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What does a waving hand mean on Facebook?

What does a waving hand mean on Facebook?

A waving hand is one of the many emoji reactions that can be used on Facebook posts and comments. It appears as a small cartoon hand with the palm facing the viewer and fingers waving side to side. The waving hand is commonly used to say hello or goodbye, express gratitude, show support or excitement, or get someone’s attention in a friendly way.

Waving Hand as a Greeting

One of the most common uses of the waving hand emoji reaction on Facebook is as a greeting. It can signify saying hello or goodbye to someone. For example, you may comment with a waving hand on a friend’s post just to acknowledge them and let them know you’ve seen their update. It has a casual and friendly tone, similar to if you were to encounter someone in person and wave your hand at them.

The waving hand makes for a warm, personable online greeting. It comes across as more animated and expressive than simply typing out the words “Hello!” or “Goodbye!” By choosing the waving hand emoji, you add a bit of visual flair and personality to your greeting.

Saying Hello

Commenting with a waving hand emoji on someone’s post is an easy way to virtually wave hello. It’s ideal for when you want to make contact in a lively yet laidback way. The visual of a waving hand makes the greeting seem more life-like. It’s almost like you’re waving at that person through the screen!

For instance, if a friend you haven’t chatted with in a while shares a new post, you could write “Hi! *waving hand emoji*” as a friendly hello. The waving hand makes your greeting feel more energetic. Similarly, if you notice a Facebook friend or group posted something interesting, you could say “Hey there! *waving hand emoji*” to nicely announce your presence.

Saying Goodbye

The waving hand emoji also works well for saying farewell on Facebook. For example, if you’ve been actively commenting back and forth with someone on a post, you could end the conversation with a “Bye for now *waving hand emoji*”. The visual of waving expresses the sentiment of bidding them goodbye in a casual, lighthearted manner.

You can also use the waving hand when leaving a group conversation. For instance, if several people are discussing plans in the comments and you need to sign off, you could write something like “Sounds fun! I’ve gotta run but talk to you all later *waving hand emoji*”. It comes across as warmer and more conversational than simply typing “Goodbye”.

Expressing Gratitude

In addition to greeting others, the waving hand emoji is also commonly used to express thanks and appreciation on Facebook. It can add a friendly, sincere tone to messages of gratitude.

For example, if someone writes you a nice birthday message on your Facebook wall, you could reply with “*waving hand emoji* Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes!” The waving hand visually conveys warmth, making your thank you feel more heartfelt and genuine.

Similarly, if someone shares advice that helps you out in some way, you could comment “*waving hand emoji* Thanks for the great advice!” The waving hand helps underscore that you’re speaking directly to them and are grateful they took the time to help.

If someone tags you in a post you appreciate, you could write “*waving hand emoji* I’m touched, thank you for thinking of me!” The waving hand places emphasis on the thankful sentiment.

Replying to Comments

The waving hand is also an appropriate emoji to use when replying to comments as a way of saying thanks. For example, if someone leaves a nice comment on your Facebook post, you can acknowledge it by writing something like “*waving hand emoji* Aww thank you, that’s so kind!” Or if someone shares words of support during a difficult time, you could reply with “*waving hand emoji* Your words mean the world, thanks so much.”

Using the visual of a waving hand makes your reply feel more personal and friendly. It shows you’re speaking directly to that person and want to return the gesture of waving thanks back to them.

Showing Support

The waving hand emoji is commonly used on Facebook to signal encouragement, support, or shared enthusiasm. It allows you to visually show you’re “waving on” someone or “cheering them on” in a spirited yet casual way.


If someone shares about a challenge they’re facing, you can react with a waving hand to show you’re rooting for them. For example, if a friend posts that they’re nervous about a job interview, you could write “You’ve got this! *waving hand emoji* Sending good vibes your way!” The waving hand visually conveys that you’re waving in encouragement from their corner.

Similarly, if someone shares they just started a new exercise program, you can cheer them on by commenting “Get it! *waving hand emoji*” or “You go, this is awesome, keep up the great work! *waving hand emoji*” The waving hand punctuates your supportive sentiments.

Celebrating Wins and Milestones

The waving hand is also an upbeat emoji to comment when celebrating someone’s major life events and accomplishments. For instance, if a friend announces a new job, engagement, home purchase, or other milestone, you can react with an enthusiastic “Yay, congrats! *waving hand emoji*” The waving hand lets you virtually wave in celebration of their achievement.

Similarly, if someone graduates from school, throws a big birthday bash, or shares exciting personal news, you can celebrate with them by writing something like “Hooray *clapping hands emoji* *party popper emoji* *waving hand emoji* So thrilled for you!” The array of celebratory emojis, including the waving hand, helps convey your happiness for them.

Getting Someone’s Attention

In some contexts, commenting with a waving hand emoji on Facebook can be a way to gently get someone’s attention. It allows you to signal you’re waving their way to capture their notice.

For example, if you have an important question for someone but they haven’t responded to your previous comments, you could write something like “*waving hand emoji* Sorry to bug you but wanted to check in about the party plans this weekend. Let me know when you have a minute!” The waving hand grabs their attention in a friendly yet persistent way.

You can also use the waving hand when attempting to get back in touch with an old friend on Facebook. For instance, you may comment on one of their posts with “*waving hand emoji* Long time no see! Hope you’ve been well!” or “*waving hand emoji* Hi stranger, it’s been awhile! How are things?” The waving hand keeps your message light rather than demanding.

How to Type the Waving Hand Emoji

Typing the waving hand emoji on Facebook is simple if you know the right steps:

On Mobile:

  • Open the Facebook app and navigate to the post or comment where you want to use the emoji
  • Tap the smiley face icon on the right side of the comment box
  • This will open up the emoji keyboard. Tap the “People” tab on the bottom
  • Scroll through the emojis until you find the waving hand pictured under the “Waving Hand Sign” heading.
  • Tap to select the emoji and insert it into your comment.

On Desktop:

  • While writing a comment, click the smiley face icon on the bottom right of the comment box
  • In the window that pops up, click the “People” tab
  • Look for the waving hand under the “Waving Hand Sign” heading and hover over it. Click to insert it into your comment.

Once you’ve inserted the emoji, you can drag it to reposition it within your comment.


In summary, the waving hand emoji has several main uses on Facebook:

  • As a friendly greeting to say hello or goodbye
  • To express thanks and gratitude
  • To show encouragement and support
  • To celebrate milestones and achievements
  • To get someone’s attention playfully

With its cheerful, spirited vibe, the waving hand allows you to connect with others in a warm, conversational way. It’s an easy yet meaningful emoji to help engage with friends and community members on Facebook.