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What do you need to know about Facebook?

What do you need to know about Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2022. It allows people to connect with friends, family, co-workers, and people with shared interests by creating profiles, sharing photos and videos, sending messages, and joining common-interest groups.

Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg along with fellow Harvard students. Originally launched just for Harvard students, Facebook eventually expanded to other colleges and then the general public in 2006. Since then, Facebook has become ubiquitous across the internet.

While Facebook offers many benefits for communication and connection, there are also controversies surrounding privacy, data usage, and the spread of misinformation on the platform. As Facebook continues to evolve, it’s important for users to understand the key facts about this powerful social network.

Key Facts

Here are some key facts to know about Facebook:

  • Launched in 2004 originally as “TheFacebook” for Harvard students
  • Headquartered in Menlo Park, California
  • Currently has 2.93 billion monthly active users worldwide (as of Q3 2022)
  • Owned by parent company Meta Platforms Inc., previously known as Facebook Inc.
  • Founder and CEO is Mark Zuckerberg
  • Main product is the Facebook social networking platform and app
  • Other major products include Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Oculus VR
  • Primary source of revenue is advertising targeted to users based on data collected
  • Has faced controversies related to privacy, spreading misinformation, data exploitation, and antitrust concerns

These key facts provide an overview of Facebook’s origins, scale, ownership, products, business model, and major controversies. As one of the largest and most influential tech companies, it’s important to understand Facebook’s core identity and role in the modern digital landscape.

User Statistics

Facebook has enormous reach as a social network. Here are some key statistics on who uses Facebook and how often:

  • 2.93 billion monthly active users worldwide (Q3 2022)
  • 1.98 billion daily active users on average (Q3 2022)
  • Over 90% of monthly active users access via mobile devices
  • Largest user bases are in India, Indonesia, and the United States
  • 70% of U.S. adults use Facebook
  • Most popular among adults ages 25-34
  • Average user has 155 friends on the platform
  • People spend average of 44 minutes per day on Facebook

These user statistics demonstrate Facebook’s immense reach across age groups and countries. The large, engaged user base contributes to Facebook’s appeal to advertisers and dominance across social media.

Major Services and Features

Facebook offers a range of services and features:

News Feed

The main feature people interact with, showing recent posts from friends, groups, and followed pages in a scrolling feed. Allows liking, commenting, and sharing posts.


Instant messaging service and app for Facebook users to chat. Includes features like video calling. Messenger has 1.3 billion monthly active users.


Allows users to post and browse classified ads for buying and selling items locally. Has over 1 billion monthly active users.

Facebook Groups

Enables users to join interest-based communities moderated by admins. Over 1.8 billion people use groups every month.

Live Video

Users can live stream video to followers. Popular with brands and publishers to share breaking news and events.


Share disappearing photos and videos visible for 24 hours. Similar to Snapchat and Instagram Stories.

Facebook Dating

Launched in 2020, this opt-in dating service suggests potential romantic matches among users.

Oculus VR

Facebook’s virtual reality brand produces VR headsets and platforms for gaming and entertainment. Acquired Oculus in 2014.

These features allow diverse ways to interact, connect, express oneself, consume information, and share experiences through the Facebook platform beyond basic social networking.

Revenue Sources

The vast majority of Facebook’s revenue comes from advertising. Here are some key facts about Facebook’s ad business and other revenue streams:

  • Made $29 billion in ad revenue in Q3 2022, over 98% of total revenue
  • 8+ million advertisers use Facebook to reach targeted audiences
  • Uses advanced data tracking and algorithms to deliver highly relevant ads
  • Ad formats include photo ads, carousel ads, Stories ads, in-stream video ads
  • Other revenue comes from Oculus VR headset sales, enterprise tech, and partnerships

Facebook’s huge amounts of user data and advanced ad targeting capabilities make it a go-to platform for advertisers of all sizes looking to connect with relevant consumers. The ad business fuels Facebook’s dominance and profitability.

Major Acquisitions

Facebook has grown through major acquisitions of other social networks and tech companies:

Company Acquisition Year Price (in billions)
Instagram 2012 $1
WhatsApp 2014 $19
Oculus VR 2014 $2
Giphy 2020 $0.4

Major purchases like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus VR have expanded Facebook’s offerings into photo/video sharing, messaging, and virtual reality. Facebook has been able to grow its family of apps and face potential competition through strategic acquisitions. However, critics argue this has made Facebook too dominant in social media.

Privacy Concerns and Controversies

Facebook has faced significant backlash and scandal regarding privacy, data usage, and spreading misinformation:

Cambridge Analytica Scandal

In 2018 it was revealed data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica improperly accessed data of up to 87 million Facebook users without consent. Raised concerns about Facebook’s data practices.

Privacy Settings

Criticism that Facebook’s complex, frequently changing privacy settings make it hard for users to control their information. Default settings favor open data sharing.

Facial Recognition

Facebook’s use of facial recognition to identify people in photos without consent led to lawsuits and bans in some countries over privacy risks.

Spread of Harmful Content

Critics say Facebook hasn’t done enough to limit the spread of hate speech, misinformation, and conspiracy theories on its platforms.

Teen Mental Health

Research and leaks have fueled concerns that Facebook’s products like Instagram negatively impact teens’ mental health and body image.

Antitrust Concerns

Governments have launched antitrust investigations into whether Facebook uses acquisitions and market dominance to illegally squash competition.

Facebook’s repeated privacy missteps and inability to control harmful content have fueled calls for greater regulation and oversight. Zuckerberg has had to testify multiple times before Congress on these issues.

Outlook and Challenges

Looking ahead, Facebook faces significant challenges:

  • Adapting to Apple’s iOS privacy changes which impact Facebook’s ad targeting
  • Competing with TikTok’s growth, especially among younger users
  • Maintaining high average revenue per user as markets saturate
  • Investing billions in metaverse development for future growth
  • Facing potential antitrust regulation and breakup

Facebook will need to address privacy concerns, evolve its offerings, fend off younger competitors like TikTok, and adapt to a post-COVID world reshaped by remote connectivity. However, Facebook’s strong financial position and massive user base put it in a prime position to navigate these headwinds and remain a dominant force.


Facebook has become intrinsic to the lives of billions by enabling new ways to create community, express identity, and engage with information and entertainment. However, its misuse of data and inability to control harmful content show the need for greater oversight. Balancing Facebook’s benefits while minimizing its harms will be an ongoing challenge as technology irreversibly changes communication. Users must approach this powerful platform mindfully.

While Facebook delivered on its initial promise of connection, the company now faces much greater consequences from its unprecedented scale. The future will depend on Facebook learning from past mistakes to evolve into a more ethical, transparent steward of such far-reaching technologies.