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What does it mean when it says someone is with someone on Facebook?

What does it mean when it says someone is with someone on Facebook?

Quick Answer

When it says someone is “with” someone else on Facebook, it means they are in a romantic relationship with that person. Facebook’s “with” designation indicates that two people have changed their relationship status to “In a Relationship” and have connected their profiles to reflect this. So if Jane’s profile says she’s “with” John, it means Jane and John are dating each other.

In-Depth Answer

Facebook’s relationship statuses allow users to share information about their romantic partnerships on their profiles. There are several different options:

  • Single
  • In a relationship
  • Engaged
  • Married
  • In a civil union
  • In a domestic partnership
  • In an open relationship
  • It’s complicated
  • Separated
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

When two people change their relationship status to “In a Relationship” on Facebook, they have the option to connect their profiles together. This results in their relationship being publicly displayed as “[Person 1] is with [Person 2]”.

For example, if Jane and John are dating, they can both change their relationship status to “In a Relationship”. Jane can then select the option to connect to John’s profile. This will make Jane’s profile show “Jane is with John” and John’s profile will show “John is with Jane”.

What it Indicates

Displaying the “with” designation on Facebook profiles signifies some key things about a couple’s relationship:

  • They are officially dating and in an exclusive romantic relationship
  • Both people have confirmed they are dating each other
  • They want their relationship to be publicly known on their Facebook profiles
  • They are proud to be associated with each other on social media

So essentially, the “with” label indicates a confirmed, public relationship on Facebook. It means both people are committed to each other and comfortable displaying their coupledom openly to their social networks.

Updating the Status

When a couple initially starts dating, they both have the options to send a relationship request to each other on Facebook. Once the request is accepted by both people, their profiles will display the “is with” title. They can also just change their own relationship status to “In a Relationship” and select to connect it to the other person.

If someone is cheating or dating multiple partners, they should be careful about connecting to others on Facebook, as this public declaration will be visible. The “with” title should only be used for committed, mutually agreed upon relationships.

To remove the “with” designation, either person can change their relationship status or disconnect their profiles. For example, if Jane and John break up, Jane can change her status to “Single” which will automatically unlink them. Or John can disconnect from Jane in the settings while leaving his status as “In a Relationship”.

When the “With” Status Is Missing

Sometimes two people are known to be in a relationship, but their Facebook profiles do not reflect the “with” title. There are a few possible reasons for this:

  • They are keeping the relationship private and do not want to declare it on Facebook yet.
  • One or both partners do not frequently use Facebook.
  • They are not officially “Facebook official” and haven’t connected their profiles.
  • They are on a break, separated, or broken up but still display “In a Relationship”.
  • One person’s profile is incorrect or not updated.

The absence of the “with” label does not necessarily mean a couple is not dating. They may have valid reasons for choosing not to connect their profiles. But if close friends know they are dating, seeing a missing “with” status can raise questions.

When to Ask About the Missing Status

Here are some appropriate times when it may be okay to ask someone about a missing Facebook relationship status:

  • You are in a close relationship with the person, like a family member or best friend.
  • You have heard from reliable sources that they are dating someone.
  • They frequently post photos or updates about their dating life.
  • They publicly act like a couple but their Facebook does not reflect that.

However, it is wise to avoid interrogating acquaintances or lesser friends about their missing “with” status on Facebook. This can come across as nosy or invasive. Keep these tips in mind when asking about someone’s potential relationship:

  • Be polite and respectful in your phrasing.
  • Say you do not mean to pry but were only curious or concerned.
  • Accept whatever answer they feel comfortable giving.
  • Do not pressure them to reveal anything they wish to keep private.

Other Ways Relationships Show on Facebook

While the “In a Relationship with [Name]” status is the clearest way couples can display their partnership on Facebook, there are other signs as well:

Profile Pictures

If two people have changed their profile picture to an image of them together, it likely means they are dating. Couples pictures are a common way of signaling a relationship without an explicit status change.

Tags and Mentions

People often tag their significant other in posts, pictures, and comments. Frequent tagging and mentions can be a sign of a romantic relationship. Terms of endearment like “baby” or “babe” are also suggestive.

Relationship Milestones

Major events like engagements, marriages, pregnancies, and anniversaries are commonly announced on Facebook. If two people share these types of milestones, that confirms they are a couple.

Shared Posts and Check-Ins

Couples frequently share social media posts about their dates, vacations, and activities together. Checking into the same business or location also indicates time spent together.

Relationship Evidence on Facebook What it Implies
Profile picture together Definite relationship sign
Romantic captions Dating or serious interest
Tagging each other In a relationship
Check-ins at restaurants/places Spending time together dating
Major milestone announcements Committed long-term relationship

Asking Someone About Their Relationship

If you notice confusing or contradictory signs about someone’s relationship status on Facebook, you may want to gently inquire with them. Here are some polite ways to ask:

  • “I couldn’t help but notice [signs on Facebook]. I don’t mean to pry, but are you and [name] dating?”
  • “Just wondering if you and [name] are together? You seem so happy in your pictures.”
  • “Are congratulations in order for you and [name]?”
  • “I’m a bit confused, since your Facebook says you’re single. But are you seeing anyone these days?”

When asking about a suspected relationship, remember to:

  • Have a kind, friendly tone.
  • Avoid sounding accusatory.
  • Respect their privacy if they seem uncomfortable.
  • Clarify you have their best interests at heart.
  • Don’t spread rumors if the status is uncertain.


When someone’s Facebook profile displays they are “in a relationship with” or “with” another person, it signifies they are officially dating. This public declaration means they are an exclusive couple and comfortable announcing their partnership online. However, the absence of the “with” status does not automatically mean two people are not together. While Facebook relationships statuses can be a helpful indicator, the best approach is to respectfully ask the person to learn the facts about their dating situation.