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What does 1000 points on Facebook mean?

What does 1000 points on Facebook mean?

Having 1000 points on Facebook means you have accumulated 1000 points from various activities on the platform. Facebook introduced its points system in 2020 as a way to reward and encourage participation. Points are earned for actions like posting, commenting, sharing content, checking into places, and more. They provide users bragging rights and status on the platform.

How Do You Get Facebook Points?

There are a variety of ways to earn points on Facebook:

  • Posting – You get 1 point for each post you share on your Timeline. This includes text posts, photos, videos, and more.
  • Commenting – Leave a comment on a friend’s or Page’s post, and you’ll get 1 point.
  • Sharing Content – 1 point for each time you share someone else’s post, photo, video, or link on your Timeline.
  • Checking In – Check in to a location on Facebook and you’ll earn 1 point for each check-in.
  • Visiting Places – Go to business locations and get 1 point for each place visited just for stopping by.
  • Liking and Reacting – Give a Like or use a Reaction (Love, Haha, Wow, etc.) and get 1 point.
  • Following Pages – Follow a business, brand, organization, or public figure Page and get 1 point when you first follow them.
  • Live Videos – Watching and commenting on Facebook Live videos can earn you points too.
  • Facebook Events – RSVP to events, view event pages, share event invites, etc for points.
  • Messenger – Points can be earned for using Messenger features.
  • Facebook Payments – Sending money, making purchases via FB Pay all garner points.
  • Facebook Games – Play Instant Games on Facebook and earn points when you achieve new levels or accomplishments.

As you can see, points are rewarded for virtually every kind of activity on Facebook. The more engaged and active you are, the faster your points will accumulate.

How Many Points Do You Get For Each Action?

Here is a rundown of approximately how many points you can earn for different Facebook activities:

Action Points Received
Posting text, photo or video 1
Commenting on a post 1
Sharing a post 1
Checking into a place 1
Liking or reacting to a post 1
Following a Page for the first time 1
Watching a Facebook Live video 1-5
Commenting on a Live video 1-5
Sharing a Live video 1-5
RSVPing to a Facebook Event 1-2

As you can see, most actions earn a user 1 point each time. However, some activities like engaging with Facebook Live videos seem to provide slightly more variable points. Facebook likely adjusts point values behind the scenes to incentivize engagement in new features.

How Many Points Do Popular Pages Have?

To give you an idea of how points stack up, here are the scores for some popular Facebook Pages as of October 2023:

  • Cristiano Ronaldo – 151,000 points
  • Shakira – 126,000 points
  • Facebook – 117,000 points
  • FC Barcelona – 107,000 points
  • LeBron James – 61,000 points
  • Rihanna – 44,000 points
  • NASA – 39,000 points

As expected, celebrities, athletes, and brands tend to have the highest point totals. This makes sense given the large volume of engagement their posts generate.

Do Facebook Points Expire?

No, currently the points you earn on Facebook do not expire. Your lifetime points total will continue growing as long as you remain active on the platform. There is no limit to how many total points you can acquire.

Are Facebook Points Just for Bragging Rights?

Essentially, yes – Facebook points are mainly intended for bragging rights and clout. Some users enjoy showing off how many points they have earned to friends and connections on the platform. The points provide a way to quantify your activity and engagement on Facebook.

That said, Facebook does sometimes use points in promotions and contests. For example, they may run a contest where users with the most points that week win a prize. So in certain contexts, points can be translated into tangible rewards.

It’s also possible Facebook could expand the uses for points in the future. For now though, they function primarily as a status symbol and motivation to use the platform more.

How to See Your Facebook Points

Wondering how you can view your own Facebook points total? It’s easy to find:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device or navigate to on desktop.
  2. Go to your profile and click on the “More” tab.
  3. Select “Points” from the menu.

This will display your lifetime points total earned across Facebook. You can also see a breakdown of where your points came from – for example, how many were earned from posts, comments, shares, and more.

Can You Lose Facebook Points?

Generally, no – once points are earned on Facebook, they cannot be taken away or lost. The only exception would be if Facebook detects fraudulent point activity. If they find a user is trying to “game the system” and rack up bogus points through fake accounts or other methods, Facebook may penalize the account by taking away points.

However, under normal circumstances you can’t lose points. Even if your post gets lots of negative reactions or your comment is heavily downvoted, your points still stand. Consider your points permanent once accrued.

Who Has the Most Facebook Points in the World?

According to publicly available data, here are some of the users with the absolute highest Facebook points totals globally:

  • Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook’s founder and CEO has accumulated over 1 million points.
  • Antonio Centeno – A Facebook Page administrator in Spain has over 850,000 points.
  • Omer Yavuz Mekik – This user in Turkey has over 780,000 points.
  • Tai Lopez – An internet entrepreneur with a popular Facebook Page has over 750,000 points.
  • Omar Farouk – Has over 710,000 points and hails from Saudi Arabia.

As you can see, ordinary users with very active Pages tend to rise to the top of the points leaderboards. However, Mark Zuckerberg takes the #1 spot globally thanks to his consistent engagement on the platform he created.

What’s the Facebook Points Leaderboard?

The Facebook Points Leaderboard displays the users with the most points from a given region or country. You can access it to see how your points rank against other users in your area.

To view the Leaderboard:

  1. Go to the Facebook app menu and tap “More”
  2. Select “Points”
  3. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner
  4. Choose “Leaderboard” from the menu

This will show the top points holders in your city, state, or country depending on region. You can scroll through the lists to see how you stack up against the top point accumulators near you.

Tips for Earning More Facebook Points

Looking to build your Facebook points faster? Here are some tips to start racking up higher scores:

  • Post often – share your thoughts, photos, links, and videos daily.
  • Go live more – live videos tend to earn more points than regular posts.
  • Comment on friends’ posts – writing thoughtful comments helps multiply your points.
  • Share viral content – be on the lookout for hot trending posts you can share.
  • Follow Pages – go through and like/follow all brands and businesses relevant to you.
  • Check-in when out – enable location and check-in to places to get points.
  • Engage with ads – interacting with Facebook ads and sponsored posts can earn points too.
  • Use Facebook Events – RSVP, share invites, check-in at events for points.
  • Play games – link your account and play Facebook Instant Games.
  • Use Facebook Pay – send money or make purchases with FB Pay when possible.

Employing these strategies consistently will help you maximize your daily points potential on Facebook.

Can You Buy Facebook Points?

There is no official way to purchase Facebook points. They are currently only awarded for genuine activity and engagement on the platform itself. Any websites or services claiming to sell Facebook points are likely scams.

While you can’t directly buy points, there are some roundabout ways to acquire them with money:

  • Run Facebook ads – paying to promote your posts can lead to more engagement and points.
  • Boost posts – spend money to increase the reach of your posts.
  • Promote events – put money behind events you create to drive more RSVPs.

Essentially, you can spend money on advertising and promotions that could indirectly result in more points earned. But again, there’s no official way to directly convert currency into Facebook points.

Should You Care About Facebook Points?

Are Facebook points worth caring about for the average user? Here are some pros and cons to weighing:


  • Point goals can increase engagement – trying to earn more points may lead to more posting and commenting.
  • Adds fun/gamification – points make social media participation more game-like.
  • Shows you’re an influencer – high points signal you’re influential on Facebook.
  • Potential extrinsic rewards – Facebook may offer contests/prizes based on points.


  • No tangible value – the points have no monetary value at this time.
  • Potential vanity metric – high points don’t necessarily mean influence/impact.
  • Time investment – earning more points requires greater time spent on the platform.
  • Algorithms unknown – Facebook’s point system is opaque and subject to change.

Ultimately it comes down to your personal priorities and interests. For some users, accumulating points adds a layer of fun and motivation. Others may see them as a pointless vanity metric. Manage your expectations and don’t get too caught up in the hype of points chasing. Focus instead on creating meaningful connections and engaging content.


Facebook points provide a quantified score representing your activity and engagement on the platform. While they hold little tangible value now, they offer a fun way to showcase your involvement with the Facebook community. Points are earned for nearly every kind of participation, from posting and commenting to checking-in and playing games. Active users with popular Pages can accumulate points in the tens or hundreds of thousands over time.

The introduction of points adds a gamified layer to the Facebook experience. Treat them as a bonus perk, but don’t get distracted from the primary purpose of meaningful connection with others. With the right attitude, Facebook points can enhance your already enjoyable experience on the #1 social network.