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What does Facebook do with AI?

What does Facebook do with AI?

Facebook is one of the biggest technology companies in the world, and artificial intelligence (AI) plays a huge role in many aspects of their products and services. Facebook uses AI for everything from content moderation to facial recognition to providing recommendations and customized experiences for users.

Content Moderation

With billions of users posting content on Facebook every day, the company relies heavily on AI to help moderate content at scale. Some specific ways Facebook uses AI for content moderation include:

  • Scanning text posts, comments, and captions for signs of hate speech, bullying, harassment, and other policy violations. Facebook trains machine learning models on huge datasets to identify prohibited content.
  • Analyzing images and videos to detect nudity, graphic violence, terrorist propaganda, and other objectionable material. This involves training computer vision algorithms on large labeled datasets.
  • Prioritizing content for human review based on predicted likelihood of policy violations. This allows human moderators to focus their efforts on the highest risk content.
  • Automatically disabling accounts engaged in coordinated inauthentic behavior like spamming or spreading misinformation. This relies on detecting patterns of suspicious activity.

The use of AI greatly expands Facebook’s ability to keep prohibited content off its platforms. However, AI content moderation also raises concerns around accuracy, transparency, and bias.

Facial Recognition

Facebook uses facial recognition technology to help identify users in photos and videos and recommend tags. When a user uploads an image, Facebook’s algorithms analyze the facial details of each face in the image and convert the unique characteristics into a mathematical representation or face signature. This signature can then be matched against the face signatures of other users to suggest tags.

Some specific applications of Facebook’s facial recognition include:

  • Photo tagging suggestions – Recognizing faces in newly uploaded photos and recommending tags for Facebook friends whose faces match.
  • Profile photo safety – Checking if a user’s new profile picture contains an image of their own face rather than someone else’s.
  • Identity verification – Helping confirm a user’s identity by matching their profile photo to a live image during account verification.
  • Facebook’s “Did You Know” feature – Recognizing when users appear in friends’ photos even if they are not tagged.

Facebook’s use of facial recognition is intended to enhance users’ experience and security. However, it has also sparked concerns around privacy, consent, and potential misuse.


Facebook leverages AI algorithms to provide highly personalized recommendations to users across its apps. Some examples include:

  • News Feed recommendations – Analyzing users’ interests and activity to recommend relevant posts, Pages, Groups, events, and advertising.
  • Friend recommendations – Suggesting new friends based on mutual connections, shared interests, networks, and other signals.
  • Group recommendations – Identifying relevant Groups for users to join based on factors like location, demographics, and interactions with similar Groups.
  • Product recommendations – Using signals like purchase history and browsing data to recommend products available on Facebook Shop or Instagram Shopping.
  • Content recommendations – Serving users Reels, Watch videos, and other content tailored to their tastes and interests.

These personalized recommendations keep users engaged on Facebook apps and provide value to users, advertisers, and other businesses that rely on Facebook’s platforms.

Customized Experiences

Facebook leverages user data and AI to customize and optimize users’ experiences across its family of apps. Some examples include:

  • Adaptive interfaces – Using AI to automatically customize interface elements like fonts, colors, layouts based on a user’s behavior and characteristics.
  • Personalized calendars – Generating custom calendars with personalized event recommendations based on users’ interests and activity.
  • Automated alt text – Using object detection to automatically generate descriptive alt text for visually impaired users.
  • Translative experiences – Translating posts and comments as needed to serve users content in their preferred languages.
  • Interactive media – Using AI to generate interactive media experiences like augmented reality filters and effects.

By optimizing experiences for each user, Facebook aims to increase engagement, satisfaction, and the value users get from its apps.

Ad Targeting

Facebook leverage AI to enable more accurate, granular ad targeting capabilities for advertisers. Some examples of how AI improves ad targeting on Facebook platforms include:

  • Lookalike audiences – Identifying new potential customers who share common qualities with a brand’s existing customers based on analytics.
  • Detailed targeting – Allowing advertisers to target users based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and other signals gleaned through AI.
  • Contextual targeting – Serving ads relevant to keywords or topics in the surrounding content users are interacting with.
  • Conversion predictions – Predicting the likelihood users will complete conversions like purchases based on past activity.
  • Automated bidding – Bidding on ad auctions in real time based on predicted conversion value.

Together, these AI-powered ad targeting capabilities allow brands and advertisers to maximize the results of their Facebook ad campaigns.


Facebook uses AI in a few key ways to enhance messaging across its apps:

  • Smart replies – Suggesting one-tap replies in Messenger based on message context.
  • Language translation – Enabling real-time translation for Messenger chats between users speaking different languages.
  • Chatbots – Powering automated bots on Messenger to let brands provide customer service, deliver information, facilitate transactions and more.
  • Spam/fraud detection – Identifying and blocking spam and fraudulent messages to protect users.
  • Active listening – Monitoring audio in Messenger voice and video calls to provide real-time subtitles and detect harmful content.

Together, these applications of AI make messaging easier, safer, and more engaging for the billions of Facebook users who rely on services like Messenger and WhatsApp.

Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality

Facebook utilizes AI research to enable more immersive augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. Some examples include:

  • 3D object recognition – Allowing AR effects to identify and interact with real-world objects and scenes.
  • Multi-modal perception – Combining computer vision, audio, natural language processing, and other AI techniques to understand VR environments.
  • Sim2Real transfer – Applying simulation knowledge to improve performance of embodied AI agents in real-world VR environments.
  • Natural interaction – Using AI to enable more natural hand, eye, and voice interactions in VR and AR.
  • Avatar digitization – Creating personalized digital avatars from selfies that react realistically in VR applications.

Facebook’s AI research pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in AR/VR, setting the stage for more immersive metaverse experiences in the future.


Facebook AI Research (FAIR) is one of the biggest and most advanced AI research labs in the industry. Some key areas FAIR is working to advance include:

  • Self-supervised learning – Developing AI models that can learn from unlabeled data.
  • Multimodal AI – Combining computer vision, natural language processing, speech, and other modalities.
  • Conversational AI – Creating bots and agents that can engage in natural, useful dialogue.
  • Reinforcement learning – Teaching AI systems to maximize rewards through trial-and-error interactions.
  • Reasoning – Building AI that can understand and participate in complex reasoning tasks.
  • AI safety – Ensuring the safety, security, fairness, and interpretability of AI systems.

The innovations created at FAIR filter down into Facebook’s consumer products and services. FAIR also publishes research and open sources tools to advance AI across the industry.


Facebook operates enormous AI infrastructure to support all its AI-driven products and services. This includes:

  • Massive datasets – Facebook has access to billions of images, videos, audio clips, and other data needed to train AI models at scale.
  • Specialized hardware – They design and build specialized silicon like GPUs and TPUs optimized for AI workloads.
  • Efficient algorithms – Facebook researchers invent more efficient statistical and machine learning algorithms to advance AI capabilities.
  • Framework optimizations – They develop optimized frameworks like PyTorch and Caffe2 for quickly experimenting with AI models.
  • Distributed training – AI models are trained across vast server farms with thousands of GPUs using distributed training techniques.

The massive infrastructure Facebook operates gives it unmatched ability to develop industry-leading AI and absorb the huge compute costs involved.

What Does This Mean for Users?

For the billions of people who use Facebook’s family of apps, this massive investment in AI means:

  • Highly customized, relevance experiences based on personal data and behaviors.
  • Seamless recommendations for content, connections, groups, products and more catered specifically for each user’s interests.
  • Convenient features powered by AI like smart replies and real-time translations.
  • Immersive media experiences through augmented reality and AI-powered filters.
  • Ads and promoted content targeted with pinpoint accuracy.

But the ubiquity of AI across Facebook’s platforms also raises concerns around topics like:

  • User privacy and how all the data they generate is used to train AI models.
  • Filter bubbles and hyper-targeting limiting users’ exposure to diverse ideas and perspectives.
  • The need for transparency around how AI models moderate content and make decisions that impact users.
  • Potential biases that could be inadvertently baked into AI systems.

Facebook will need to thoughtfully address these concerns while continuing to leverage AI to enhance experiences for users worldwide.

The Future

Looking ahead, we can expect AI to become even more integral to Facebook’s offerings. Some potential areas where Facebook may apply AI in the future include:

  • Personal digital assistants – AI-powered bots that proactively assist users across Facebook’s apps.
  • Enhanced accessibility – Continued improvements using AI to make platforms accessible to those with disabilities.
  • Creator monetization – Tools to help creators monetize content using AI for tracking analytics, identifying branding opportunities, and more.
  • Fighting mis/disinformation – Ongoing improvements to limit spread of harmful misinformation without curbing free expression.
  • Privacy enhancements – New techniques like differential privacy and federated learning to enhance privacy protections in AI systems.
  • Decentralized AI – Exploring approaches to reduce centralized control over user data used to train models.
  • Regulation – Adapting to new regulatory frameworks like the EU’s Digital Services Act designed to curb harms from AI systems.

Given Facebook’s reach, any improvements or missteps with its AI could profoundly impact society. This gives Facebook significant responsibility in steering AI in a direction that benefits humanity. Only time will tell how Facebook will live up to this responsibility in the years to come.