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What does circumventing systems mean on Facebook ads?

What does circumventing systems mean on Facebook ads?

Circumventing systems on Facebook ads refers to finding ways around the rules, policies, and algorithms Facebook has in place to regulate advertising on their platform. This could involve using misleading language, exploiting loopholes, or finding technical workarounds to get ads approved that normally wouldn’t be.

Some common tactics used to circumvent Facebook’s systems include:

  • Using vague or misleading language in ads to obscure non-compliant products, services or content
  • Submitting the same ad repeatedly even after rejection to try getting it approved
  • Creating multiple Facebook accounts and Pages to test different language and imagery
  • Adjusting images or video in ads to evade image recognition algorithms
  • Using Facebook’s own tools like Lookalike Audiences in non-recommended ways

Brands and marketers may attempt to circumvent Facebook’s systems for different reasons. These include:

Reasons Brands Try to Circumvent Facebook’s Systems

  • To run ads for prohibited products or services like weapons, adult content, illegal drugs, etc.
  • To use misleading claims or bait-and-switch tactics in ads
  • To promote risky financial offerings like binary options trading or cryptocurrency investment schemes
  • To run discriminatory ads based on race, gender, age or other protected categories
  • To direct people off Facebook to non-compliant lead gen forms or content
  • To build lookalike audiences from sensitive user data like health conditions or ethnicity
  • To drive traffic to websites engaged in copyright infringement, malware distribution or other illegal activities

While some circumvention efforts are clearly against Facebook’s policies, there are also more borderline cases of marketers pushing the envelope to aggressively promote their business. For example, a weight loss supplement brand might try countless different ad variations to land on language that gets approved without directly making prohibited health claims.

How Does Facebook Try to Stop Circumventors?

Facebook employs both automated technology and human review teams to try blocking and removing ads that don’t comply with their policies. Some key methods include:

  • AI Review – Computer vision and natural language processing scan all new ads and updates to existing ads to detect policy violations before approval.
  • Human Reviewers – Facebook has over 15,000 content reviewers assessing ads after AI flags potential issues or users submit complaints.
  • Targeted Monitoring – Facebook proactively searches for and reviews ads from high-risk accounts based on past violations.
  • Limits and Restrictions – Accounts or Pages with multiple policy violations may face limits on ads they can run, ad formats available, targeting options and other constraints.
  • Removal and Rejection – Ads and sometimes entire ad accounts are removed when violations are confirmed.

Despite these layers of defense, some circumventors still slip through the cracks. When Facebook identifies new circumvention tactics being used, they update their detection systems to try blocking these approaches in the future. It becomes an ongoing cat-and-mouse game.

Examples of Successful Circumvention and Facebook’s Response

Here are some illustrative examples of advertisers managing to circumvent Facebook’s ad review systems and the subsequent countermeasures Facebook deployed:

Vague Language and Image Masking to Promote Prohibited Products

In 2019, CNN reported that companies were selling body armor, gas masks and other prohibited products on Facebook by using euphemisms and hiding images under overlays with permitted content. For example, body armor vests were promoted using terms like “tactical muscle shirts” and “frag resistant uniforms” without images of the actual products.

To combat this, Facebook enhanced their text analysis to detect vague language hinting at prohibited items. They also unveiled new technology to digitally remove overlays and reveal underlying product images.

Machine Learning Classifiers to Detect Prohibited Content

In 2021, ad compliance firm published findings on supplement brands using music, distorted audio and abrupt cuts in video ads to evade Facebook’s audio moderation and make prohibited health claims difficult to decipher.

In response, Facebook incorporated new multimodal machine learning classifiers that evaluate audio, video frames and text holistically to detect non-compliant ads even when audio is obstructed. They also expanded human review teams to check higher volumes of short-form video ads.

Technical Workarounds for Restricted Ad Targeting

In 2022, a Buzzfeed News investigation found companies were able to target ads to users interested in topics like “pseudoscience” and “vaccine controversies” by targeting associated pages and interests not on Facebook’s prohibited list.

Facebook introduced new processes to quickly identify and block new interest targeting attempts as circumventions of their restricted interest targeting policies. They also expanded the criteria for prohibited targeting to include interests highly correlated with prohibited topics.

Common Consequences for Circumventors

When advertisers are caught circumventing systems, depending on severity they may face:

  • Rejection of the non-compliant ads
  • Limits on ad targeting, formats or placements they can use
  • Extra review on new ads before approval
  • Removal of current ad campaigns
  • Temporary bans on creating new ads or managing existing ads
  • Complete blocking of their ad account, Page, or domain from all Facebook advertising

Minor first offenses typically see only the non-compliant ad rejected. But repeat violations or more serious circumvention efforts can lead to full business blocks even on a first offense.

Best Practices for Advertisers

The best way for advertisers to avoid circumvention pitfalls is:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s detailed ad policies and stay updated on changes.
  • Use clear, compliant language describing your products, services and promotions.
  • Get explicit written approval from Facebook on any areas of uncertainty before running ads.
  • Work collaboratively with Facebook if they identify any potential issues so you can adapt campaigns accordingly.
  • Train ad team members thoroughly on ad content policies and prohibitions.
  • Continuously audit ad accounts and business Pages for potential policy violations.

Trying to slip non-compliant ads past Facebook’s reviewers may generate short-term results but at the risk of severe long-term repercussions. Know the rules and follow them to build an ethical and sustainable advertising presence.

Key Takeaways on Circumventing Facebook’s Ad Systems

To summarize the key points:

  • Circumvention involves finding creative but prohibited ways to get ads approved that violate Facebook’s policies.
  • Brands may circumvent to promote banned products, use misleading tactics, or target controversial topics.
  • Facebook uses AI, human review, targeted monitoring, restrictions and removals to detect and stop circumventors.
  • Identified tactics like vague language, concealed images, distorted audio and technical workarounds have all eventually been blocked.
  • Getting caught circumventing can lead to ad or account bans and permanent blocking.
  • Following Facebook’s ad policies, seeking clarification and training staff are the best ways to avoid violations.

Facebook’s ad review systems continue to rapidly advance to close loopholes but advertisers should also uphold ethical standards when promoting their brand. Understanding the circumvention risks and focusing on transparency can keep businesses compliant and successful in Facebook advertising.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is circumventing Facebook’s ad policies illegal?

Circumventing Facebook’s policies directly is not illegal per se but it does violate the platform’s terms of service. However, some common circumvention tactics do involve promoting illegal products and services which can have legal repercussions beyond just losing Facebook advertising access.

What are some warning signs that an advertiser may be trying to circumvent Facebook’s systems?

Some red flags that may indicate circumvention efforts:

  • Repeatedly submitting similar ads with slightly different language or images
  • Using intentional misspellings or obscure references to prohibited topics
  • Ads drive to suspicious supplementary content used to evade text analysis
  • Accounts have a history of policy violations and repeated temporary bans
  • New backup accounts are created frequently to replace banned accounts

Why doesn’t Facebook approve all ads algorithmically to stop circumvention?

While Facebook does utilize AI and machine learning to evaluate ad content, human review provides an additional layer of nuanced analysis that adapts to new circumvention tactics over time. Automated systems alone would likely approve more policy-violating ads or conversely block high volumes of compliant ads if thresholds were set too sensitive. The combined approach allows training systems on new circumvention patterns identified by human reviewers.

What alternatives are there for advertisers restricted heavily by Facebook’s policies?

Advertisers promoting prohibited products/services or wanting very granular targeting on controversial attributes that are restricted by Facebook may see better results on alternative ad platforms with less stringent policies, such as native advertising on niche sites or contextual advertising on Google Ads. However, advertisers should still carefully weigh risks, as other platforms also work to reduce harmful targeting and content.

Platform Key Differences from Facebook
Native Advertising More flexibility on restricted products/services if hosted directly on sites appealing to target demographics.
Google Ads Keyword and contextual targeting provides alternatives to interest-based targeting for sensitive verticals.
Reddit Ads Can target specific subreddits related to prohibited topics but still faces content policy limits.
Influencer Marketing Works directly with creators who may be willing to promote a wider range of products to their highly targeted audience.

What ethical standards should advertisers follow when using platforms like Facebook?

Some core ethical principles advertisers should consider:

  • Transparency with users about products, services and promotions.
  • Truthfulness in all claims, testimonials and comparisons.
  • Privacy by not exploiting user data in ways that could unexpectedly expose sensitive attributes.
  • Inclusiveness by avoiding targeting or content that discriminates or demeans.
  • Lawfulness in following all platform policies and applicable regulations.
  • Corporate responsibility by proactively managing brand safety and reputation.


Facebook’s ad systems have grown vastly more sophisticated but the ongoing circumvention arms race shows advertisers must exercise similar diligence in understanding policies, implementing creative safeguards, and maintaining high ethical standards. While Facebook bears responsibility for enforcing its own rules, brands also need strong compliance programs and training in place to ensure they operate responsibly at a time of heightened scrutiny across the digital advertising ecosystem. Those that balance creativity with accountability will maintain access to Facebook’s unparalleled reach while keeping their reputation intact.