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What Does It Mean When Someone Is in Your Shortcuts on Facebook?

Having someone in your Facebook shortcuts simply means you have added that person to a list of contacts you frequently interact with on the platform. Adding contacts to your shortcuts allows you to quickly access their profiles and initiate conversations without having to search for them each time.

How Do Facebook Shortcuts Work?

facebook shortcuts screenshot

The shortcuts feature on Facebook allows you to pin your most frequent contacts to the top of your messages page. This makes it easy to start a new message thread or call that person without navigating away from your current page.

To add someone to your Facebook shortcuts:

  • Go to your messages page
  • Click on a conversation thread with that person
  • In the upper right corner, click “Add to Shortcuts”

Once added, the contact will appear in a shortcuts bar at the top of your messages page. You can start a new message or call by simply clicking on their name.

Why Would You Add Someone to Shortcuts?

phone in hand with facebook app openned on sreen

There are a few key reasons you may want to add a Facebook friend to your shortcuts list:

  • Frequent communication – You talk to them often via messaging or calls, so you want quick access.
  • Close friend or family – They are someone important you connect with regularly.
  • Coworker or classmate – You need to coordinate with them frequently for work or school.
  • Special interest – You share a specific interest or are collaborating on a project.

In general, Facebook shortcuts are for your main contacts you interact with routinely on the platform. Adding casual acquaintances or people you seldom speak to is less useful.

What Does It Mean to Them?

When you add someone to your Facebook shortcuts, it does not automatically add you to their shortcuts list. The connection only goes one way unless they also decide to add you as a shortcut on their account.

Some key things to note:

  • They will not be notified when you add them as a shortcut.
  • It does not send them a friend request or follow request.
  • They will not see that they are in your shortcuts.
  • It does not affect your visibility in their newsfeed or notifications.

So being in someone’s shortcuts does not directly impact your account or experience on Facebook in any way. It is simply a tool for the other person to streamline their most frequent conversations.

Removing Someone From Your Shortcuts

Over time, you may want to edit your Facebook shortcuts as your frequent contacts change. To remove someone from shortcuts:

  • Go to your messages page
  • Locate the person in your shortcuts bar
  • Hover over their name and click the “X” icon that appears

This will immediately remove them from your shortcuts. As mentioned, they will not be notified about this change.

Limits on Number of Shortcuts

Facebook allows you to pin up to nine contacts to your shortcuts bar. If you try to add more, you will be prompted to remove an existing shortcut.

So if you are already at the limit, remove unused shortcuts before adding new frequent contacts. The goal is to only pin those few vital people you engage with constantly via messaging and calls.

Using Shortcuts for Speed and Convenience

Overall, Facebook’s shortcuts feature provides a handy way to stay connected with your inner circle. By putting your very closest friends and family just one click away, you can speed up conversations and increase your overall connectivity on Facebook.

So if you find yourself frequently searching for the same people to message or call, consider adding them to shortcuts. Just be thoughtful about who you choose, as realistically you’ll only use this for your half dozen or so most active contacts.