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What does limit activity mean on Facebook?

What does limit activity mean on Facebook?

Facebook’s limit activity feature allows users to restrict another user’s ability to interact with their profile and content. When a user’s activity is limited, they can still see your public information and posts, but their ability to interact is reduced.

What happens when you limit someone on Facebook?

Limiting someone on Facebook prevents them from:

  • Posting on your Profile
  • Commenting on your posts
  • Tagging you in photos or posts
  • Inviting you to events or groups
  • Starting a chat conversation with you
  • Reacting to your posts or seeing posts you’re tagged in

When you limit someone, you remain friends, but their ability to interact with you and your content is severely restricted. They will get a notification that lets them know their activity with you has been limited.

Why would you limit someone’s activity?

There are a few common reasons people choose to limit friends or connections on Facebook:

  • To reduce unwanted or excessive tagging by a friend
  • To stop a person from commenting on your posts or Messaging you
  • To avoid potential harassment or bullying from someone
  • To block an ex or someone you wish to avoid contact with
  • To temporarily pause interactions with an argumentative friend

Limiting is a gentler approach than unfriending or blocking someone completely. It allows you to restrict their access without fully cutting off contact.

How to limit someone’s activity on Facebook

Limiting a Facebook friend’s activity is easy to do through the desktop site or mobile app:

  1. Click the three dot “More” button next to their name
  2. Select “Limit [Name’s] Activity”
  3. Confirm that you want to limit this person

You can limit activity on both personal profiles and Facebook Pages that you manage. The process is the same.

Does the person know you limited them?

Yes, when you limit someone on Facebook they will get a notification alerting them. The notice doesn’t specify exactly what permissions were revoked, just that their ability to interact has been limited.

This prevents situations where a person doesn’t understand why you aren’t responding or acknowledging them online.

How does limiting work for Pages?

Limiting works the same way for Facebook Pages and personal profiles. As a Page admin or editor, you can limit any person who interacts with your Page.

This allows business owners and creators to restrict disruptive followers without fully blocking them. The person can still see public posts, but won’t be able to comment or message the Page directly.

Can you undo limiting someone?

Yes, limiting is reversible. If you change your mind, you can remove the limitation through the same process:

  1. Click the three dot “More” button by their name
  2. Select “Unlimit [Name’s] Activity”

This will restore their full access to interact with your profile or Page.

Does limiting remove them as a friend?

No, limiting activity does not unfriend the person. They will remain on your friends list even if you restrict their interactions.

You can still view their public posts and information. Limiting only restricts their access to your content, not vice versa.

Can limited people see everything you post?

It depends on your privacy settings. If you post publicly, a limited person can see and react to the post like anyone else.

However, if you post only to friends except acquaintances, close friends, etc, they will not see posts in their limited status.

What are the other options besides limiting?

Limiting provides a middle ground between blocking and unfriending. However, you have a few other options as well:

  • Unfollow – You remain friends but don’t see their posts in your feed
  • Acquaintances – Limits their access to only public posts
  • Unfriend – Removes the connection completely
  • Block – Stops them from finding you or contacting you on Facebook

Limiting activity is more restrictive than unfollowing or acquaintances, but less permanent than unfriending or blocking.

Can you limit someone who sent you a friend request?

No, you cannot limit someone who has sent you a friend request but is not yet connected to you. However, you can ignore or decline unwanted friend requests.

Limiting is only applicable to existing friends and connections on Facebook.


Limiting activity on Facebook provides a way to restrict a person’s interactions without fully disconnecting. It is reversible and gentler than blocking or unfriending. Use this feature to control unwelcome tagging, messaging, invites, and comments from friends or followers.