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What does downloading Facebook data show?

What does downloading Facebook data show?

Facebook holds a vast amount of personal data on its billions of users. When you download your Facebook data, you get unique insight into how much information Facebook has collected on you over the years. Analyzing this data can reveal interesting facts about your digital life and raise questions about how Facebook uses your personal information.

How to Download Your Facebook Data

Downloading your Facebook data is easy to do:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu
  3. Click on “Download Your Information”
  4. Click on “Create File”

Facebook will assemble all your data and email you a link to download it when it’s ready. The download file will be in .ZIP format and contains several folders with different types of data.

What’s in Your Facebook Data

Once you unpack your Facebook data, you’ll find it’s organized into folders for different types of information:

  • Photos and Videos: All photos and videos you’ve uploaded or been tagged in.
  • Posts: All your posts, shared links, status updates, etc.
  • Messages: Private messages with your Facebook friends.
  • Friends: Your friends list and their contact information.
  • Events: Events you’ve created or been invited to.
  • Groups: The groups you’ve joined.
  • Pages: Pages you’ve liked or followed.
  • Saved Items: Posts and links you’ve saved.
  • Your Comments: All the comments you’ve made on posts, photos, etc.
  • Following and Followers: People you follow and who follow you.
  • Ads: The ads you’ve clicked on or engaged with.
  • Apps and Websites: Apps and websites you’ve logged into with Facebook.
  • Search History: Terms you’ve searched for on Facebook.
  • Location History: Places you’ve checked into or were tagged at.
  • Payment History: Your Facebook Payments transactions.
  • Security and Login: Data about logins, two-factor authentication, etc.

That’s a lot of personal information! Each folder provides insight into a different part of your digital life on Facebook.

Analyzing Your Post History

One of the most revealing parts of your Facebook data is your full post history. Reading back through years of posts, links, photos, check-ins, and life events provides a timeline of your life:

  • What topics did you post about most frequently?
  • How have your interests changed over time?
  • What big life events did you share?
  • Who did you tag in posts and photos?
  • What places did you check in from?

Your post history tells the story of your life over the past 10+ years. It can be nostalgic, cringey, or shocking to look back on depending on what you shared!

Post History Insights

Analyzing your post history can provide interesting insights like:

  • Your most commonly used words and phrases
  • How many posts per year you’ve made over time
  • The most common people, places, and topics in your posts
  • How many photos and videos you’ve shared
  • Which posts got the most reactions and shares

These insights reveal how your interests and priorities have evolved over your years on Facebook. You can learn a lot about yourself by analyzing your post history.

Examining Your Entire Friend List

Your Facebook data includes your entire friends list and all the contact information you have for each friend. This provides a comprehensive snapshot of your social network on Facebook:

  • How many total Facebook friends do you have?
  • How many phone numbers and email addresses have you collected?
  • Which friends do you have the most contact details saved for?
  • How many friends have you made each year you’ve been on Facebook?

Your friend list tells the story of your social connections and how your network has grown over time. It can be eye-opening to see the hundreds (or thousands) of friends accumulated over a decade on Facebook.

Friend List Insights

Analyzing your Facebook friend list can reveal insights like:

  • Your total number of friends
  • The number of friends added each year
  • Your most common friend connections (school, work, etc)
  • Which friends you have the most contact details saved for
  • How many friends you’ve unfriended over time

Your friend list provides a measurable look at the evolution of your social network over your years on Facebook.

Checking Your Location History

Facebook collects extensive location data on its users based on places they check in, geo-tagged posts, and other signals. Your Facebook data includes your full location history with timestamps:

  • Every place you’ve checked into
  • Locations tagged in your posts
  • Places you’ve been tracked/logged by Facebook

This location data provides a timeline of your real-world movements over the years. Facebook likely knows more about your location history than you do!

Location History Insights

Diving into your location history can reveal details like:

  • How many places you’ve checked into over time
  • The cities, countries, and places you’ve visited most
  • How accurate Facebook’s locations are based on your geo-tagged posts
  • How many location tags you have from friends in posts and photos

Your location history creates a digital map of the real-world places you’ve been. It shows how extensive Facebook’s location tracking capabilities are.

Reviewing Years of Private Messages

Your Facebook data includes full history of all your private messages with friends and groups. This provides a look back at years of conversations:

  • Messages with specific friends over time
  • Group conversations in Messenger
  • Deleted and removed messages

Reading through old messages can be an emotional experience. It’s akin to finding an old box of letters from years past.

Private Message Insights

You can gain intriguing insights by analyzing your private message history, such as:

  • Your most frequent messaging contacts
  • The evolution of conversations with close friends
  • How your messaging habits have changed over time
  • Which friends you used to message often but rarely do anymore

Your private message history tells the story of your closest social connections and how they’ve changed over your years on Facebook.

Studying Years of Search History

Facebook maintains a log of every search you’ve ever done on the platform. Your Facebook data includes your full search history:

  • People you’ve searched for
  • Pages and places you’ve searched for
  • Topics, events, and keywords you’ve searched

Your search history provides a window into what you’ve been interested in, curious about, and trying to find over the years. It can be surprising how comprehensive it is.

Search History Insights

Analyzing your search history can reveal details like:

  • Your most frequent search terms and keywords
  • How your interests have evolved based on search terms
  • Friends and acquaintances you’ve searched for most often
  • What news events, places, and pages you searched for

Your search history chronicles your interests, curiosity, and online digging over your years on Facebook.

Reviewing Ads You’ve Clicked

Facebook’s massive advertising engine is powered by the extensive data it collects on you. Your Facebook archive contains data on ads you’ve engaged with:

  • Ads you’ve clicked on or tapped
  • Ads you’ve seen and scrolled past
  • Advertisers who’ve targeted you

This ad data demonstrates how Facebook tracks your activity to target you with relevant ads. It provides insight into what ads catch your interest.

Ad Data Insights

Studying your ad engagement history can reveal details like:

  • Which advertisers target you most frequently
  • The types of ads you commonly click on
  • How many ads you scroll past without clicking
  • What interests Facebook has inferred from your activity

Your ad data shows what makes you click and gives you transparency into Facebook’s ad targeting.

Identifying Apps and Websites Connected to Facebook

Hundreds of thousands of apps and websites support logging in with Facebook or sharing data back to Facebook. Your Facebook data shows all the apps and sites connected to your account:

  • Apps you’ve logged into with Facebook
  • Websites you use Facebook Login on
  • Apps and sites you’ve allowed to access your data

This provides visibility into all the services sharing your data back to Facebook through their APIs and pixels.

App and Website Insights

Reviewing your connected apps and sites reveals details like:

  • How many apps you use Facebook Login with
  • What app permissions you’ve granted over time
  • What websites integrate Facebook features
  • What third parties may have accessed parts of your data

This app and website history demonstrates just how pervasive Facebook’s data integrations are across the internet.

Reviewing Your Security and Login History

Facebook keeps detailed records on your account’s security settings and login activity. This includes:

  • Login dates, times, locations, and IP addresses
  • Devices you’ve used to access Facebook
  • Any suspicious or banned logins
  • Your two-factor authentication activity
  • Changes you’ve made to security settings

Reviewing this data provides visibility into when and how your account has been accessed over the years.

Security and Login Insights

Key insights from your security and login history may include:

  • How many different devices have accessed your account
  • Geographic locations your account has been accessed from
  • Any suspicious or unrecognized logins
  • When you enabled two-factor authentication
  • Changes made to your account security settings

This part of your Facebook data gives you transparency into your account’s security posture.


Analyzing your Facebook data archive provides fascinating and sometimes unsettling insights into:

  • Your post, like, and comment history
  • Your evolving social network and friend list
  • Facebook’s extensive location tracking data
  • Years of private messages with friends
  • Your interests and searches over time
  • Ads you’ve engaged with
  • Apps, sites, and services connected to your account
  • Your account’s security and login history

Facebook’s collection of personal data is unrivaled in scale. Downloading your information reveals just how much it knows about you based on your activity across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and partner apps and sites. Everyone should download their Facebook data and see what surprises, insights, and questions it reveals about your digital life.