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What does feature unavailable Facebook login is currently unavailable for this app mean?

What does feature unavailable Facebook login is currently unavailable for this app mean?

The error message “Facebook login is currently unavailable for this app” typically appears when trying to log in to a website or app using your Facebook account. This error indicates there is an issue connecting the app to Facebook’s servers for authentication. There are a few potential reasons why this error may occur.

Potential Causes

App Not Registered Properly with Facebook

For an app or website to enable Facebook Login, it must be registered with Facebook and given the proper permissions. If the registration process was not completed or done incorrectly, it can cause the “Facebook login unavailable” error. The developers of the app need to ensure they fully registered it and received an App ID and App Secret from Facebook.

Access Token Issue

Facebook uses access tokens to authorize communication between an app and Facebook’s API. These tokens can expire or become invalid, disrupting the login process. Issues with expired, invalid, or misconfigured access tokens can lead to the login error. Developers should check their implementation and make sure the access tokens are valid and used properly in API calls.

Facebook API or Server Issues

Sometimes the issue is on Facebook’s end, and their servers are temporarily unavailable or facing problems. The Facebook Login API could be malfunctioning or facing downtime. This can prevent the app from getting a proper response from Facebook when a user tries to log in. If the developers are certain the implementation is correct on their end, API and server problems may be the culprit.

App Not Approved for Public Use

If an app is still in development mode or has not been approved by Facebook for public use, the Facebook Login feature may not be enabled. The app must go through Facebook’s review process and be approved before Facebook Login can fully function for wider audiences. Being in sandbox or development mode can trigger the error.

Outdated SDK or API Version

Apps integrating Facebook Login need to use the most up-to-date Facebook SDK and API versions. Outdated versions can cause compatibility issues and errors. Developers should check they are using the latest SDK and API versions required by Facebook to ensure seamless integration.

Changes to App Settings or Features

If app settings, features, or permissions are changed on either the Facebook app settings or developer side, it can sometimes create issues with Facebook Login. Any changes need to be tested to ensure no disruptions occur. Changing app settings, like enabling 2-factor authentication, can also cause unexpected problems with Facebook Login if not properly implemented and accounted for.


Confirm App Registration and Settings

Double check that the Facebook app has been properly registered and approved. Make sure you have the right App ID, App Secret, and OAuth settings configured in the app and developer dashboard. Test with the App ID from a simple test app if needed to isolate registration issues.

Verify Valid Access Tokens

Inspect the access tokens being used by the app. Confirm they are valid, not expired, match the right app ID, and are being passed to Facebook properly with API calls. Reset the access token if necessary.

Check Facebook API Status

Look for any reported issues with Facebook APIs that could impact Facebook Login. This could include API errors, service outages, or maintenance that disrupts authentication. If Facebook is experiencing widespread problems, you will have to wait for them to be resolved.

Take App Out of Development Mode

If your app is still in development or has not been approved, you may need to take it out of sandbox mode or submit it for review to enable Facebook Login for more users. Check your app’s status and settings in the Facebook developer dashboard.

Update SDKs and APIs

Upgrade your Facebook SDKs and API versions to the latest available. Consult Facebook developer documentation for the required current versions. Outdated code can cause compatibility issues.

Test Any App Changes

If you make any changes to app settings, permissions, features that use Facebook, or Facebook app settings, thoroughly test Facebook Login. Changes can unintentionally break the integration, so test extensively after modifications.

Clear Cookies and Cache

Instruct users to clear their browser cookies and cache related to the website/app. Stored cookies, cache, or site data could contain outdated Facebook credentials or interfere with new logins. Clearing them forces a fresh authorization.

Try Alternate Login Methods

Consider adding support for additional login methods if available, like email/password login. This gives users an alternate option if they have trouble with Facebook Login. Just make sure to test thoroughly when adding new login methods.

Implement Proper Error Handling

Having proper error handling allows you to elegantly handle cases where Facebook Login fails. This improves the user experience and helps track down persistent issues causing the error. Analyze error response codes from the Facebook API to pinpoint causes.

Example Scenarios

Here are some example scenarios that could lead to the “Facebook login unavailable” error:

Website Redesign

A website recently underwent a redesign and relaunch. During the redesign, the developers changed the website’s domain and updated the Facebook app registration. But they forgot to set the new domain as an “App Domain” in the Facebook app settings. When users tried to log in after the relaunch, they received the “Facebook login unavailable” error due to the mismatch between domains.

Updated Facebook Policies

Facebook implemented new policies restricting how third-party apps can access user data. An app that integrates Facebook Login was not updated to comply with the new policies. When the policies went into effect, the app began receiving the login error because its access permissions no longer met Facebook’s requirements.

Expired Access Token

An app uses short-lived 2 hour access tokens when making API calls to Facebook from its backend servers. A backend process that generates the access tokens broke down, so the app was making API calls with expired tokens. Users got the login error until developers fixed the token generation process.

Diagnostic Steps

Here are some steps developers can take to diagnose the root cause when the error appears:

– Check Facebook developer dashboard for any notifications about app issues or policy violations.
– Inspect HTTP response codes and error messages returned by Facebook APIs.
– Test with a simple demo app to isolate issues with your specific implementation.
– View server and API call logs to trace flow of login process.
– Monitor for correlating spikes in errors and Facebook API downtime.
– Try logging in on another device or web browser to determine scope.
– Validate Facebook SDK version being used and update if out of date.
– Inspect user cookies and cache for invalid or outdated Facebook credentials.
– Confirm app has required OAuth scopes and permissions enabled.
– Verify app has proper domain setup in App Settings on Facebook dashboard.
– Check for changes made around the time issues began like app redesigns or backend updates.
– Try generating a new access token and App Secret in the developer dashboard.


Here are some tips that can help prevent the error from occurring:

– Always test Facebook Login thoroughly when making any app changes.
– Set short expiration times on access tokens and refresh them frequently.
– Handle errors and exceptions gracefully in code when calling Facebook APIs.
– Double check proper domains are configured for the app in Facebook’s dashboard.
– Follow Facebook’s policies, requirements, and documentation closely.
– Enable proper logging for API calls, OAuth authentication, and errors.
– Continuously monitor Facebook API status pages for platform issues.
– Maintain proper separation between development/sandbox and production app modes.
– Frequently regenerate development API keys and secrets to avoid mishaps.
– Set up monitoring to track Facebook Login success rates and fail rates.


The “Facebook login is currently unavailable” error generally indicates an issue with how the app integrates with Facebook’s APIs for authentication. It can occur due to problems with app registration, expired access tokens, changes made to the app, Facebook policy violations, platform issues, or outdated SDKs. Developers should methodically diagnose by checking configurations, API call workflows, Facebook status pages, access tokens, OAuth scopes, and API response codes. Following Facebook documentation closely, testing rigorously, and monitoring logins carefully can help minimize occurrences. Implementing robust error handling in the app also allows gracefully recovering when the issue arises. With care and persistence, developers can typically resolve the root causes behind the “Facebook login unavailable” error.