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What do you say in a farewell post?

What do you say in a farewell post?

When leaving a job or community you’ve been a part of, it can be hard to know what to say. A farewell post allows you to express your appreciation and say goodbye in your own words. Here are some tips on what to include and how to craft your message when writing a farewell post.

Reflect on Your Time

Start your farewell post by reflecting on your time with the company or community. Share some of your fondest memories and proudest accomplishments. Be specific and choose a few meaningful moments to highlight instead of giving a lengthy recap. This helps create a personal, heartfelt tone.

Thank People Who Helped You

Part of what makes a farewell post special is taking the time to express gratitude. Thank people who have supported you, mentored you, or worked alongside you. Share how colleagues, managers, or friends have impacted your experience. Consider calling out people by name and describing what you appreciated about them.

Explain Why You’re Leaving

Briefly explain the reasons behind your departure. Are you starting a new job? Relocating? Taking time off? People will be curious about what’s next for you, so satisfy their interest. Keep it positive by focusing on the opportunities ahead rather than the downsides of leaving.

What to Include in Your Farewell Post

When drafting your farewell post, here are some specific things to include:

Announce Your Departure

Don’t just disappear without notice. State upfront that you are leaving and share your last day. This prevents confusion and allows people to prepare.

Share Contact Information

Offer details on how to contact you after you leave, such as your personal email address or social media handles. This enables people to keep in touch.

Express Gratitude

Thank the organization and the people you’ve worked with for the opportunities you’ve had. Be specific about what you’re grateful for.

Highlight Memories

Share meaningful memories, milestones, and accomplishments from your time there. Funny anecdotes or inside jokes are great to include.

Wish Your Team Well

Offer encouragement or optimistic wishes for their future success. This spreads goodwill.

Conclude with Optimism

End on a high note, sharing your excitement for the future. This gives the post an uplifting, forward-looking tone.

Farewell Post Length

When determining the length of your farewell post, keep these guidelines in mind:

Email Farewells

For email farewells, aim for 2-5 paragraphs or around 100-300 words. Be succinct but sincere.

Blog or Online Post

If writing a blog post or online message, you can be a bit more expansive at 300-600 words. Include more details and memories.


For spoken farewells like toasts or speeches, keep it to 3-5 minutes long at most. Pick a few meaningful stories or reflections to share verbally.

Formatting Your Farewell Post

Proper formatting can make your farewell message more polished and readable. Use these formatting tips:

Structured Sections

Organize your post into clear sections, like an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This improves flow.

Short Paragraphs

Paragraphs with 3-5 sentences are ideal. Blocks of text are hard to read. Break it up.


Use subheadings to organize different topics and call attention to key points.

Numbered or Bulleted Lists

Lists help summarize ideas and make skimming easy. Outline important details this way.

Text Highlighting

Bold, italicize, or underline text periodically to emphasize sentiments. But don’t overdo it.

Review and Edit

Refine grammar, spelling, punctuation, and wording before finalizing your post. First drafts often need polishing.

Examples of Great Farewell Posts

Reading example farewell messages can provide inspiration. Here are excerpts from real-life farewell posts by various professionals:

Heartfelt Goodbye Email

As I embark on a new adventure in Denver, I wanted to thank each of you for your friendship, support, and collaboration over the past 5 years…

Humorous Farewell Speech

From the infamous server crash of 2021 to our Olympic-worthy chair races…

Grateful Farewell Letter

I cannot begin to express my appreciation for the tremendous opportunities I’ve had here. You took a chance on me…

Nostalgic Farewell Blog Post

Saying goodbye is never easy. As I walk out of this office for the last time, my heart is filled with memories…

Farewell Gift Ideas

Consider complementing your farewell words with a gift. Here are some farewell gift ideas for various budgets:

Farewell Gift Ideas Estimated Price
Photo album or framed photo of colleagues $20-$75
Business card holder or portfolio $25-$50
Engraved pen $10-$30
Leather journal or notebook $15-$40
Bottle of wine $15-$100
Gift card to a favorite restaurant $25-$100
Bestselling business book $10-$25

Choose a gift that aligns with office culture and your budget. Focus on sentimental value over extravagance.

Saying Farewell Virtually

If you are leaving a remote team or saying goodbye during the pandemic, deliver your farewell message virtually using these methods:

Video Call Farewell

Schedule a video call to say goodbye face-to-face and field real-time reactions.

Recorded Farewell Message

Pre-record a farewell video message to share heartfelt sentiments.

Farewell Email

Send a well-crafted farewell email to the team or company distribution list.

Social Media Post

Post a farewell photo or message via your professional social media accounts.

Digital Farewell Card

Email a digital farewell card with a customized message.

Handling Sensitive Departures

When leaving a company under difficult circumstances, extra care should be taken:

Keep It Professional

Avoid venting frustration. Remain cordial, polite, and neutral.

Don’t Burn Bridges

Refrain from calling out issues or individuals. Your message will live on.

Focus on the Positive

Emphasize the highlights of your time there, not the low points.

Express Gratitude

Find something sincerely positive to say about your experience.

Keep It Simple

Briefly announce your departure without elaboration on context.

Request Discretion

Politely ask colleagues to respect your privacy around the circumstances.


Writing a heartfelt farewell post allows you to properly say goodbye. Use the strategies in this article to craft your message, customize it for your situation, format it effectively, and send it off on a positive note. The time you take to appreciate others and share memories will mean a lot. Although goodbyes can be bittersweet, they open new doors to the future. Your farewell post is a chance to celebrate accomplishments, express gratitude, and pave the way for ongoing connections.