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What does it mean when it says this person’s Dating profile is no longer available on Facebook?

What does it mean when it says this person’s Dating profile is no longer available on Facebook?

There are a few potential reasons why you may see a message saying someone’s dating profile is no longer available on Facebook:

  • The person deleted their dating profile
  • The person deactivated their Facebook account
  • Facebook removed the dating profile for violating their terms of service
  • There was a technical glitch or error that caused the profile to become unavailable

Facebook Dating launched in 2019 as a way for people to find and connect with potential romantic partners through Facebook. Users can create a separate dating profile within Facebook and match with other users who also have dating profiles.

If you get a message that someone’s dating profile is no longer available, it likely means something has changed with the status of their account or profile. Here is a more in-depth look at some of the reasons this can happen:

The person deleted their dating profile

One possibility is that the person decided to delete their Facebook Dating profile. This could be for a variety of reasons:

  • They found a partner and wanted to remove their dating profile
  • They were no longer interested in using Facebook Dating
  • They decided to try a different dating app instead
  • They wanted to take a break from online dating

When someone deletes their Facebook Dating profile, it is no longer visible to other users in the dating section. Other Facebook users who previously connected with that person through dating will see the “no longer available” message if they try to access the profile.

Deleting a dating profile removes it entirely but does not deactivate the person’s main Facebook account. They can sign back into Facebook normally even if they deleted their dating profile.

How to delete a Facebook Dating profile

To delete a Facebook Dating profile, users can:

  1. Go to their Facebook Dating profile
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines menu icon in the top right
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  4. Tap on “Delete Profile”
  5. Confirm that they want to delete their dating profile

Once deleted, the dating profile and all associated data is removed permanently. The person’s regular Facebook profile and account are not affected.

The person deactivated their Facebook account

Another possibility is that the person you were trying to view deactivated their entire Facebook account, which also removed their dating profile.

When someone deactivates their Facebook account, their profile is hidden until the account is reactivated. Others will see messaging that the profile is unavailable.

People may choose to deactivate their Facebook account for reasons like:

  • Taking a social media break
  • Privacy concerns
  • Too much time spent on Facebook
  • No longer finding Facebook useful
  • Too many notifications and distractions

With a deactivated account, the user can always reactivate it later by logging back in. Their profile information will reappear intact. Deactivating pauses the account rather than deleting.

However, while deactivated, the dating profile will also be hidden and inaccessible to others.

How to deactivate a Facebook account

To deactivate their Facebook account, a user can:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right and select “Settings”
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left column
  3. Select “Deactivation and Deletion”
  4. Choose “Deactivate Account” and follow the prompts

This will deactivate the account immediately, including access to Facebook Dating.

Facebook removed the dating profile

In some cases, Facebook may remove a dating profile because it violated their Facebook Dating Community Standards or Terms of Service.

Reasons a dating profile may be removed by Facebook include:

  • The profile contained inappropriate content
  • The user sent unwanted, offensive, or sexually explicit messages
  • The profile was fake or impersonating someone else
  • Underage users were detected on the dating service
  • The user was acting in a deceptive or fraudulent manner

Facebook monitors dating profiles and interactions to ensure people feel safe using the feature. If they detect any serious violations, Facebook can take actions like:

  • Removing the dating profile
  • Disabling Facebook Dating access
  • Restricting the person’s Facebook account
  • Banning the user from Facebook Dating or all of Facebook

So if a dating profile suddenly becomes unavailable, it may be because it was removed by Facebook for a terms violation. The person would need to appeal to Facebook directly if they want the profile reinstated.

There was a technical error

Less commonly, a Facebook Dating profile may show up as unavailable due to a technical glitch or bug. Facebook’s apps and features are powered by complex technical systems. Despite Facebook’s engineering teams, errors can still occasionally occur.

Some examples of technical issues that could potentially affect dating profile availability include:

  • A system outage or server disruption
  • A bug or error during a Facebook update
  • An issue connecting to the Facebook server
  • A problem loading data from databases
  • Corrupted caches or temporary files

In most cases, technical problems that affect profile visibility are temporary. Once Facebook resolves the issue on their end, the dating profiles typically become available again.

If a dating profile is showing up as unavailable persistently, it is less likely to be a technical problem. It may be one of the other reasons discussed above. But occasional outages can still occur and cause intermittent profile availability issues.

Troubleshooting tips if someone’s dating profile is unavailable

Here are some troubleshooting steps to try if you encounter a dating profile that says it is unavailable:

  1. Refresh the page – this may fix intermittent technical issues
  2. Log out and log back into Facebook – this clears cached data
  3. Check the person’s regular Facebook profile – if it is deactivated that explains the dating profile issue
  4. Check Facebook’s system status page for any known issues
  5. Ask the person if they recently deleted their dating profile or deactivated their account
  6. Report the problem to Facebook – this can help resolve technical bugs
  7. Try accessing the profile again later – temporary glitches may resolve over time

If the profile continues to be unavailable for an extended time, it likely means the profile was removed or deactivated by the user rather than a temporary technical problem.

What to do if someone deletes their Facebook Dating profile while you were messaging

It can certainly be disappointing if you connect with someone interesting on Facebook Dating, only for their profile to later disappear or become unavailable.

Here are some tips if you were messaging someone who ended up deleting their Facebook Dating profile:

  • Don’t take it personally. They may have deleted their dating profile for reasons that have nothing to do with you.
  • Check if their regular Facebook profile is still active. If so, you may be able to send them a message explaining you enjoyed chatting and see if they’d like to connect in another way.
  • Use any other contact details you have for them, like a phone number or email address, to follow up outside of Facebook.
  • Remember that online dating involves chance encounters. Don’t get too invested too quickly in a new match.
  • Take a positive mindset. Appreciate the fun conversation you did have and move forward knowing there are many other potential matches.

While sudden profile disappearances can be a bummer, try to keep things in perspective. Focus on meeting new people, having fun, and finding connections that last beyond just a quick dating app chat. With an open mindset, you’ll find the right match eventually.

How to reactivate a deactivated Facebook account

If you find your own Facebook dating profile is unavailable because you deactivated your account, reactivating it is straightforward:

  1. Go to and click “Log In”
  2. Enter your email and password to log into your account
  3. Facebook will reactivate your account automatically
  4. Once logged in, you can access Facebook Dating again as normal

After following these steps, your dating profile visibility will be restored so other users can see your profile again.

The process is the same if you had deactivated your Facebook account temporarily for a digital detox or other break. Just log back in anytime to reactive your account and dating profile.

Should you delete your Facebook Dating profile if you meet someone?

If you meet a romantic partner on Facebook Dating and decide to become exclusive, you may be wondering whether you should delete your dating profile. Here are some things to consider:

  • It can signal you are committed to the relationship and no longer looking.
  • It may make your partner more comfortable knowing your profile is gone.
  • Keeping an active profile may seem disrespectful to the relationship.
  • Deleting it frees you from notifications and removes temptation to swipe.

However, it also depends on your views as a couple:

  • Some partners are okay with keeping dating apps if both agree there is no ill intent.
  • You may see it as a way to keep options open in case the relationship ends.
  • Deleting it could signal an overly serious level of commitment.

There is no universally right or wrong choice. The key is discussing it with your partner and getting on the same page about expectations.

If you both agree to delete your dating profiles, it can be a symbolic fresh start to the relationship. But keeping them is not necessarily a sign of trouble if you are open about it.

Make the decision that feels right together based on your mutual values, trust, and communication style as a couple.

Pros and cons of deleting a Facebook Dating profile

If you are unsure whether to remove your Facebook Dating profile, here are some potential pros and cons to consider:


  • Lets you focus entirely on your new relationship
  • Prevents your partner from feeling worried or jealous
  • Stops temptation to chat with other matches
  • Frees up more time in your schedule
  • Removes a source of relationship conflict
  • Feels like a symbolic fresh start


  • Closes the door on other potential connections
  • May signal premature over-commitment
  • Makes reactivation harder if relationship ends
  • Reduce options if you are unsure about the relationship
  • Feels like a bigger step than you want to take yet

Overall, think about which choice aligns with your personal values and relationship style. There are good arguments on both sides. Discuss honestly with your partner and go with what feels right for you as a couple.


Seeing a “profile unavailable” message on Facebook Dating is usually nothing to worry about. In most cases, it simply means the person deleted their dating profile or deactivated their Facebook account temporarily. Less commonly, it could be due to the profile being removed for rule violations or technical issues.

Try troubleshooting steps like checking the person’s main profile status or asking them directly about what happened. If the issue persists, it is unlikely to be a technical glitch. Move forward knowing there are many other potential matches who will be excited to connect with you. With an open-minded and resilient approach, Facebook Dating can still be an enjoyable way to meet people online.