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What does Elon Musk think of Facebook?

What does Elon Musk think of Facebook?

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is known for being very outspoken on various topics related to technology and business. One company that Musk has repeatedly criticized over the years is Facebook. Musk has expressed concerns about Facebook’s impact on society and the power it wields as one of the largest technology companies in the world. In this article, we will explore Musk’s views on Facebook and the reasons behind his criticism of the social media giant.

Musk’s Concerns About Facebook’s Power

One of Musk’s main issues with Facebook is its immense influence over global communication and information flow. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook owns some of the most popular social media platforms in the world, including Facebook itself, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. This gives Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg significant control over how people communicate and what information they access online.

In an interview at the 2020 Satellite 2020 conference, Musk stated: “Facebook has too much influence in too few hands right now. There probably should be more oversight of Facebook and similar organizations relative to the influence they have.” He believes Facebook has far too much unregulated power and lacks sufficient checks and balances given its vast reach.

Musk has warned that this concentration of power is dangerous, arguing that “Facebook and Google effectively control the internet.” He questions whether this level of control by private companies helps or harms free speech and democracy. The lack of restrictions on Facebook’s content moderation policies is an issue Musk wants addressed.

Concerns Over Facebook’s Business Model

Another major criticism Musk has leveled at Facebook is regarding its business model. Facebook makes the vast majority of its revenue from targeted advertising enabled by user data collection. But Musk claims this business model is “manipulative and wrong.”

In 2018, Musk made a bold prediction about Facebook, tweeting: “Facebook will be hosed in the next recession as companies pull back on advertising spend. Will be like burning cash in a dumpster fire.” His view is that Facebook’s reliance on advertising revenue makes it vulnerable to economic downturns.

Musk has also raised concerns about microtargeting of ads and posts on Facebook. He said at the 2020 Satellite 2020 conference that ad targeting means “you can effectively know everything about everyone and target ads in a way that is not historically possible.” While this powers Facebook’s business, Musk feels users may not be fully aware of how much personal data they are giving up for this level of ad targeting.

Delete Facebook Comments

Perhaps Musk’s most direct criticism of Facebook came in 2018 when he had an exchange with his followers on Twitter about deleting Facebook accounts. When asked by a user if he had deleted his Facebook account, Musk responded “Yes” and changed his Twitter name to Elon Musk’s Ex-Facebook page.

He then tweeted: “Delete Facebook It’s lame.” Musk further explained his rationale, tweeting: “Facebook makes me sad. So much potential & talent, but so much harm too, it’s a net negative in my view.” He encouraged people to delete their accounts unless they “enjoy being under constant surveillance.”

Musk even weighed in on the #DeleteFacebook movement in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, tweeting: “What’s Facebook?” This humorous comment implicitly endorsed deleting Facebook accounts in protest.

Criticism of Facebook’s Policies

At various times, Musk has directly criticized some of Facebook’s policies. In 2021, after Facebook extended its ban on former President Donald Trump, Musk tweeted: “This is messed up.” He sees permanent bans as draconian overreach.

Musk also frequently argues against political censorship on social media. When Facebook introduced a climate change misinformation policy, Musk responded tweeting: “The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies who lay claim to the truth, but publish only enough to sugarcoat the lie, is why the public no longer respects them.”

In 2022, Musk accused Facebook of being biased, tweeting: “Facebook gives wide latitude to US democrat actors to say incendiary, hateful, even murderous things, but censors minor right-wing dissent.” Though stated in partisan terms, Musk’s view is that inconsistent speech policies undermine trust in platforms like Facebook.

Should Facebook Be Regulated?

Given his concerns, Musk has indicated openness to greater government regulation of companies like Facebook. In 2018 Senate testimony regarding Tesla, he said:

“If there are laws that prevent Facebook or Google from fully understanding the effects of advertising on manipulating public opinion, those laws should probably be updated given that there’s been no law against that historically. That would be wise to have some insight there.”

Musk believes outdated laws give companies like Facebook too much room to influence society in ways not intended or understood by users or regulators. He wants to see more accountability.

However, Musk has also made arguments defending Facebook’s right to make decisions about content policies. In 2022, he tweeted:

“Be very cautious with permanent bans. Deplatforming a major pubic forum should be extremely rare and really only for accounts that explicitly advocate violence.”

So while open to updated regulations, Musk leans towards supporting free speech rights and limiting permanent account bans.

Acquiring Twitter

In light of Musk’s vocal criticism of Facebook, his move in 2022 to acquire Twitter for $44 billion is intriguing. Some speculate his desire to own Twitter is partly motivated by a wish to create a social media platform more aligned with his free speech principles as an alternative to Facebook.

Musk said in a statement about acquiring Twitter: “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.”

His attempt to take over Twitter signals deep discontent with the major social networks like Facebook and a desire to reshape social media from the inside.

Musk’s Vision for an Alternative?

Apart from regulating Facebook or trying to change platforms like Twitter, Musk may favor creating entirely new social media networks. He is an innovative technologist and successful entrepreneur.

In March 2022, Musk tweeted: “Is a new platform needed?” raising the possibility he might build a social network to compete with Facebook.

Given Musk’s track record disrupting industries like electric vehicles and commercial space travel, he could potentially upend social media as well. With Musk’s focus on free speech as a priority, a new platform built around his principles would certainly look different than Facebook’s centralized control.

Some analysts believe emerging technologies like blockchain and Web3 could enable decentralized social networks less susceptible to corporate control. Musk’s leadership and technical expertise could be key assets in building Web3 social platforms that win over critical masses of users.


Elon Musk has developed a sharp critique of Facebook and the centralized power he believes the company wields over digital communication. Key concerns Musk has voiced include:

– Facebook’s lack of oversight and regulation given its vast influence over users
– Business models based on advertising and data collection without user knowledge
– Bans on speech and accounts that Musk sees as heavy-handed
– Biases in content moderation policies applied arbitrarily

Musk suggests updated regulations are needed to hold Facebook more accountable. Acquiring Twitter appears to be part of a strategy to reshape social media from the inside. But Musk may also favor creating entirely new decentralized platforms as an alternative, drawing on emerging Web3 technologies.

As one of the most influential voices in tech, Musk’s sustained criticism of Facebook will likely add momentum to reforming social media or developing new networks where free discourse can thrive. With his technical vision and massive resources, Musk has the potential to disrupt Facebook’s dominance, introducing more choice into social networking.