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What does it mean to post friends except on Facebook?

What does it mean to post friends except on Facebook?

In the age of social media, the concept of “posting friends” has become synonymous with sharing on platforms like Facebook. However, the idea of posting friends goes far beyond just social media, and has many implications in the digital world.

What does it mean to “post” something?

Posting refers to publishing content online where others can view it. This includes text, photos, videos, and any other media that is uploaded to a website or app. When you post something on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, you are making that content visible to your friends/followers and the public (depending on your privacy settings).

Posting serves several purposes:

  • Sharing your thoughts, experiences, interests, and life updates
  • Interacting with your friends and expanding your social connections
  • Entertaining others or spreading information
  • Promoting brands, businesses, causes, events, etc

The act of posting content helps create social engagement and encourages reactions and conversations around the things you share online.

Who are your “friends” on social media?

On platforms like Facebook, your friends are other users who you connect and share content with. Friends on social media usually fall into a few categories:

  • Real life friends and family
  • Acquaintances like coworkers, classmates, distant relatives
  • Online connections that you may or may not know in person
  • People you follow for entertainment or information
  • Businesses, brands, celebrities, influencers, and public figures

Having “friends” on social media provides a built-in audience for your posts. It allows you to easily distribute content to people in your social circles and interact within common communities.

Why do people post friends on Facebook specifically?

Facebook has been the dominant social media platform for posting general life updates and connecting with friends/family. There are several reasons why billions of people post their friends on Facebook:

  • Large established user base – Most people already have a Facebook account with all their contacts
  • Multi-purpose platform – Allows posting text, photos, videos, livestreams, events, etc
  • Groups and pages – Enables communities, causes, businesses to connect
  • Events and calendar – You can create and share events
  • Memories/lookbacks – Facebook resurfaces users’ old posts and photos
  • Breaking news and status updates – Fast way to share realtime information
  • Entertainment – Games, videos, and viral content is easy to consume and post
  • Messenger – Built-in messaging allows further connection

Additionally, Facebook’s algorithm is designed to prioritize personal posts and original content from friends and family. This makes it ideal for casual sharing and driving reactions/engagement.

How do other platforms differ from Facebook?

While Facebook is the dominant social network for friends and family interaction, other platforms serve different purposes:


  • Microblogging and news commentary
  • Following topics, celebrities, brands, and influencers
  • Trending hashtags and viral tweet threads


  • Visual platform for photos and videos
  • Influencer and brand content
  • Short-form video clips on Reels


  • Ephemeral and temporary content
  • Younger demographic user base
  • Playful filters and lenses


  • Professional networking
  • Job opportunities, career advice
  • Thought leadership and business content

Other platforms like TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit etc. each have their own cultures and norms for posting and engaging with friends/followers.

What are the risks of posting friends online?

While posting friends online especially on social media can have many benefits, there are also risks users should be aware of:

  • Oversharing personal information – Can lead to identity theft or cyberstalking
  • Posting controversial opinions – Potential backlash or reputational damage
  • Posting inappropriate/explicit content – Libraries, schools, employers may see
  • Misunderstandings due to lack of context
  • Drama or conflict caused by posts
  • Remorse over patient information shared
  • Poor self-image from social media reinforcing effects
  • Time wasted scrolling feeds aimlessly

It’s important to post responsibly and appropriately for your intended audience. Using privacy settings wisely and applying common sense is key.

Best practices for posting friends

To post friends effectively and safely on social media:

  • Consider your audience – tailor content appropriately
  • Post valuable and engaging content
  • Don’t overshare personal details
  • Use privacy settings
  • Be selective about who you friend/follow
  • Maintain professionalism as needed
  • Fact check before sharing articles/information
  • Avoid controversial/divisive topics if possible
  • Apply common sense and empathy

The pros of posting friends

Posting friends, when done properly, has many benefits:

  • Strengthens real life relationships
  • Allows you to share your life and interests
  • Surfaces old memories and nostalgia
  • Discover new digital friendships and communities
  • Gain new knowledge and perspectives
  • Entertain your friends and get entertained
  • exchange meaningful messages and conversations
  • Collaborate on projects or coordinate in-person meetups


Posting friends serves an important social function online, especially on platforms designed for connecting with personal networks. While some risks exist, the pros of posting friends often outweigh potential downsides. Applying best practices helps maximize benefits. Ultimately, posting friends provides a medium for nourishing relationships, exchanging ideas, and deepening bonds with those in your social circles.