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What does full control of Facebook page mean?

What does full control of Facebook page mean?

Having full control of a Facebook page means being the top admin who has complete access to all settings and features for that page. This includes the ability to add, remove or edit other admins, create and post content, respond to messages and comments, analyze page insights, and run ads. The top admin is the original creator of the page and the only one with full control unless they choose to add other admins and grant certain privileges.

Why would someone need full control of a Facebook page?

There are several key reasons someone may need or want full control of a Facebook page:

  • They created the page for their business, brand, organization or as their personal profile and need to manage all aspects of it.
  • They were added as a top admin to an existing page that someone else created but now needs to take over running it fully.
  • They want oversight of the entire page strategy from content to analytics without needing approval from other admins.
  • They need to be able to add, remove or change permissions of other admins on that page.
  • They need to be able to edit settings, switch linked ad accounts, or change payment information for the page.

Essentially, full control allows someone to execute the page strategy and make administrative decisions without limitations. This is important for anyone responsible for the overall maintenance, growth and success of a Facebook page.

How do you get full control of a Facebook page?

There are a couple ways to get full control of a Facebook page:

  1. Create the page yourself by clicking to create a new Facebook page from your profile and selecting the type of page it will be (business, brand, organization, public figure etc). As the original creator, you will automatically have full admin access.
  2. Have the existing top admin of a page add you as an admin and grant you access to all available admin roles and permissions. This will provide you with the same full control privileges they currently have.

When creating a new page, you should select a category that best describes the purpose of the page to start. It’s also important to use a Facebook profile that will be associated with managing that page.

If taking over an existing page someone else created, you’ll need to have them add your personal profile as an admin from their admin settings and assign you all admin roles available: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, and Analyst. This provides the full suite of privileges.

What can you do with full control of a Facebook page?

The top admin of a Facebook page has complete access to the following core features and settings:

  • Admin Roles & Permissions – Add, remove, or change permissions of other admins on the page
  • Page Settings – Edit the page name, category, description, call to actions etc.
  • Page Roles – Assign roles like manager, content creator, analyst etc. to help divide admin responsibilities
  • Switch Accounts – Change the ad accounts or payment methods linked to the page
  • Content Posting – Create and publish posts, stories, events, and more on the page timeline
  • Responding – Reply to, delete, or hide comments, reviews, messages
  • Page Analytics – View and analyze page insights data
  • Ads – Create and manage ads through linked ad accounts
  • Messages – Read, reply to, delete or forward private messages sent to the page
  • Moderation – Review and publish or remove posts made by others who can post to the page

In summary, the top admin has the highest level of access and the most control over all page functions. They are the only admin who can add or remove other admins or edit their roles.

Can someone take away full control from the original admin?

No, there is no way for another admin to remove full control from the original creator and top admin of a Facebook page. Only that original admin who established the page has the power to add, demote or remove other admins they’ve given access to.

Even if an original admin adds someone else and grants them every admin permission, that person will not have the authority to take away the full control of the creator. Facebook’s platform is designed to prevent other admins from being able to override or replace the founder of a page as the top admin.

The only exception is if ownership of a page is officially transferred to someone else voluntarily by the original admin. This can be done through the Admin Settings by selecting “Transfer Ownership” and entering the name of the person to hand over the reins to. Outside of voluntarily relinquishing it, full control is maintained by that first admin indefinitely.

What are the different admin roles and permissions available?

The top admin of a Facebook page can assign customized roles to other admins they add in order to control their level of access. Here are the main admin roles and permissions that can be granted:

General Admin Roles

  • Admin – The second highest role with all privileges except altering other admins
  • Editor – Can edit page content, respond to and delete comments/messages
  • Moderator – Can respond to and delete comments/messages only
  • Advertiser – Can manage ads and view analytics only
  • Analyst – Can view insights data only

Specialized Page Roles

  • Manager – Help manage community responses and moderation
  • Content Creator – Create and post page content
  • Live Contributor – Go live and post video
  • Advertiser – Manage ads and campaigns
  • Insights Analyst – View analytics and insights

Using these roles, the top admin can customize what each added admin can access and control. Granting the overall “Admin” role provides almost full control and the Editor role grants a high level of content access. Moderator and Advertiser roles focus specifically on their respective functions.

Should you ever grant someone else full control of a page you created?

It’s generally recommended that the original creator and top admin of a Facebook page does not grant full control access to anyone else. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Granting full control essentially makes that person a co-owner who could make unilateral decisions or lock you out.
  • They could alter vital information like payment methods, ad accounts, etc.
  • It’s hard to revoke if they misuse the privileges.
  • You may still be responsible for activity if they violate Facebook policies.
  • Full control allows removal of the original admin which can essentially steal that page.

However, there are some cases where you may want to provide the highest access:

  • A business partner who became a co-owner and needs equal power.
  • Transferring a page fully to a trusted colleague or employee.
  • Providing agency admins full access to manage on your behalf.

In those cases, do your due diligence and use roles and permissions first. Transfer full ownership carefully and only if necessary. It’s best to always retain top admin power whenever possible.

Can you ever get back full control after granting it to someone else?

If you willingly transferred a page’s ownership to another person, it can be difficult to regain the full control you previously had. Here are some potential options:

  • Ask the new top admin to willingly transfer it back to you through the Admin Settings.
  • If you were removed, ask to be added back as an Admin with full permissions.
  • Use the Facebook appeals process if your removal violates any policies.
  • Create a new, replacement page and direct fans/followers there if necessary.

However, once ownership is handed over the new admin holds all the power. Trying to forcibly regain control could result in you being permanently removed or the page being deleted altogether. Avoid assigning full control to someone you don’t fully trust for this reason – it can be irreversible.

What are best practices for multiple admins?

When adding multiple admins to help manage your Facebook page, follow these best practices:

  • Start them with limited roles like Content Creator or Advertiser based on their responsibilities.
  • Only grant higher privileges like Editor or Moderator as needed.
  • Avoid granting equal Admin status to more than one person.
  • Never allow anyone to have authority to alter your Admin role.
  • Require mutual consent for major decisions like changing vital info, payment methods, etc.
  • Put processes in place to review any unilateral actions taken.
  • Remove inactive admins if they are no longer involved.

Following these tips helps balance the benefits of having multiple admins while minimizing risks. Maintaining leadership and oversight as the top admin is key.

What happens if you delete the original admin of a Facebook page?

If someone who was granted admin access deletes or removes the original creator from the page, it can create major issues. Some potential consequences include:

  • The page may be permanently disabled by Facebook if policies were violated.
  • Original content and data could be lost without the founder’s access.
  • Payment information and ads may stop working properly.
  • It could prevent the original admin from recovering control.
  • The reputation and goodwill built by the founder is damaged.
  • Trust between admins is severed which creates problems.

Essentially, the improper removal of the top admin damages the page itself and any relationship/partnership between the admins. It should be avoided except in extreme circumstances with mutual agreement.


Having full control of a Facebook page as the original admin provides the highest level of authority to determine strategy, content and management. Granting this power to others allows them to make major changes so it should be done carefully. In most cases retaining primary control is ideal, using thoughtful admin roles and permissions instead. Proper leadership, oversight and mutual trust are key to successfully involving multiple admins.