Account?

Yes, friends and family can leave comments on the posts and photos shared on a memorialized Facebook profile.

These comments will be visible to others who visit the memorialized account as a way for people to share memories, thoughts, and condolences after their loved one has passed away.

Does a Memorialized Account Still Show Up in Search?

Memorialized Facebook accounts no longer appear in any public search features on Facebook:

  • They won’t show up in search bar lookups.
  • They won’t appear as suggested friends.
  • They won’t surface in People You May Know.

However, friends of the deceased person can still find and access the memorialized profile through search. Only public discovery features exclude memorialized accounts out of respect for privacy.

Can You Share Photos With a Memorialized Account?

Though memorialized accounts have limited functionality, you can still tag them in photo posts as a way to honor their memory.

When you tag a memorialized account in a photo, it will look like this:

[Your Name] with [Memorialized Person’s Name]

The deceased person will not receive a notification, as none can be sent to a memorialized account. But tagging them in photos can keep their memory alive on your own Timeline for friends and family to see.

How Do I Delete a Memorialized Account?

Memorialized Facebook accounts are intended to be permanent for memorial purposes. However, these are some cases where a memorialized profile could be deleted:

  • The original memorializer requests for Facebook to undo the memorialization.
  • Immediate family provides proof that the memorialized account was created fraudulently.
  • Law enforcement or other authorized parties report criminal, abusive, or otherwise violating behavior.

To request deletion of a memorialized account, you would need to contact Facebook directly. Unless there is a valid reason like those above, Facebook generally will not remove or deactivate a memorialized account.

Can a Page Be Memorialized on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook Pages can also be memorialized if needed. The process works similarly:

  • Submit a request form indicating you are an authorized representative of the Page.
  • Provide proof of death such as an obituary if it is a Page for an individual.
  • Facebook will memorialize the Page to preserve its memory while preventing unwanted access.

A memorialized Facebook Page will remain visible but office accounts will be removed and admin privileges revoked permanently.

Does Instagram Have Memorialized Accounts?

No, Instagram currently does not offer an official feature for memorializing accounts. However, Instagram will deactivate accounts upon valid requests to honor someone’s passing.

To request deactivation of an Instagram account, you would need to submit proof of authority over the account like a death certificate. Instagram may also remove accounts proven to be impersonating or intentionally misrepresenting someone who passed away.

What About Memorials on Other Social Platforms?

Here is an overview of memorialization options on other major social media sites:

Platform Memorialization Process
Twitter Submit deceased user’s ID and request account removal.
YouTube Report account for removal due to user death.
Reddit Report account sharing death certificate or obituary.
LinkedIn Close account via member support with documentation.
Pinterest Pin memorial note and deactivate related accounts.

So Facebook is quite unique in keeping memorialized profiles publicly visible and frozen as-is. Other platforms focus mainly on account removal or deactivation after a death.


Memorializing a Facebook account ensures the privacy of the deceased is protected while still keeping their memory alive online. It freezes a profile, prevents unwanted logins, but still allows friends and family tointeract with the account in remembrance.

Overall, memorialization provides a meaningful option for honoring someone’s social media legacy after they pass away.