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What does it mean when Facebook Messenger says sending?

What does it mean when Facebook Messenger says sending?

When you send a message on Facebook Messenger and it says “Sending” under the message, it simply means that the message is in the process of being sent and has not yet been delivered to the recipient. There are a few common reasons why you may see a message get stuck on “Sending”:

Poor Internet Connection

The most likely reason a Facebook message gets stuck on “Sending” is because of a poor or unstable internet connection. Facebook Messenger requires an internet connection to send and receive messages. If your connection drops while the message is transmitting, it can fail to send properly and get stuck in a sending state.

Here are some tips if you think a poor internet connection is to blame:

  • Wait a few minutes and check if the message sends after your connection improves
  • Toggle airplane mode on and off to reset your network connection
  • Connect to a different WiFi network or use mobile data
  • Restart your phone

Recipient Unavailable

Another possibility is that the recipient’s Facebook server is temporarily unavailable. Facebook’s servers manage the delivery of messages between users. If the recipient’s server is down for maintenance or experiencing an outage, your message may fail to send.

You can try the following if you believe the recipient’s server is unavailable:

  • Wait and retry sending the message later
  • Check if the recipient can receive messages from other contacts
  • Make sure the recipient has an active internet connection
  • Ask the recipient to restart their device and reconnect to the internet

Messaging Glitch

In some cases, a glitch in the Facebook messaging system itself could cause your message to get stuck on “Sending.” Bugs in the software can sometimes interrupt the sending process. If you can’t identify any internet connection or server availability issues, a bug may be the culprit.

Here are some troubleshooting tips for potential messaging glitches:

  • Force close and restart the Facebook Messenger app
  • Update Facebook Messenger to the latest version
  • Try sending from a different device or platform like desktop
  • Report the issue to Facebook through feedback options in the app

Account Restrictions

If your Facebook account has been restricted for some reason, it can block your ability to send messages. Your account may be temporarily suspended from messaging if you violated Facebook’s terms of service. Restrictions are also possible if your account was compromised or reported for suspicious activity.

To resolve account restrictions:

  • Check your account settings for any alerts about restrictions
  • Contact Facebook support if your access appears to be limited
  • Request a review of the restriction by providing additional information

Recipient Privacy Settings

The recipient’s own privacy settings or blocked contacts list could also stop your message from being delivered. If they have turned off messaging capabilities or blocked your profile, your messages will fail to send to them.

To troubleshoot recipient restrictions:

  • Ask the recipient if they have your profile blocked
  • Check if the recipient has messaging disabled for their account
  • Try messaging the recipient from a different profile

Large Attachment File Size

If you’re trying to send a message with a very large attachment like a high-resolution photo or video, it may have difficulty sending. Facebook puts a cap on the size of attachments, so oversized files can get stuck in a sending state.

Solutions include:

  • Use file compression to reduce the size of attachments
  • Send large files through a file hosting service instead
  • Break up the content into smaller attachments
  • Stick to smaller files under 25MB when possible

Message Expiration

Facebook Messenger allows users to send expiring messages that disappear after a set amount of time. If the expiration occurs before your recipient has a chance to view it, your message may display as “Sent” on your end but fail to be delivered.

To avoid issues with expiring messages:

  • Set longer expiration time limits
  • Tell recipients to check for expiring content promptly
  • Disable the expiring message option if needed

Blocked Words

Facebook filters out messages that contain blocked words or spam content. If your message contains prohibited words or links, Facebook may block it from being delivered.

Tips for avoiding blocked word issues:

  • Review Facebook’s list of blocked words and avoid them
  • If you received a warning, modify your message content
  • Appeal the blocking if you believe it was in error


Messages that get stuck with a “Sending” status on Facebook Messenger are usually the result of a temporary technical issue and not a long-term problem. Give it some time and try the troubleshooting tips outlined above to get your important messages delivered. If the problem persists for more than a few hours, you may need to report the issue to Facebook for additional support.