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What does it mean when Facebook removes content?

What does it mean when Facebook removes content?

Facebook removes content for a variety of reasons, but the main goal is to keep the platform safe and promote authentic communication. When content is removed, it means it violated one of Facebook’s Community Standards or other policies. Some of the most common reasons content gets removed include:

Hate Speech or Bullying

Facebook does not allow hate speech, bullying, or harassment on the platform. This includes content that directly attacks or threatens people based on protected characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or serious disability. If you post something that dehumanizes, demeans, or encourages violence against others, it will likely get removed.

Graphic Violence

Graphic images depicting violence, such as people getting physically hurt, are not allowed on Facebook. This includes photographs or videos showing blood, bruises, or other injuries in disturbing detail. Exceptions may be made for graphic content that is newsworthy or serves an educational, documentary, or scientific purpose. But in general, viscerally depicts harm against people or animals crosses the line.

Adult Nudity or Sexual Activity

Facebook restricts sexually explicit content, including photographic nudity, drawings, digital creations, and even some images of female nipples. Revealing clothing and tight garments are generally allowed, but images focusing on genitals and visible anus are prohibited. Descriptions of sexual acts that go into vivid detail will also often get removed. The intent is to prevent the sharing of content that facilitates sexual exploitation.

False News

Facebook works to limit the spread of false news on the platform. This includes misinformation, conspiracy theories, manipulated photos or videos, and hoaxes purposely intended to mislead readers. Pages, groups and accounts that repeatedly share false news may be removed altogether. The focus is on clear hoaxes rather than mistakes, disagreements about facts or partisan content.

Unauthorized Sales of Regulated Goods

Facebook prohibits attempts to purchase, sell, trade, gift, request or donate certain goods or services that require legal oversight. This includes firearms, ammunition, explosives, drugs, and health products that have not been approved by the appropriate regulatory authority. For example, a post trying to sell prescription opioids would go against the Community Standards.


Repetitive unwanted content is classified as spam on Facebook. This includes posting identical or nearly identical comments multiple times, sharing the same post over and over, sending a flurry of friend requests or messages, and other excessive behaviors that clutter up the experience for others. Spamming the platform may result in content removal or account suspension.

Rights Violation

Facebook respects intellectual property rights and removes content that infringes on them. Common examples include sharing copies of copyrighted content like movies, TV shows or music and impersonating brands with unauthorized pages or profiles. Trademark infringement and patent violations are also addressed. Rights holders can report violations to have infringing content removed.

When Content Gets Removed

There are a few ways that content removal on Facebook typically happens:

User Reports

Facebook relies heavily on users reporting content that appears to violate policies. There are options to report specific pieces of content, as well as entire profiles, pages, groups, or events. Millions of reports come in per day, signaling issues.

Proactive Detection

Facebook uses artificial intelligence such as image matching and text analysis to identify policy-breaking content proactively. Machine learning helps find prohibited content and automated systems can delete most violent graphic content at the time of upload.

Government Requests

In some cases, government authorities formally request the removal of content that violates local laws. Facebook thoroughly reviews these requests and complies if the content does indeed go against standards. Users are notified when content gets removed due to a legal request.

Court Orders

Courts may at times order Facebook to remove content if it determines there are adequate legal grounds to do so. This is relatively rare, and Facebook scrutinizes court orders to ensure proper procedure is followed. Legal due process must be observed for content to get restricted this way.

Internal Escalations

Facebook has teams that handle content escalations and make judgments calls on borderline content that may or may not violate policies. If reviewers determine that it crosses the line, they will remove it even without a report. Similarly, appeals can result in content getting restored if it was improperly taken down.

What Happens When Content Is Removed

Here’s what you need to know about what happens behind the scenes when Facebook deletes content:

It Gets Added to a Database

Every piece of content deleted from Facebook gets cataloged in an internal database. This allows the platform to “remember” content already removed for policy violations so it can’t simply be reposted to try and get around moderation. The database also helps identify bad actors.

The Poster Gets Notified

Whenever content gets removed, the person who posted it gets notified through an alert on Facebook stating that it was taken down for violating Community Standards. They are given the option to request a review if they think it was removed by mistake.

It Can No Longer Be Seen

Once content is removed from Facebook, it immediately becomes inaccessible to others on the platform. However, it may still exist in external sites if someone saved or re-shared it before moderators took it down. So removing it stops further spread but cannot undo it.

Associated Data is Preserved

Even though the content itself disappears, Facebook still retains data about it for tracking purposes. This includes when it was posted, by whom, some attributes about it, how many views it had, etc. Aggregated data helps Facebook identify trends.

It May Result in Account Restrictions

If someone repeatedly posts content that gets removed for policy violations, Facebook may impose restrictions on their account such as temporary posting bans or permanent deletion. Pages, groups and events can also be deleted if they are dedicated to prohibited activity.

How to Appeal Content Removal

If you believe Facebook incorrectly removed your content, you can request a review in the following ways:

Use the In-App Appeals Process

When you get a notification that your content was taken down, it will come with an option to “Request Review.” Simply click that and then select a reason why you think the content shouldn’t have been removed. This kicks off Facebook’s appeals process.

Appeal Through the Help Center

If you don’t have the in-app appeals option for some reason, you can manually submit an appeal by contacting Facebook’s Help Center and filling out a form explaining the situation. This lets you make your case.

Provide Additional Context

One way to get content restored on appeal is providing context that shows the content was misinterpreted and actually does not violate policies. Give thoughtful explanations of how the content is appropriate and meets standards. New context can help reviewers make the right call.

Fix Any Policy Violations

In some cases, content gets removed because it genuinely does violate Facebook’s rules. If you want to successfully appeal, first edit the content to fix any policy breaches before asking for review. For example, remove graphic imagery or hate speech from a post before appealing its removal.

Avoiding Content Removal

Here are some tips to reduce the likelihood of having your content removed from Facebook:

Familiarize Yourself with Policies

Know what types of content are prohibited by reading Facebook’s Community Standards and other guidelines. Having a solid understanding of the rules will help you avoid inadvertent violations in your own posting.

Avoid Controversial Topics

Some subjects like hate groups, pornography, and violent ideologies are basically incompatible with Facebook’s rules. It’s best to just steer clear of these sensitive areas altogether when posting or commenting.

Be Careful When Using Images

Graphic, sexual, or disturbing photographs and videos often get flagged by moderators. Even if you feel visuals have social value, remember the content standards and try to exercise caution when posting them.

Don’t Engage with Prohibited Content

Interacting with posts that violate policies, like hate speech or harassment, can also get your account into trouble. Report objectionable content instead of liking, commenting, or sharing it.

Review Rejected Ads

Marketers sometimes do not realize their ads contain prohibited elements until Facebook rejects the ads for trying to run them. Closely review any ads that get turned down to identify necessary changes.


Facebook removing content means that it violated either the platform’s Community Standards, other policies, or in some cases local laws. Some common reasons content gets removed include hate speech, graphic violence, nudity, false news, unauthorized sales, spam, and rights violations. Both users and automated systems identify policy-breaking posts, photos, videos, and other media. When content gets removed, it gets added to a deletion database, the original poster is notified, it becomes inaccessible on Facebook’s platform, and the associated data is retained for tracking purposes. Content removals can result in account restrictions for repeat offenders. Those who think their content was incorrectly removed can appeal the decision and request human review. Understanding Facebook’s rules and avoiding controversial topics can help reduce the likelihood of content takedowns happening in the first place.