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What does a white circle and tick mean on Messenger?

What does a white circle and tick mean on Messenger?

The white circle and tick icon on Facebook Messenger has a simple meaning – it indicates that a message has been sent and delivered successfully. When you send a message on Messenger, you’ll see a white circle with a checkmark in it to the right of the message, letting you know that it was transmitted without error. Once the recipient receives the message, the check mark turns blue, confirming that it was delivered and read.

So in summary:

  • White circle with check – message sent
  • Blue check – message delivered and read

This icon system allows Messenger users to easily track the status of their messages and know whether they have been successfully transmitted and opened by the intended recipient. It provides visual confirmation that your messages are going through as expected.

When does the white circle and tick appear?

The white circle and tick icon appears immediately after you hit send on a message in Messenger. It signifies that your message has successfully left your device and has been transmitted through Facebook’s servers.

Some key points about when it appears:

  • Appears instantly after sending a message
  • Confirms the message has been transmitted from your device
  • Does not indicate the message has been delivered yet
  • Remains white until the recipient receives the message
  • Does not confirm the message has been seen/opened yet

So in the moments after you hit send, when the message is still making its way to the recipient’s device, you will see the white circle and tick to indicate it is in progress. This initial white icon represents the “sent” status.

When does the icon turn blue?

Once the message successfully reaches the recipient’s device, the icon will turn blue, indicating it has been “delivered” and received. This happens automatically and requires no action on the recipient’s part initially.

Some key points about when it turns blue:

  • Turns blue as soon as message arrives on recipient’s device
  • Confirms the message has been delivered successfully
  • Does not mean the recipient has read or opened the message
  • Remains blue until the message is opened
  • Turns to a second blue check when opened

So the first blue check mark confirms your message has reached its destination, but the recipient may not have seen it yet. This represents the “delivered” status.

When does the second blue check appear?

Once the recipient actually opens and views your message, a second blue checkmark will appear next to the existing one, indicating the message has been “read.” This provides confirmation that not only was your message delivered, but it has been seen and opened.

Some key points about the second blue check:

  • Appears when the recipient opens the message
  • Confirms the message has been read and opened
  • Provides certainty your message was received and viewed
  • Does not indicate any further action from the recipient
  • No additional icon confirms a response

So two blue checks means your message was successfully transmitted, delivered, and read. However, it does not necessarily mean the recipient has responded or will respond. It simply confirms your message was seen.

What if the checks do not appear?

If you do not see the initial white check mark after sending a message, it indicates there was an error transmitting the message. This likely means there is a poor internet connection. Similarly, if the checks never turn blue, there is a problem delivering the message.

Some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your internet connection and try sending again
  • Restart your device and the Messenger app
  • Make sure you have the latest Messenger app updates
  • Check if the recipient’s account is temporarily unavailable
  • Try contacting the recipient by other means

Persistent issues with the check marks could signify a wider technical problem requiring troubleshooting. But in most cases, it is temporary and you can simply try sending the message again until the icon appears as expected.

Can you turn off the delivery receipts?

Some Messenger users prefer not to have read receipts enabled, as they do not want senders to get confirmation when they open messages. The good news is you can disable delivery and read receipts in Messenger if desired.

To disable read receipts:

  1. Open the Messenger app and tap your profile photo
  2. Go to Privacy settings
  3. Tap on Read Receipts
  4. Toggle read receipts to OFF

When disabled, senders will see a delivered confirmation but will not get the second blue check for read messages. You can toggle this setting on and off at any time.


The white circle and tick icon on Messenger provides simple visual confirmation that your messages are being successfully sent, delivered, and read. Here is a summary of what each icon means:

White check Message sent
Blue check Message delivered
Two blue checks Message read

Knowing the meaning behind these icons can help Messenger users confirm their messages are reaching recipients as expected. It takes the uncertainty out of messaging and makes communication more efficient. So when in doubt about a message, just check for the checks!