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What do you say when you post on Facebook?

What do you say when you post on Facebook?

When posting on Facebook, there are many things you could say or share. The possibilities are endless! However, there are some best practices and guidelines to keep in mind when crafting your posts and thinking about what to say on the popular social media platform. In this article, we’ll explore common types of Facebook posts and what to say in various scenarios, along with tips for writing good posts that will resonate with your friends, family, and broader audience on Facebook.

Types of Facebook Posts

There are many different types of posts you can share on Facebook. Here are some of the most common categories:

Life Updates

One of the main reasons people use Facebook is to share life updates about themselves with their connections. This can include major life events like engagements, weddings, new jobs, moves, childbirths, etc. But you can also share smaller day-to-day updates about your activities, thoughts, feelings, or what you’re up to. With life updates, focus on sharing your news in an exciting way and thanking people for their support and well-wishes.

Opinions and Current Events

Facebook is a forum where people frequently share their views on news, politics, social issues, pop culture, and more. When posting opinions, be respectful of differing perspectives and avoid spreading misinformation. Quote facts from reputable sources. Also, keep in mind that political or strongly worded posts can spark heated debates.

Things You Like or Are Interested In

Posts about your interests—like favorite movies, music, sports teams, hobbies, foods, etc.—allow you to share what you like with friends who might have similar tastes. This helps build common bonds. Just keep your audience in mind and avoid oversharing things they may not care about.

Things You’re Doing

Posting about your activities lets friends know what you’re up to and can make them feel involved in your life. You can share things like travel photos, events you attend, restaurants/businesses you visit, nature spots you explore, etc. These kinds of posts spark conversation and allow friends to provide recommendations.

Things That Make You Happy

Uplifting, positive posts are great for spreading cheer on Facebook. You can post inspirational quotes, jokes, stories, or anecdotes that made you smile, cute animal videos, happy moments from your day, and so on. This content brightens people’s feeds.

Content You Find Funny or Amusing

We all need more humor in our lives! Posting funny videos, memes, comics, etc. gives you and your friends something to laugh about together. Just be cautious about oversharing controversial humor that could offend.

Milestones and Celebrations

It’s thoughtful to acknowledge major milestones and celebratory events in your friends’ and family members’ lives by posting about them. This includes birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, retirements, graduations, etc. Your post lets the person know you care.

Relevant Articles, Videos, etc.

Sharing informative articles, useful tips, funny videos, recipes, and other content you find worthwhile exposes your connections to things they may find interesting. It provides value to them. Just make sure sources are credible and topics aren’t too niche.

Photos and Visuals

Humans are visual creatures, so posts with photos, albums, graphics, or videos tend to perform very well on Facebook. Just ensure you have the right to share any images and that they are relevant to your audience. Creative visuals also grab more attention.

Requests for Recommendations

Asking your friends for recommendations, opinions, or advice is an easy way to get them engaging. Pose questions about great local restaurants, worthwhile books, top products, or anything you need suggestions about. This makes them feel valued.

Calls to Action

If you want people to take a specific action, like signing up for an event, donating to a cause, checking out your business, etc., you can issue a call to action. Just avoid sounding pushy. Inform people and make sure the ask aligns with their interests.

Responses and Reactions to Others’ Posts

Commenting on and reacting to posts from people in your network is a big part of connecting on Facebook. It shows you listen, care, and want to sustain relationships. Prioritize responding to posts from closer ties.

Tips for Writing Good Facebook Posts

Now that we’ve covered different types of posts, here are some tips for crafting everything you share on Facebook to maximize results:

Keep it Personal and Personable

The best Facebook posts feel authentic and personal, not formal or full of jargon. Share things about your life candidly, use your real voice, and talk directly to your audience as you would to a friend.

Find the Right Tone

Match your tone to the type of post. For instance, exciting news may warrant an enthusiastic tone while more serious issues call for thoughtfulness and care.

Be Conversational

Write conversationally, as if speaking with someone face-to-face. Don’t formally compose posts. Imagine you’re talking to one person.

Craft Compelling Headlines

You often have just a few words in the main post content to capture attention before people will click “see more.” Make them count with compelling, descriptive headlines.

Add Visual Interest

Posts with images, photo albums, videos, graphics, and other eye-catching visual elements perform better. But ensure they complement your message.

Use Strategic Hashtags

Well-chosen hashtags help surface your posts to interested audiences beyond just your direct connections. Do your research to find relevant ones.

Tag People Strategically

Tagging relevant people in your posts when appropriate makes them more visible to those who would care most. But don’t overdo it.

Share the Full Story

Provide enough background and detail so your audience understands the full context of what you’re posting about without having to ask follow-up questions.

Proofread Before Posting

Give each post a quick proofread to fix typos, grammatical errors, or unclear phrasing. This prevents muddying your message.

Post Consistently, Not Constantly

Post frequently enough to stay top of mind, but not so often that you overwhelm people. Aim for a mix of content types.

Monitor Comments and Feedback

Check back on your posts to reply to comments thoughtfully and gauge reactions. This fosters further discussion.

Find Inspiration in Your Life

Pull topics to post about from your everyday experiences, thoughts, activities, and interests. Share what’s important to you.

Vary Content Types and Topics

Balance different categories of posts to keep your content diverse. Don’t just share the same types of things repeatedly.

Learn From High-Performing Posts

Take note of which of your posts get the most engagement and shares. Then create more of that successful content.

What to Post in Specific Scenarios

Let’s now explore some specific examples of what you might post on Facebook in various situations:

Life Milestones

For major milestones like a new baby, share the news then follow up with photos and express gratitude for the support:

“John and I are thrilled to welcome our beautiful baby girl, Emily Anne, into the world! Born 5/24/22 at 7 lbs, 6 oz. We’re over the moon excited to start this new chapter as parents! Thank you all so much for the well-wishes!”

Everyday Updates

For ordinary updates like meals or activities, share a photo and quick caption about why you enjoyed yourself:

“Couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous fall day for apple picking at Smith Orchards! Cider doughnuts and fresh apples for days…”

Personal Opinions

When stating opinions, remain respectful and acknowledge differing perspectives:

“In my view, the new municipal transit plan doesn’t do enough to expand service to underserved neighborhoods. But I know reasonable people can disagree on the best solutions. Curious to hear others’ thoughts.”

Current Events

For newsworthy topics, share informative articles from credible media outlets:

“Interesting breakdown of the key issues driving inflation rates today from NPR…”


To share your interests, post photos doing activities you enjoy and invite similar folks to connect:

“Hiking in the state park this morning was the perfect start to the day! Any local hikers want to link up for a trail next weekend?”

Positive Quotes

When posting inspiring quotes, tie them back to your own perspective:

“Love this quote from my favorite author. Her words have often helped me remember to seek out the beauty and meaning in each day, even when life gets stressful.”

Funny Content

For humorous shares, give proper attribution and context around why you find it amusing:

“This comic from Calvin and Hobbes is just too accurate. Reminds me of how I felt getting up for school as a kid, even though I love mornings now!”

Friends’ Milestones

To celebrate friends’ big news, craft a heartfelt, personal congratulations:

“John and Sarah, congratulations on your beautiful wedding this weekend! It was an honor to stand beside you on your special day. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, love and adventure together!”

Recommendation Requests

When crowdsourcing options, share details on what you need and thank people for suggestions:

“We just moved to the Lakeview area and are looking for a great local spot for weekend brunch. Any recommendations from neighbors on places with tasty food and good service?”

Calls to Action

For rallying people to a cause, focus on how their help makes an impact:

“Our community needs more tutors for youth literacy programs to help students read at grade level. Just one hour a week can set a child up for a lifetime of success. Learn how to get involved through this nonprofit.”

Reacting to Others’ Posts

When responding to friends, ask follow-up questions or share related experiences:

“Glad your son is feeling better, Susan! Stomach bugs are the worst. Does he have a favorite soup you make when he’s sick? Luke always requests my chicken noodle.”

Dos and Don’ts

And here are a few final dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


– Post content you genuinely think your audience will appreciate and engage with

– Maintain privacy and permission when posting about others

– Foster positive interactions through your replies and reactions

– Express yourself authentically


– Overshare controversial opinions likely to spark debates

– Post too much repetitive content

– Neglect to vet sources before sharing articles

– Come across as overly promotional or salesy

– Forget to use image descriptions for visually impaired readers


Facebook offers ample opportunities to connect and share all sorts of life updates, interests, opinions, humor, and more with your friends, family, and broader network. The key is posting content people actually care about and delivering your message thoughtfully. Keep these tips in mind, and your Facebook posts are sure to resonate and bring joy to your audience. Most importantly, have fun with it and let your unique personality shine through!