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What does it mean when a Facebook message is sent but not delivered?

What does it mean when a Facebook message is sent but not delivered?

Quick Answer

There are a few potential reasons why a Facebook message may show as sent but not delivered:

  • The recipient’s inbox is full. Facebook has a limit on how many unread messages a user can have, so new messages may not be delivered until the recipient clears some space.
  • The recipient has the sender blocked. If someone blocks you on Facebook, any messages you send them will show as sent on your end but will not be delivered.
  • The recipient has messaging turned off. Users can disable messaging in their Facebook settings, which would prevent delivery.
  • There’s a temporary technical issue. Sometimes a glitch prevents messages from going through. Usually the issue resolves itself eventually.

So in summary, sent but not delivered usually means the message didn’t reach the intended recipient due to their settings or inbox space, not because of an issue on the sender’s end. The sender may want to follow up in another way if the message is important.

Understanding Why a Facebook Message May Not Be Delivered

Facebook’s messaging system is generally reliable, but occasionally users will run into issues where a message is sent but never shows as delivered or read by the recipient. There are a few main reasons this can happen:

The Recipient’s Message Inbox is Full

Facebook places a limit on the number of unread messages any user can have in their inbox at one time, which is currently 5,000 unread messages. When this limit is reached, any new messages sent to that person will still show as sent on the sender’s side, but will not actually be delivered until the recipient clears out some of those unread messages. The recipient won’t see the new messages until they get under the cap.

The Sender is Blocked by the Recipient

If someone has blocked you on Facebook, any messages you attempt to send them will indicate they were sent successfully on your end, but the blocked user will never see them. Messages sent to blocked users will remain in a pending state forever, unless the sender is unblocked.

The Recipient Has Messaging Turned Off

Under the Settings menu, Facebook users have the option to disable messaging. When this is turned off, users will not receive any messages until they re-enable messaging capabilities. Senders will see the messages as sent even though they were not delivered.

Technical Issues Are Preventing Delivery

In some cases, a temporary technical problem may arise that prevents Facebook messages from going through. This could be an issue on Facebook’s servers, an internet connectivity problem on the recipient’s end, or another technical glitch. Usually the issue will clear up on its own eventually. If a message remains stuck on sent for an extended time, it may be due to a lingering technical problem.

Troubleshooting Tips for Sent But Not Delivered Messages

When you notice a Facebook message is not being delivered as expected, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take:

Check if the Recipient’s Inbox Is Full

If you suspect the recipient has reached the 5,000 message cap, gently ask if they can clear out some messages so new ones can get through. It’s a good idea for users to routinely delete old chats.

See If the User Blocked You

You can check if you’ve been blocked by trying to view the recipient’s profile from your account. If it says “content unavailable” or you can’t find their profile, they likely have you blocked.

Ask the Recipient to Check Their Message Settings

Politely ask if the recipient can confirm that messaging is enabled in their account settings. If they have it turned off, messages will be blocked.

Try Sending From a Different Account

If you have another Facebook account, attempt to message the recipient from that other account. If it goes through normally, the issue is likely on the recipient’s end.

Use an Alternative Contact Method

Consider reaching out to the recipient through another means like email, phone, or mutual friends. This can help confirm if they are having general account issues.

Wait and Resend the Message Later

If the issue appears to be temporary, wait a while and resend the message. Technical problems usually resolve on their own over time.

What to Do if a Message Won’t Send

Here are some tips on steps to take when your Facebook message won’t send at all:

Check Your Internet Connection

Make sure you have a stable internet connection on your device. Try switching wi-fi networks or use mobile data instead. Connection issues can prevent sending.

Restart the Facebook App or Browser

Close out of the Facebook app or browser entirely and restart it. This can clear out minor glitches.

Update the Facebook App

If you’re on an older version of the Facebook app, updating it to the latest release may help resolve send issues. Install the most current updates.

Log Out and Back In

Fully logging out of Facebook and then logging back in can sometimes reset minor technical problems that prevent messaging capabilities.

Clear the App Cache and Data

On mobile devices, clearing the Facebook app’s cache and data can wipe out corrupted files that may be causing issues sending messages.

Check if Facebook is Having Technical Issues

Check Facebook’s server status page or Downdetector to see if others are reporting widespread service issues. Global outages will prevent messaging.

Switch Browsers or Devices

Try sending your message using a different web browser or device altogether. This can help you determine where the issue originates.

When the Issue Persists Without Resolution

If you still can’t send a Facebook message after exhaustive troubleshooting, here are some last resorts:

Report the Issue to Facebook

Use Facebook’s help pages to report your persistent send issue. The Facebook team may be able to resolve it if there is a complex technical issue preventing messaging that they need to investigate.

Temporarily Disable and Reactivate Your Account

As a last ditch effort, disabling and then reactivating your Facebook account can essentially reset it and may resolve odd technical issues. Only do this if nothing else has worked.

Contact the Recipient Through Other Means

If the messaging problems appear isolated to just that one recipient, it may be an issue on their end. Reach out to them through another communication channel like email or phone until the problem is fixed.

Preventing Facebook Message Issues

Here are some tips to avoid message delivery issues on Facebook:

  • Frequently clear out old conversations to prevent your inbox from getting full
  • Adjust privacy settings so only friends can message you
  • Be cautious about blocking users unless necessary
  • Keep messaging enabled in your account settings
  • Update the app and keep your device software current
  • Use a reliable internet connection when messaging
  • Don’t try to send spam or too many messages at once

Following these best practices will reduce the chances of running into Facebook message failures.


Messages on Facebook showing as sent but not delivered are usually the result of an issue on the recipient’s end, not the sender’s account. Full inboxes, being blocked, disabled messaging, and technical problems are common reasons preventing delivery. Senders can troubleshoot by checking settings, trying other contact methods, waiting and resending, or reporting persistent issues to Facebook. Good messaging hygiene like clearing old chats can help avoid problems.