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What does marked safe mean?

What does marked safe mean?

The phrase “marked safe” refers to the ability on Facebook for users to mark themselves as safe during dangerous events like natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and mass shootings. Here’s a quick overview of what it means to mark yourself safe on Facebook:

What Marking Yourself Safe Does

When a major crisis event occurs, Facebook activates a feature that allows users who are in the affected area to mark themselves as safe. This sends a notification to your Facebook friends list that you are out of harm’s way.

Marking yourself safe essentially lets your social network know that you’re okay and weren’t directly impacted by the incident. It helps provide peace of mind to your friends and family who may be concerned about your well-being.

How to Mark Yourself Safe

If you are near a crisis event and want to mark yourself safe, here are the steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device or access Facebook in a desktop browser
  2. Go to the Safety Check page. This is usually prominently displayed by Facebook when a major event occurs.
  3. Click the button that says “Mark Yourself Safe.”
  4. Select “Yes, I’m Safe” to confirm you’re not affected.

Once you complete these steps, a notification will be sent to your friends list that you marked yourself safe. The notification will include the name and location of the crisis event.

When the Safe Feature is Activated

Facebook activates the Safety Check feature and the ability to mark yourself safe during major disasters both natural and human-caused. This includes:

  • Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes
  • Terrorist attacks
  • Mass shootings
  • Industrial accidents
  • Disease outbreaks

Essentially any event that puts a large population in danger could trigger Facebook to allow users in the area to mark themselves safe. The company considers factors like the scale of the event, if there is a threat to life, and whether there is uncertainty about who has been impacted.

Who Can See You Marked Safe

When you mark yourself safe on Facebook, a notification is sent to:

  • Your entire friends list
  • The friends of friends who have visibility of your profile
  • Family members you are connected with

So anyone connected to you on Facebook will get an update that you are safe and sound. People who cannot see your profile will not get a notification.

Marking Others Safe

In addition to marking yourself safe, Facebook also allows you to mark friends and family as safe during a crisis event. This can be helpful to spread the word if you’ve been in contact with them and know they’re okay.

To mark someone else safe:

  1. Go to the Safety Check page
  2. Click “Mark As Safe” next to their name
  3. Confirm that they are safe

This will notify that person’s friends list that they are accounted for.

History of the Safe Feature

Facebook first debuted its Safety Check feature and the ability to mark yourself safe in 2014. It was first used during a major earthquake in Chile.

Since then, the feature has been activated for hundreds of crisis events around the world. Some major activations include:

  • 2015 Paris terror attacks
  • 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting
  • 2017 Las Vegas shooting
  • 2018 California wildfires
  • 2020 Beirut explosion
  • 2022 Ukraine war

The feature provides a way for people to instantly notify their social community if they are alright amidst chaos and uncertainty.


The Safety Check feature has generated some controversies and criticism over the years. Some of the main issues that have come up are:

  • Inconsistent activation: Facebook has been inconsistent at times about when Safety Check is activated, leading to complaints that some crises are ignored.
  • Spreading false information: Allowing users to post that they are safe when they are not actually in danger can potentially spread misinformation.
  • Privacy concerns: Some critics argue the tool reveals private information about users’ locations and situations without consent.
  • Making other crises seem less important: Activating Safety Check for some crises but not others makes it seem like Facebook deems certain events more important.

Despite these criticisms, the tool remains active as a way for people to reassure their social circles during emergencies.

The Takeaway

Marking yourself safe on Facebook during crises is a way to easily notify your social network that you are unharmed. The feature aims to provide peace of mind by sharing information instantly. It is activated for major disasters and attacks worldwide, allowing users in danger zones to check in with loved ones.