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What does it mean to pin a video on Facebook?

What does it mean to pin a video on Facebook?

Pinning a video on Facebook allows you to feature a video prominently on your profile or page so it stays at the top regardless of when it was posted. This is useful for highlighting important, timeless, or evergreen content you want your audience to see right away when visiting your profile or page.

When you pin a video, it will remain at the top of your page feed above all other posted content. People visiting your profile or page will see the pinned video first before scrolling down to view other videos and posts in chronological order.

How to Pin a Video on Facebook

Pinning a video on Facebook is easy to do. Here are the steps:

From a Facebook Profile

1. Go to your profile and click on the video you want to pin. This opens the video post.

2. Click the three dots icon in the top right corner of the video post and select “Pin to Your Profile” from the dropdown menu.

3. A confirmation message will appear notifying you the video is now pinned. The pinned video will now appear at the top of your profile above your intro section for all visitors to see.

From a Facebook Page

1. Go to your Facebook page and click on the video post you want to pin.

2. Click on the pencil icon at the bottom of the video post to open the editing menu.

3. Click “Pin to Top of Page” – the video post will now show a pin icon on it.

4. Click “Save” and the video will be pinned to the top of your page’s feed.

Tips for Pinning an Effective Video

Here are some tips on choosing and pinning a video that will engage your audience:

Pick an Evergreen Video

Choose a video with relevant, timeless content that will have long-term value for your viewers. Current event videos or things tied to specific dates tend to have less staying power over time. An explainer video, product tutorial or industry overview will likely be interesting to new visitors long after you pin it.

Highlight Your Most Popular Content

Check your video metrics and pin ones that have received high views, shares and engagement. Repinning popular content allows new visitors to easily find your best videos.

Promote New Content

Pinning new or freshly released videos can help expose more people to your latest content right away. New visitors who haven’t seen it yet will catch it at the top of your profile or page.

Rotate Your Pinned Content

Keep things fresh by swapping in new pinned videos every so often so your profile or page doesn’t get stagnant. You can always change which video is pinned based on what you want showcased.

Use it to Direct People to Conversion Points

Pin videos that encourage viewers to take action, like clicking a link in the video caption to visit your website, sign up for a webinar, register for an event, purchase a product, etc.

Benefits of Pinning Videos on Facebook

Here are some of the benefits of pinning videos:

Increased Exposure & Reach

Pinning ensures the video is the first thing new visitors see, increasing the potential for extra views, even on older content. It gives the video a boost in exposure in search results and on your profile/page.

Higher Visibility of Important Content

You can make sure your most important, useful and relevant videos are kept at the top where they are more visible instead of getting buried by newer posts over time.

Improved Engagement

Seeing a video first can lead visitors to watch, comment and like it, increasing overall engagement. People might not scroll down far enough to discover unpinned videos.

Reinforce Brand Messaging

Pinning videos that encapsulate your brand messaging ensures visitors see content that reflects and reinforces what your brand/business is about.

SEO Benefits

Pinned videos appear at the top, so they signal search engines that this content should be ranked above other videos on your profile/page.

Generates Leads & Sales

Pin videos that include links, special offers or calls to action to drive traffic, capture leads and generate sales from your Facebook presence.

Considerations When Pinning Videos on Facebook

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

Don’t Neglect Compliance Rules

Make sure pinned videos still follow Facebook’s compliance guidelines and community standards policies. Don’t pin content that is prohibited.

Monitor Performance & Engagement

Check back on your pinned videos to see if they are generating the desired amount of views, comments, shares and clicks. Be ready to swap in a different video if engagement drops off.

Stay On Brand

While you want your best content pinned, ensure it is reflective of your brand identity, message and tone. Don’t pin something that seems off-brand or promotes unrelated things.

Refresh Content Frequently Enough

Balance keeping your best evergreen videos pinned with rotating in fresh content every so often to engage both new and returning visitors.

Don’t Pin Too Many Videos

Facebook allows pinning one video at a time. Pinning too many could clutter up your profile or page. Be selective and choose just one or two of your very best or most timely videos to pin.

Use Pinning to Complement Paid Ads

If running Facebook video ads, consider pinning your best video ad content to extend reach after the paid campaign ends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pin someone else’s video to my profile or page?

No, you can only pin videos that you have posted directly to your own profile or page. You cannot pin other people’s videos or cross-post them. The video must live on your profile or page in order to be pinned.

Can I pin a video on a Facebook Group?

Currently Facebook does not allow you to pin videos in groups. Pinning is only available on personal profiles and Facebook Pages. Groups do not have the pinning option.

Is there a limit to how long I can pin my video?

No, there is no time limit for pinned videos on Facebook. Once you pin a video, it will stay pinned to the top until you choose to unpin it or pin a different video in its place.

Can I pin a Facebook Live video?

Yes, you can pin a Facebook Live video to the top of your profile/page after the live broadcast ends and the video is available for playback as a recorded video. It works the same as pinning any other video.

Can I pin a video from Instagram to Facebook?

Unfortunately you cannot directly pin an Instagram video to Facebook. However, you can download the Instagram video to your device first, then upload and post the video natively on Facebook to pin it.


Pinning videos is an effective way to make the most important and engaging video content on your Facebook profile or page more visible and accessible to new visitors. It pushes video viewership beyond when you first posted it and keeps high-quality content discoverable instead of getting buried over time.

Pick videos strategically, monitor their performance, and refresh your pinned selection periodically to maximize engagement. Use pinning to highlight your brand message, promote offers and special content, and drive traffic to your website or conversion points. Implemented effectively as part of your overall Facebook video strategy, pinned videos can boost viewership and help you get more value from your video content.