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What does it mean to enable push notifications?

What does it mean to enable push notifications?

Push notifications allow apps to send you messages directly to your device. When you enable push notifications for an app, you are granting that app permission to send you notifications even when the app is not actively in use. Push notifications can be useful for getting real-time alerts and updates from apps, but can also be disruptive if not managed properly.

Why do apps need permission to send push notifications?

Push notifications require permission because they allow apps to break through the background activity barrier on mobile devices. Normally, when an app is not in active use, it is suspended and unable to execute code or connect to the internet. Push notifications give apps a special exemption that lets their backend servers send data to your device directly, triggering alerts, sounds, messages, and badge updates. This requires access that would normally not be granted to inactive apps.

Permissions are especially important for privacy and security. Push notifications could be abused by malicious apps to spam you, track your activity, or drain your device’s battery if left unchecked. Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems include permission systems that force apps to ask for your consent before sending notifications. Granting this access means you trust the app not to misuse those capabilities.

How do I enable push notifications for an app?

The process for enabling push notifications depends on your device type and operating system.

On iOS (iPhones/iPads):

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap Notifications
  3. Scroll down and tap the app
  4. Toggle Allow Notifications on

You can also enable notifications during the initial app setup process when the app first asks for permission.

On Android:

  1. Open the app
  2. Tap the 3 dots or menu icon in the top corner
  3. Go to either App Settings or App Info
  4. Toggle Allow Notifications on

As with iOS, you may also be prompted to enable notifications when first launching a new app.

What types of push notifications can apps send?

There are several categories of push notifications apps may use:


Alerts display a message, play a sound, or badge your app icon to get your attention. For example, a messaging app might alert you to a new message.


Updates change application content dynamically. A social media app could push an update to refresh your feed.


Informational notifications provide content relevant to the app. A shopping app could send a notification about your order status.


Promotional notifications market sales, deals, and advertisement content. Retail apps often use promotions to drive engagement.

Calls to Action

CTAs instruct you to open the app or take an action. Apps may ask you to rate them, invite friends, or enable more notifications.

How often can apps send push notifications?

iOS and Android limit how frequently apps can send notifications in certain categories:

Promotional Push Notifications

  • iOS – Twice per week for new apps, 4 times per month for established apps
  • Android – 1 notification over 7 consecutive days for new apps, 1 notification per week for updated apps

Non-promotional Push Notifications

  • No fixed limits, but excessive notifications may be throttled
  • Users expect 1-2 notification per day per app on average

Apps that ignore these unofficial guidelines often get disabled or uninstalled.

Can I disable push notifications?

Yes, you can revoke push notification access or tailor alerts to your preferences:

  • Globally disable all notifications in Settings
  • Turn off notifications per app
  • Set quiet hours to limit when notifications come through
  • Customize notifications based on urgency, sounds, badges, lock screen visibility, and more

Disabling non-essential notifications can improve device performance, privacy, and reduce distractions.

What happens when I disable push notifications?

When you disable push notifications:

  • The app will no longer send alerts to your device
  • You may miss out on updates and new content from that app
  • The app cannot track certain app open and usage metrics used for analytics and engagement
  • You will stop seeing badges, sounds, and message previews on the lock screen
  • Your app experience degrades to “as-needed” instead of “real-time”

The impact depends on the app. For non-essential apps, this may be perfectly acceptable. For messaging, social, or real-time apps, it can significantly degrade core functions.

Best practices for managing push notifications

Here are some tips for taking control of disruptive, irrelevant, or excessive push notifications:

  • Disable notifications from low-value apps
  • Set your most used apps to “Time-Sensitive” alerts
  • Use the preview screen to silence unimportant conversations
  • Check notification settings after major app updates
  • Configure quiet hours from 10pm to 7am (for example)
  • Use Android notification channels to fine-tune app preferences
  • Turn off location-based notifications if unneeded
  • Limit promotional notifications whenever possible

Risks and downsides to enabling push notifications

While push notifications can be useful, there are some risks to keep in mind:

  • Distractions: Frequent interruptions can impact productivity, focus, and quality of life.
  • Privacy concerns: Data collected from notifications may profile your usage habits.
  • Battery drain: Notifications can reduce battery life significantly if not optimized.
  • Clutter: Notification overload makes it hard to identify urgent alerts.
  • Interruptions: Unwanted notifications disrupt workflows, concentration, and even sleep.
  • Alert fatigue: Constant notifications from different apps lead to desensitization.

Apps try to grab your attention, but you decide if the value outweighs the cost of disrupted focus. Evaluate each app individually.

How push notifications benefit app developers

For app developers, push notifications provide some key benefits:

  • Driving engagement: Notifications bring users back into the app regularly.
  • Personalization: Targeted alerts feel relevant to each user.
  • Flexible delivery: Schedule notifications for any time of day.
  • Measurable data: Track open rates, clicks, conversions, and other analytics.
  • Fast communication: Rapidly notify users about new content and features.
  • Competitive advantage: Push provides an experience users now expect.

However, developers must be careful not to abuse notifications purely for vanity metrics or spam. Relevance and moderation are key.

Notification Category Example Apps
Alerts Messaging, email
Updates Social media, news
Information Finance, travel
Promotions Retail, gaming
Calls to Action Ridesharing, streaming


Enabling push notifications grants an app permission to break through the background activity barriers on your device for real-time alerts and messages. Notifications can provide timely updates and relevant information, but can also disrupt focus and impact privacy if not managed properly. Be selective in which apps you allow to send notifications and customize their settings appropriately for your usage needs.