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What does GREY check mark mean on Facebook message?

What does GREY check mark mean on Facebook message?

Facebook Messenger uses different colored check marks next to messages to indicate whether a message has been sent, delivered, and read. The check marks provide visual cues about the status of a message.

The possible check marks you may see are:

  • No check mark – Message sent but not yet delivered to the Facebook server
  • One grey check mark – Message delivered to the Facebook server but not yet delivered to the recipient
  • Two grey check marks – Message delivered to the recipient’s device but not yet read
  • Two blue check marks – Message has been read by the recipient

What Does the Grey Check Mark Mean?

A single gray check mark on a Facebook message means the message has been successfully sent from your device and received by the Facebook server, but it has not yet been delivered to the recipient’s device.

Some key things to note about the single grey check mark:

  • It appears when your device has established an internet connection and sent the message to Facebook’s server.
  • It does not indicate the message has been received by the recipient yet.
  • It will usually change to two grey checks or blue checks within a few minutes if the recipient’s device is online.
  • If the recipient’s device is offline, it may stay as a single grey check for some time until their device comes back online.
  • It essentially means your message is queued up and waiting to be delivered to the recipient.

Why You May See the Grey Check Mark

There are a few common reasons why a Facebook message may show just a single grey check instead of two checks or blue checks:

  • The recipient has poor internet connection or no connectivity at the moment.
  • The recipient’s device is switched off, asleep, or in airplane mode.
  • The recipient is not currently active on Messenger.
  • There is a temporary issue delaying delivery of the message.

As long as your message has a single grey check, you can be assured it is safely queued up on Facebook’s server pending delivery to the recipient’s device.

What to Do if You See the Grey Check Mark

Here are some tips on what to do if your Facebook message remains stuck with just a single grey check mark for a prolonged time:

  • Wait patiently! Delivery delays are common. The check mark will eventually turn blue when the recipient gets your message.
  • Avoid sending follow up messages. Too many messages may overwhelm the recipient.
  • Check your internet connection is working fine.
  • Restart the Facebook Messenger app on your device.
  • Wait until the recipient is active on Messenger again.
  • Use alternative communication methods to confirm important messages were received.

Usually within a few minutes to hours, the grey check will change to two checks or blue as the message gets successfully delivered. If it has been more than a day, you can try gently following up with the recipient via another channel.

Difference Between Grey Check and Blue Checks

The key difference between a single grey check mark and two blue check marks is:

  • Grey check mark – Message sent from your device but not yet delivered to the recipient.
  • Blue checks – Message successfully delivered and read by the recipient.

A single grey check means your message is still pending delivery, while two blue checks confirm the message has reached the recipient’s device and they’ve opened your message thread.

Grey Check Scenarios

You will see one grey check mark in situations like:

  • You’ve just sent a new message and your device is waiting for delivery confirmation.
  • The recipient’s device is offline.
  • Your message is stuck in Facebook’s delivery queue.
  • The recipient has not opened Messenger in a while.

Blue Check Scenarios

You will see two blue checks when:

  • The message successfully reached the recipient’s device.
  • The recipient has opened your Messenger thread.
  • They may or may not have read your specific message.

Once your message changes from grey to blue checks, you can be certain your message has been delivered to the intended recipient.

Transition From Grey to Blue Checks

Under normal conditions, Facebook message delivery happens fairly quickly. Here are the usual steps you’ll see:

  1. Send message – No checks yet
  2. Grey check appears – Message sent from your device to Facebook server
  3. Second grey check appears – Delivered from Facebook server to recipient’s device
  4. Grey checks turn blue – Recipient opens your Messenger thread

However, if the recipient is offline or has poor connectivity, the transition from grey checks to blue may be delayed. The message delivery remains in a pending state until the recipient’s device comes back online.

Why the Grey Check Can Be Important

The single grey check mark serves an important purpose, even though it may seem like just an interim delivery status. Here are some key reasons it matters:

  • Confirms message is safely sent – Grey check means your message is no longer only on your unreliable device but stored on Facebook’s servers.
  • Avoids duplicate sends – Grey check gives assurance that the message is in transit, so you won’t send duplicate copies.
  • Provides visibility into potential issues – If it stays grey for too long, you know there may be a delivery problem to address.
  • Prevents overloading recipients – Grey check means you should wait before sending follow-ups.

The grey check mark takes the delivery process beyond just your device and gives you visibility into message status not just for yourself but also for the recipients. Even if your message is stuck in transit, the grey check provides assurance it is no longer dependent on just your device.

Does the Grey Check Mean the Message Was Seen?

No, a single grey check mark does not indicate your Facebook message was seen by the recipient. It simply means your message has left your device and reached Facebook’s server, pending delivery to the recipient.

Reasons your message may show just a grey check instead of blue checks:

  • Recipient has not opened Messenger for a while.
  • Their device is switched off or lacks internet connectivity.
  • They may have seen your message via notification but not opened the thread.
  • Your message could be stuck in Facebook’s delivery queue due to network issues.

The grey check mark provides no guarantee about delivery to the recipient’s device, let alone them actually seeing the message content. It is simply the first step in the messaging process before delivery and read receipts.

Can Recipients Tell You Have Seen Their Messages?

Yes, Facebook Messenger’s check marks work both ways. Just as you can see when your messages are delivered and read, the sender can also see when you have received and read their messages.

So if another user sends you a message on Messenger:

  • They will see one grey check mark when it reaches Facebook’s server from their device.
  • Two grey checks will appear when delivered to your device.
  • Blue checks indicate when you open the Messenger thread.

The check marks and color coding are mutual, providing delivery, read receipt, and typing indicators visible to both the sender and recipient in a Messenger conversation.

Disabling Read Receipts on Facebook Messenger

If you do not want senders to know when you have read their messages, you can disable read receipts in Facebook Messenger.

On Android devices, go to the main Messenger Settings > Privacy and switch off ‘Read Receipts’.

On iOS, go to Settings inside a Messenger chat > Disable ‘Read Receipts’.

Disabling read receipts will prevent the blue checks from appearing when you read messages. However, senders can still see the grey checks when messages are delivered to your device.

Troubleshooting Grey Check Issues

Here are some tips if your Facebook message is stuck at the single grey check stage for a long time:

  • Check your internet connection is working properly.
  • Force close and restart the Messenger app.
  • Update Messenger to the latest version.
  • Switch your phone between airplane mode off and on.
  • Clear cache and data for the Messenger app.
  • Contact the recipient through another channel to confirm issues.
  • Report persistent message delivery issues to Facebook.

Usually the grey check changes to blue within a few minutes or hours in normal conditions. If it has been stuck for more than a day, technical troubleshooting may be required or resending the message outside Messenger.

Does Grey Check Mean Message is Temporarily Unsendable?

No, a grey check mark does not mean your Facebook message is temporarily unsendable or blocked from the recipient’s inbox. It simply indicates the message is still in transit between Facebook’s server and the recipient’s device.

There are a couple of scenarios where your message could be temporarily unsendable or undeliverable:

  • You see an error or warning message – This means your message did not even reach Facebook’s servers and indicates a sending issue on your end.
  • No check mark appears – If no check mark appears even though you are online, it indicates your message did not leave your device due to connectivity issues.

As long as you can see the single grey check, your message is safely on its way to the recipient pending delivery confirmation. A grey check itself does not imply your message is blocked or unsendable in any way.


The single grey check mark for Facebook Messenger messages indicates your message has been sent from your device and received by Facebook’s messaging server, but not yet delivered to the recipient’s device.

It signifies your message is in transmission, providing assurance that it is no longer dependent only on your device. The grey check acts as a delivery status indicator and prevents sending duplicate or too many follow up messages.

The grey check will eventually turn blue once the recipient gets your message and opens your Messenger thread. If it stays grey for a prolonged time, it usually implies an issue with the recipient’s device connectivity rather than a block or ban.

While the grey check does not indicate your message was seen, it is an important first step in the messaging process. When in doubt about message delivery, the grey check provides visual confirmation your message is safely on its way!

Check Mark Color Meaning
No check mark Message sent from your device but not yet received by Facebook server
Grey check Message received by Facebook server but not yet delivered to recipient
Blue checks Message received and opened by the recipient

In summary:

  • No check = Pending send
  • Grey check = Pending delivery
  • Blue checks = Delivered and read

Hope this gives you clarity on what the different Facebook Messenger check mark colors indicate! Let the checks guide your messaging etiquette and troubleshooting.