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What does it mean on Facebook when it says in a relationship?

What does it mean on Facebook when it says in a relationship?

On Facebook, when a user’s relationship status says “In a relationship”, it indicates that the user is romantically involved with another person. The other person does not need to be on Facebook for this status to display. Users have the option to display their relationship status publicly, to friends only, or to keep it private. Relationship statuses can be used on Facebook to broadcast a new relationship, show commitment to a long-term partner, or avoid unwanted attention.

Indicating a Romantic Relationship

The main purpose of having an “In a relationship” status on Facebook is to let others know that you are romantically involved with someone. This sends a signal to potential romantic partners that you are not single and unavailable for dating. It also lets your wider social network know that you are in a committed relationship.

Some reasons people display an “In a relationship” status include:

  • Making a new relationship “Facebook official” and announcing it to friends
  • Showing commitment to a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner
  • Avoiding unwanted flirtatious messages from others
  • Letting acquaintances or distant friends know you are in a relationship
  • Showing pride in your relationship and partner
  • Seeking validation or likes/comments from friends

In many cases, both people in the relationship will display an “In a relationship” status simultaneously as a couple. However, it is not required for both people to display it. The status can be one-sided if one partner does not use Facebook or prefers to keep the relationship private.

Connection to Another User

On Facebook, it is possible to link your “In a relationship” status to a specific partner if they also have a Facebook profile. This connects the two profiles publicly and labels you as “In a relationship with [name]”.

To do this, you can confirm the relationship from both sides by sending and accepting a relationship request. This will link your profiles together and mutually disclose the relationship.

Linking to a specific partner makes the relationship more official on Facebook. It also associates your profile and activity with your partner’s. Any posts, photos or updates made will be shared between both people’s timelines and friend networks.

However, it is not mandatory to link your “In a relationship” status to a specific person. You can choose to keep it unlabeled with no name attached. This still shows you are in a relationship without identifying the partner.

Privacy Settings

Relationship statuses can either be displayed publicly or have privacy settings applied. Options include:

  • Public: Visible to anyone on or off Facebook
  • Friends: Visible to your friends only
  • Only Me: Completely private and not visible to anyone

The default setting is public. However, users in relationships often restrict it to “Friends Only” to share it with their social circles but keep it private from the wider public.

You can customize this in your privacy settings under the “Edit Relationship Status” option. This controls who can see your romantic relationship displayed on your profile.

Implications of “In a Relationship” Status

Displaying an “In a relationship” status on Facebook has several potential effects:

Interactions with Others

An “In a relationship” status signals to others that romantic advances or flirting may be unwanted. Friends and acquaintances may be less likely to approach you for dates, romantic chemistry, or casual relationships. It also reduces unwanted messages from strangers or recent connections.

Content You See

Facebook’s algorithms factor in relationship status when determining content to show you. When in a relationship, you may see more ads and posts related to couples, proposals, weddings, and family. The single lifestyle content gets suppressed.

Jealousy Issues

In some cases, a relationship status can cause jealousy between partners. Arguments can occur if one partner sends too many flirty messages to friends on Facebook. Displaying the status reduces potential mates interacting flirtatiously with your profile and vice versa.

Commitment Pressure

The “In a relationship” label puts pressure on couples to appear happy and committed at all times. Couples may feel like they need to post happy photos and updates constantly. Breaking up after displaying an “In a relationship” status can be awkward on Facebook if connections are mutually interlinked.

Updating the Status

It is possible to update your Facebook relationship status as circumstances change:

  • From “In a relationship” to “Single” after a breakup
  • From “In a relationship” to “Engaged” after a marriage proposal
  • From “In a relationship” to “Married” after getting married
  • From “In a relationship” to “In a relationship” after getting a new partner
  • From “In a relationship” to “It’s complicated” or other status if the situation is unclear

Relationship status updates are a way to publicly announce relationship milestones to the Facebook community. Users can expect friends to actively like, comment on, and share these life updates.

Updating relationship status frequently, however, can be seen as oversharing or attention seeking. Most people wait until major committed milestones to update their status rather than casual dating scenarios.

If No Relationship Status Displayed

It is also possible for Facebook users in relationships to display no relationship status at all. Reasons someone might keep this private include:

  • Wanting to keep new dating life completely offline
  • Focusing on work connections rather than personal life on Facebook
  • Using Facebook for family only and keeping partner separate
  • Not wanting relationship visible to certain family/friends/colleagues
  • No longer using Facebook frequently so not updating status
  • Concerns about privacy, safety or identity theft

With no relationship status showing, it is impossible for viewers to know if you are single or in a private relationship. This allows for maximum privacy but can also be misleading.


The “In a relationship” status has become a key way Facebook is used to display romantic relationship milestones and commitments. It signals publicly that someone is exclusively dating another person. While it is optional, most serious couples will display their status once the relationship is “Facebook official”. It helps shape content and experiences on Facebook to reflect a user’s relationship landscape. However, privacy settings allow controlling exactly who can view relationship status updates.