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What does hidden from timeline on Facebook mean?

What does hidden from timeline on Facebook mean?

Facebook’s timeline feature shows users a chronological list of their posts, photos, videos, and life events. However, sometimes users may notice that certain content no longer appears on their timeline. There are a few reasons why something could be hidden from your Facebook timeline.

Content You Have Hidden

One of the most common reasons something may not be showing up on your timeline is because you have hidden it yourself. Facebook gives users the option to hide their own posts and photos from their timeline, while still keeping the content visible to the people it was originally shared with.

To hide a post or photo you’ve shared, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post. A dropdown menu will appear. Select “Hide from Timeline.” That post will now no longer be visible on your timeline, but friends who could originally see it still can.

You can also choose to hide an entire album of photos from your timeline. Go to the album, click the three dots at the top right, choose “Edit Album,” then select “Hidden Album.”

Content Hidden by Friends

Posts and photos shared by your friends may also disappear from your timeline if that friend has hidden them from their own timeline. When someone hides their own post from their timeline, it will be hidden from all of their friends’ timelines as well.

So if you notice a post or photo shared by a friend is no longer showing up on your timeline, it’s likely because they have hidden it from their own timeline. You can still see the post on their profile page, but it will not appear on your timeline.

Expired Stories

If you notice photos or videos missing from your timeline that were shared via Instagram or Facebook Stories, it’s likely because those Stories have expired.

Facebook and Instagram Stories automatically disappear after 24 hours by default. So if you or a friend shared something via Stories that you want to keep on your timeline, you’ll need to actively save it before the 24 hour expiration.

To save an expiring Facebook Story, click on the bookmark icon in the bottom right corner while viewing the Story. For Instagram Stories, click on the downward arrow icon to save it. Saved Stories will then remain on your timeline rather than disappearing.

Timeline Review

Facebook may also automatically remove certain content from your timeline that is found to violate their Community Standards during periodic timeline reviews.

If Facebook finds a post, photo, or video that goes against their policies around hates speech, bullying, nudity, or other issues, they may automatically take it down. This means it will be removed from your timeline as well as your friends’.

You will get a notification if any of your content is removed during one of these timeline reviews. If you think the content was removed in error, you can appeal the decision through the notification.

Restricted Content

Facebook also gives users the option to restrict certain people from seeing their posts and timeline. If you have restricted someone, any posts made after that person was restricted will not show up on their timeline when they view your profile.

To restrict someone, go to their profile, click on the three dots at the top right, and choose “Restrict.” Enter the person’s name when prompted to confirm. Moving forward, your posts will be hidden from their timeline.

Blocked Users

If you completely block another user on Facebook, they will no longer be able to see your timeline or any of your posts. And you will no longer see any of their posts or updates in your timeline either.

Blocking is mutual, so you will both be hidden from each other’s timelines and unable to interact. Click on a user’s name, then select “Block” to block them completely.

Logged Out of Facebook

If you are logged out of your Facebook account and view your profile or timeline, you will see a limited version. Content you have hidden from your timeline will not show up.

This allows you to view your profile as the public or someone not logged into Facebook would see it. Log back in to view your full timeline with all visible posts and photos.

Timeline Display Issues

Less commonly, there may be glitches that cause your Facebook timeline to display improperly. Issues like cached data, bugs, or internet connection problems could potentially affect your ability to view all posts on your timeline.

If you notice any posts or photos missing from your timeline due to a technical error, try the following:

  • Refresh the page
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Log out and back into Facebook
  • Use a different web browser or device
  • Check Facebook Developer’s site for any reported bugs
  • Contact Facebook support if the issue persists

How to View Hidden Content

If you want to view posts and photos that have been hidden from your Facebook timeline, here are some options:

View Your Own Hidden Content

You can view and manage everything you’ve hidden from your timeline under Settings > Activity Log > Manage Your Hidden Items.

From there you can uncover hidden posts and photos with the “Reveal on Timeline” option. Items will then reappear on your timeline.

See Friends’ Hidden Posts

You can still view friends’ posts that they’ve hidden from their own timelines by visiting their profiles. Their hidden posts won’t show up on your news feed or timeline, but will be visible on their profile page.

Check Archives

If you or a friend hid something from your timeline a long time ago, you may still be able to find it in your Facebook archives. You can download a copy of your Facebook data, which includes previously hidden content.

View Deleted Content

If a post was deleted entirely rather than just hidden, you typically won’t be able to retrieve it. However, you can try using the Facebook Viewer website to see if a cached or archived version still exists.

Prevent Things From Being Hidden

Here are some tips to keep content from being hidden from your Facebook timeline:

  • Be thoughtful about what you post and share to avoid content removal during timeline reviews
  • Pin important posts you want to keep at the top of your timeline
  • Save expiring Stories that you want to remain visible
  • Avoid restricting or blocking friends unless necessary
  • Share posts only with audiences you want to see them
  • Archive important photos and data outside Facebook periodically


There are many reasons why posts, photos, and other content may become hidden from your Facebook timeline. Being aware of how this happens allows you to manage your timeline curation and visibility. If important content disappears from your timeline unintentionally, there are still ways to potentially view, recover, or prevent it from happening again.