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What does error performing query on Facebook mean?

What does error performing query on Facebook mean?

Experiencing an “error performing query” message when using Facebook can be frustrating. This error typically appears when trying to search for something or someone on Facebook. There are a few potential causes and solutions for this error.

Common Causes of “Error Performing Query” on Facebook

Here are some of the most common reasons you may see the “error performing query” message on Facebook:

  • Temporary server or database issues at Facebook
  • Internet connectivity problems on your end
  • Outdated Facebook app or need to clear cache/cookies
  • Banned keyword or restricted search
  • Too broad of a search term used

Facebook Server Issues

Like any large website, Facebook can occasionally have temporary glitches or outages that prevent certain queries from working properly. If the error only appears sporadically, this may be the cause.

There is usually nothing you can do but wait in this case for Facebook engineers to correct the problem. Trying again in a few minutes or hours typically resolves the error if it was a temporary Facebook server hiccup.

Connectivity Problems

Issues with your internet connection can also sometimes lead to the “error performing query” message. Poor wifi signal, an interruption in your cellular data service, or using a VPN/proxy server can prevent Facebook from processing search queries correctly.

Try disconnecting and reconnecting to the internet to reset your connection. Switching wifi networks, disabling your VPN, or waiting until you have a stable cellular signal again will usually fix this.

Outdated Facebook App

If you are trying to search on Facebook’s mobile app, having an outdated version installed can cause problems. Facebook is constantly updating their app with bug fixes and new features.

Go to your device’s app store and ensure you have the latest version of the Facebook app downloaded. Deleting and reinstalling the app can also purge any corrupted files that may be disrupting the search feature.

Clearing Cache/Cookies

Outdated cached data and cookies on your device can sometimes interfere with Facebook’s search function. Clearing this data forces Facebook to re-sync important settings and information.

In your browser privacy settings or Facebook app settings, try clearing the cookies and cached files. This will wipe the slate clean and often fixes search issues like the “error performing query” message.

Banned Keywords

Facebook restricts searching for certain keywords deemed inappropriate or dangerous. Attempting to search for banned words will trigger the “error performing query” notice.

Some common examples include racial slurs, dangerous activities, criminal organizations, regulated products like pharmaceuticals, etc. Avoid searching prohibited terms to prevent the error message.

Restricted Search

In some cases, your account may have restricted search capabilities if you have violated Facebook’s terms of service in the past. Spamming, abusive behavior, or posting prohibited content can cause temporary or permanent search blocks.

You will need to refrain from policy violations and possibly contact Facebook support if your account has limited search due to past violations.

Too Broad of a Search Term

Using extremely broad search terms like “people” or “places” can also lead to the error, as these do not provide enough specificity for Facebook to narrow down your query.

Try using more precise keywords focused on a name, interest, group, page, or location. This gives Facebook more context to filter and return relevant results.

How to Fix “Error Performing Query” on Facebook

If you encounter the “error performing query” message, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Refresh the Facebook page or app
  2. Double check internet connection and restart device/router if needed
  3. Clear cookies and cached data for Facebook
  4. Update to the latest version of the Facebook app
  5. Avoid searching for banned keywords or overly broad terms
  6. Try your search again later if the issue appears temporary
  7. Contact Facebook support if the error persists

Refresh Facebook

The simple act of refreshing your Facebook window or app can clear up transient glitches. Click the reload icon or close Facebook entirely and reopen it.

Check Internet Connection

As mentioned earlier, connectivity issues are a common cause of Facebook search problems. Restart your wifi router, switch wifi networks, or wait until you have a solid cellular signal.

Clear Cache & Cookies

Wipe the stored Facebook data on your device by going into your browser or app privacy settings. Facebook will re-download fresh data enabling a successful search.

Update Facebook App

If using the mobile app, visit your device’s app store and install any available updates. Updates frequently patch bugs causing search errors.

Avoid Banned Keywords

Do not search inappropriate, dangerous, or highly restricted keywords that Facebook blocks. Search normal keywords relevant to connecting with friends and interests.

Try Again Later

Sporadic Facebook server outages can prevent searches temporarily. Try your search again in a few hours if the issue seems intermittent.

Contact Facebook Support

If you still see the error after trying these troubleshooting tips, reach out to Facebook support for additional help. They may be able to diagnose a persistent underlying issue not resolvable on your own.

Preventing “Error Performing Query” Messages

To avoid the “error performing query” notice in the future, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Maintain a stable, high-speed internet connection
  • Keep your Facebook app updated to the latest version
  • Refrain from searching overly broad terms like “people” or “places”
  • Only search normal keywords relevant to your personal interests and connections
  • Clear your browser and Facebook app cache/cookies periodically
  • Avoid violations of Facebook’s terms and policies

Stable Internet Connection

Use a solid wifi or cellular data connection when accessing Facebook. Slow, unstable connections commonly disrupt search capabilities.

Update Facebook App

Download updates for the Facebook mobile app as soon as they become available. Updates fix bugs and improve search performance.

Avoid Overly Broad Searches

Search specific keywords like names, pages, groups, interests, etc. Overly vague searches with terms like “people” often trigger errors.

Search Normal Keywords

Never try searching dangerous, inappropriate, illegal, or spammy keywords that violate Facebook’s policies or regulations.

Clear Cache & Cookies

Regularly clear your locally stored Facebook data to prevent outdated info from interfering with searches.

Follow Facebook Policies

Using Facebook responsibly by not spamming, harassing others, or posting policy-violating content will maintain full search capabilities.


Troubleshooting Facebook search errors involves steps like refreshing, checking connectivity, updating software, clearing app data, avoiding broad keywords or banned terms, and retrying later. Following best practices of maintaining a stable connection, keeping software updated, searching responsibly, and clearing cached data can prevent future “error performing query” occurrences.

If error messages persist after trying these troubleshooting tips, reach out to Facebook support for additional assistance in resolving search problems. With the right troubleshooting and optimal search habits, you can avoid Facebook search issues.