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What does it mean when you get a message from Facebook user?

What does it mean when you get a message from Facebook user?

Quick Answers

There are a few common reasons why you might receive a message from a Facebook user you don’t know:

  • They found you through a Facebook group or event you are both part of.
  • They want to connect with you for business or marketing purposes.
  • It’s a scam or spam message.
  • They accidentally messaged the wrong person.
  • They know you in real life but you don’t remember them.

Most messages from strangers on Facebook are harmless, but you should always be cautious in case it’s a scam or spam. Check the user’s profile and see if you have any friends or groups in common before responding. If you’re suspicious, you can ignore or delete the message.

Facebook Allows Strangers to Message You

Unlike some other social networks, Facebook allows any user to send a private message to any other user (unless you adjust your settings). This means you can get messages from complete strangers who have no connections to you.

There are a few ways strangers can find and message you on Facebook:

  • Searching your name or profile if you have a public profile.
  • Finding you through a Facebook group or event guest list if you’re both members.
  • Getting your contact info from a mutual friend.
  • Using your phone number or email if you have that info on your profile.

Facebook tries to limit spam and suspicious messages, but it’s impossible to prevent all unsolicited communications. So it’s common for users to receive messages out of the blue.

Reasons Strangers Message You on Facebook

There are many reasons an unfamiliar person may send you a Facebook message. Here are some of the most common:

They Want to Connect Over Shared Interests

If you’re both members of the same Facebook groups or events, another user may message you to connect over your shared interests or activities. For example, if you’re in a group for dog owners in your city, another member may reach out to chat about dogs. These messages are usually harmless friend requests.

They are Looking for Business Opportunities

Many Facebook users try to connect with strangers for business, marketing, or career networking purposes. For instance, an insurance salesperson may message you offering their services. Or a recruiter may contact you about job openings. While some of these messages come from legitimate businesses, others could be scams or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) schemes. Use caution if asked for money or to join a suspicious-sounding venture.

It’s a Romantic Overture

Some Facebook users message strangers in hopes of dating or romance. They may send flirty or complimentary messages to try and get your attention. Be wary, as some romance scammers pretend to be interested but ultimately want to trick you into sending money. Don’t give out personal info or agree to chat off Facebook without learning more about the person.

They are Mistaken

In some cases, you may get a message from someone who thinks they know you, but they’ve mixed you up with someone else who has a similar name. This can be due to searching for a common name or having you confused with another profile. Let them know politely that they have the wrong person.

It’s a Spam or Scam Attempt

Unfortunately, many strangers message Facebook users in an attempt to spam, scam, or phish for sensitive information. These messages may advertise shady products, ask you to donate to dubious causes, lure you to malware-laden websites, or try to steal your login info. Be very wary of unsolicited messages with sketchy links or requesting personal data.

They Know You in Real Life

You may get messaged by someone who knows you in real life but whom you don’t remember or recognize on Facebook. For example, a distant acquaintance from school or someone who met you briefly out socially. If the person jogs your memory, great. If not, ask how they know you or just ignore the message.

Wrong Number Situation

Very occasionally, you may receive a message intended for someone else entirely. Like a wrong number phone call, the sender typed in the wrong name or profile. Let them know they have contacted the wrong person so they can correct the mistake.

Should You Respond to Facebook Messages from Strangers?

There’s no definite yes or no answer for responding to strangers on Facebook. Here are some guidelines on when to reply:

  • If you have shared interests or connections, it may be fine to respond politely.
  • If it seems to be a business request or networking attempt, you can reply if you want.
  • Romantic messages are best ignored to avoid catfishing or giving false hope.
  • Obvious spam and scams should be deleted, not engaged.
  • If concerned, do some research before responding. Check their profile, friends, photos, etc.
  • When in doubt, it’s safest not to respond at all. You owe strangers nothing.

Use your best judgment based on the individual situation. Prioritize safety and don’t feel pressured to respond to anyone you’re uncomfortable with. You can also tighten Facebook privacy settings to limit messages from strangers.

How to Handle Unwanted Messages on Facebook

If you receive unwanted messages on Facebook, here are some ways to handle the situation:

  • Politely ask the sender not to message you again if it was well-intentioned.
  • Ignore or block the user so they can’t message you again.
  • Report spam, offensive, or harassing messages to Facebook.
  • Turn on message filtering under Settings > Messaging.
  • Limit messages to friends only in Settings > Messaging.
  • Delete sketchy messages instead of opening links or attachments.
  • Avoid giving personal info or engaging further with suspicious senders.

Immediately blocking and reporting suspicious users helps protect you and others in the Facebook community. You can also tighten your overall privacy settings to give fewer messaging abilities to strangers.

Red Flags to Watch for in Facebook Messages

While most messages from unfamiliar Facebook users are harmless, here are some red flags to watch for:

  • Messages from accounts with very little info or friends.
  • Profiles with stock images or stolen photos as profile pics.
  • Message requests to chat on other platforms like WhatsApp or Google Hangouts.
  • Offers that seem too good to be true or requests for money.
  • Sketchy links to unknown websites or downloads.
  • Messages pushing political or social causes.
  • Poor spelling and grammar or use of odd phrasing.
  • Discussion of inappropriate or illegal activities.

Use extra caution anytime a message sets off alarm bells or seems manipulative. Don’t hesitate to ignore or block the user. Legitimate connections won’t pressure you or hide behind anonymity. When in doubt, report it.

How to Adjust Facebook Privacy Settings

To limit messages from strangers on Facebook, check your privacy settings. Here are some to focus on:

  • Limit past posts visibility in Settings > Privacy > Limit Past Posts.
  • Restrict searchability under Settings > Privacy > How people find and contact you.
  • Disable message requests from people you don’t know in Settings > Messaging.
  • Limit who can see friends list, profile info, and posts in Settings > Privacy.
  • Block specific users who send unwanted messages.

The fewer visibility and searchability settings enabled, the more you reduce potential contact from unfamiliar people online. You can also limit friend requests and restrict messages to friends only.


Receiving the occasional message from a stranger is normal on Facebook. Stay cautious, but don’t panic. Check for shared connections and be skeptical of any shady links, offers, or requests for information. Only reply if you can verify the sender’s identity and intentions. If a message is clearly spam or a scam, report it and block the user right away. With good privacy settings and safety awareness, you can manage unknown contacts while still connecting with new people.

Common Questions

What should I do if a Facebook message asks for money?

Never send money to strangers who message you on Facebook requesting funds. This is almost always a scam. Ignore and block these users immediately. Legitimate fundraisers will come from recognized organizations, not individual accounts.

Is it safe to open links in Facebook messages?

Exercise extreme caution before clicking links in Facebook messages from unknown users. Verify the sender’s identity first. Links could lead to malware, compromising sites, or scams. When in doubt, delete the message with unverified links.

Are Facebook messages monitored for spam?

Facebook does monitor and filter messages for obvious spam using automated tools. But not all unwanted messages can be caught. You may still receive inappropriate or sketchy messages. Use reporting tools if you receive concerning communications.

Can I stop strangers from messaging me on Facebook?

You can reduce strangers messaging you by limiting your profile visibility in Settings > Privacy options. Under Messaging settings, you can also disable message requests from non-friends. But there’s no way to completely avoid all messages from people you don’t know.

What’s the best way to respond to unwanted Facebook messages?

Be polite but firm in asking the sender not to message you again. Or simply ignore and block them. Avoid engaging with offensive or manipulative messages. Use reporting options if the user harasses you or ignores requests to stop messaging.

Table Visualizing Data

Sender Profile Details Message Content Appropriate Response
Limited profile info and connections Request to chat privately off of Facebook Ignore and block user
Large friend network with many mutuals Invitation to connect for a business opportunity Politely reply if interested, or ignore
No profile photo, new account Message with suspicious link or attachment Delete, report as spam, block user
Stolen profile images, typing errors Romantic message proposing a relationship Ignore completely, likely a deception
Similar name to your real-life connections Claims to know you and sends greetings Ask for details like where they know you from

This table gives examples of assessing sender profiles, message content, and deciding how to appropriately respond.


Receiving messages on Facebook from people you don’t know can be puzzling and concerning. But in most cases, there is no need to panic. Evaluate the user’s profile, check for shared connections, and read the message carefully. Reply politely if appropriate, but ignore or block any suspicious users or content. Adjust your privacy settings to reduce unsolicited contacts as well. With caution and common sense, you can safely navigate unknown messages on Facebook. The platform connects people, which means sometimes interacting with strangers – but not all strangers have ill intent.