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What does it mean when Facebook says they re taking down your content?

What does it mean when Facebook says they re taking down your content?

Facebook taking down your content can be concerning and frustrating, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your account is in jeopardy. There are a few key reasons Facebook may remove a post, photo, video or other content:

Violating Facebook’s Community Standards

The most common reason behind Facebook taking down content is that it goes against their Community Standards. These standards outline what types of content are and aren’t allowed on Facebook. Some of the main things they prohibit include:

  • Nudity/sexual activity
  • Hate speech
  • Graphic violence
  • Bullying/harassment
  • Terrorist propaganda
  • Misinformation

If you post something that fits into one of these categories, Facebook will likely remove it. They have algorithms that automatically detect violations, in addition to user reports. So if you get a notice about removed content, check whether it aligns with one of Facebook’s rules.

Copyright Violations

Facebook also cracks down on copyright violations and unauthorized use of others’ content. For example, if you share a news article in full or a YouTube video you didn’t create, it may get taken down. The platform has automated systems that scan for copyrighted material. Brands and publishers also actively monitor and report violations.

Algo Mistakes

In some cases, Facebook’s algorithms mess up and flag content that doesn’t actually violate policies. For example, an innocent photo getting marked as inappropriate. If you think this is the case, you can appeal the decision and humans will review it. But mistakes aren’t super common these days as the tech has improved.

What Happens When Your Content Gets Removed

Here are some key things to know about the process when Facebook takes down your posts, pics, videos, etc:

You’ll Get a Notification

Facebook will send you a notification telling you content has been removed. This will specify what content is gone and give a basic reason why, such as going against the nudity policies.

The Content Will No Longer Appear

Once Facebook takes something down, no one else will be able to see or access it. It’s important to note that any shares or links to that content will also stop working.

You Can Appeal the Decision

If you think there’s been a mistake, you can kick off an appeals process. You’ll see options to do this in the notification. An actual human being will then review the content again and decide whether to reinstate it.

It Doesn’t Directly Lead to Bigger Penalties

Having one piece of content removed isn’t going to automatically get your whole account shut down. Facebook uses a “strikes” system for enforcing their policies. But a single violation doesn’t result in a strike most of the time. Those are reserved for more serious or repeat offenses.

Why Facebook Removes Content

Facebook has several incentives to be strict about taking down content that violates their rules:

Maintaining a Safe Environment

First and foremost, Facebook wants to keep people safe and comfortable when using the platform. Allowing threatening, dangerous or harassing material to proliferate goes against that goal. Taking a hard line shows they care about user well-being.

Adverting Brand Safety

Facebook generates virtually all its revenue from advertising. Brands don’t want their ads next to offensive or controversial content. Strict content policies help Facebook assure brands their ads are “safe.”

Avoiding Controversy

Facebook gets a lot of public criticism when harmful content spreads on their platform. By enforcing their policies aggressively, they limit incidents that could fuel controversies.

Complying with Regulations

Governments are passing more laws regulating social media content. Adhering to local rules in different countries is crucial for Facebook’s global operations. Proactive removals help them stay on the right side of regulations.

Appealing Content Removal

If you believe Facebook made a mistake by taking down your content, you can appeal the decision through these steps:

Find the Notification

Locate the notification Facebook sent about removing your content. You can find it in your email inbox or notifications within Facebook.

Click “Request Review”

In the notification, there will be a button or link to “Request Review.” Click this to kick off your appeal.

Explain Your Rationale

You’ll now have a chance to explain why you think the content removal was unwarranted. Be thoughtful in making your case.

Wait for a Ruling

A Facebook staffer will re-review your content and make a ruling in your case. This can take anywhere from a day to a week.

Comply with the Final Decision

If your appeal is denied, accept that decision and move on. Arguing further rarely helps. But you can appeal again if future content is removed.

Avoiding Content Removal

Here are some tips to reduce the chances of having your Facebook posts, photos or videos taken down:

  • Familiarize yourself with the platform’s rules and standards.
  • Avoid posting illegal, graphic or threatening content.
  • Make sure you have the right to share others’ content.
  • Use common sense – if it seems questionable, it probably violates the rules.
  • Review your old content and delete anything that breaks policies.

While Facebook’s content moderation isn’t perfect, understanding their policies and processes can help prevent frustration on both sides.

What Happens if You Get Content Removed Repeatedly?

If Facebook takes down your content repeatedly, more serious repercussions can follow:

Strikes on Your Account

As mentioned, multiple content removals may result in “strikes” where Facebook formally warns you about community standards violations.

Reach Restrictions

3 or more strikes in 90 days can trigger “reach restrictions.” This limits how many people see your posts for a period of time.

Disabled Accounts

With enough strikes or violations, Facebook may outright disable your account. This takes a lot of offenses though.

Legal Action

In cases of serious illegal behavior like child abuse imagery or terrorist content, removals can lead to criminal charges.

So tread carefully if your content keeps getting taken down. While an occasional post removal is no big deal, repeated offenses cross into account jeopardy territory.

Content Removal Frequency Statistics

To provide some helpful context, here are statistics on how often Facebook takes action against content that goes against their standards:

Time Period Content Actions
Oct – Dec 2019 35 million
Jan – Mar 2020 9.6 million
Apr – Jun 2020 22.5 million
Jul – Sep 2020 19.2 million
Oct – Dec 2020 31.5 million

You can see the numbers fluctuate quarter to quarter based on world events, viral content trends, and other factors. But Facebook consistently takes action against millions of posts, photos, videos, etc in violation of their rules. This underscores the importance of being aware of their content policies.


Facebook removing your content can be annoying, but it’s something most users deal with occasionally. It doesn’t necessarily indicate your account is at risk. Just be cognizant of Facebook’s guidelines, appeal unwarranted takedowns, and avoid posting problematic material too frequently. With some prudence and understanding of the process, you can manage instances of content removal without too much stress or impact on your experience using Facebook.