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What do you do when Facebook doesn’t recognize your email?

What do you do when Facebook doesn’t recognize your email?

Having issues with Facebook not recognizing your email address can be frustrating. There are several potential reasons why this might happen and a few steps you can take to try to resolve it.

Why might Facebook not recognize my email?

Here are some of the most common reasons Facebook may not recognize your email address:

You have multiple Facebook accounts

If you have more than one Facebook account using the same email address, this can confuse Facebook’s system. Facebook allows multiple accounts to be registered with the same email, but it can cause issues with login and account recovery.

Your email was entered incorrectly

Double check that you are entering your full email address correctly with no typos. Something as simple as entering “” instead of “” could be the issue.

Your email has changed

If you have changed your email address and not updated it on your Facebook account, Facebook will no longer recognize your new email. Make sure your account is updated with your most recent email address.

You’re using a proxy email

Facebook may not recognize emails from some proxy email providers. If your primary email goes through another company, try using the original email your account was registered with instead.

Your email was deleted

In some cases, if your email was entirely deleted from the email provider, Facebook may no longer recognize it. Using a new active email address may be necessary if this is the case.

You’re accessing Facebook from a new location or device

As a security precaution, Facebook may sometimes not recognize your email if you are trying to access your account from an unusual location or a device you haven’t used before with your account. Try accessing Facebook from a familiar location and device.

Steps to take when Facebook doesn’t recognize your email

If you are running into the issue of Facebook not recognizing your email, here are some steps you can take to try to resolve it:

1. Double check your email is entered correctly

Go back and make absolutely sure you are entering the complete email address properly with no typos or spelling errors. This simple check could resolve the issue.

2. Try an alternate email associated with your account

If you have multiple emails associated with your Facebook account, attempt to use the alternate email instead. Facebook may recognize this secondary email even if your primary one is not working.

3. Update your primary email on Facebook

Go to your Facebook account settings and update your account’s primary email address to your new or correct email. After changing it, attempt accessing Facebook with your updated email.

4. Log in through mobile instead of desktop

Sometimes accessing Facebook on mobile instead of desktop (or vice versa) can work around email recognition issues. Try switching to mobile if you are on desktop when the issue occurs.

5. Use your full account username instead

As an alternative to using your email, log in to Facebook with your account’s username. You can find this on your Facebook profile URL when logged in (

6. Re-add your email in the forgot password flow

Go through Facebook’s forgot password flow, enter your email address, and go through the steps to reset your password. This may re-verify your email with Facebook if it is currently unrecognized.

7. Contact Facebook support

If all else fails, you can contact Facebook’s help center and submit a request for support regarding your unrecognized email. Be sure to provide all details about your issue.

How to prevent Facebook from not recognizing your email

To help prevent Facebook email recognition issues in the future, keep these tips in mind:

  • Only create one Facebook account per email address
  • Always enter your email carefully and double check for typos
  • Promptly update Facebook when you change your email address
  • Use your primary email for Facebook instead of a proxy address
  • Access Facebook from familiar locations and devices when possible

Troubleshooting tips

If you are still unable to get Facebook to recognize your email, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

Clear your browser cache

Clear your browser cookies and cache then try to access Facebook again. Sometimes outdated browser data gets confused with login changes.

Try a different web browser

Attempt accessing Facebook from a different web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge and see if the email issue persists.

Disable browser extensions/addons

Some browser extensions can interfere with Facebook’s functionality. Try disabling all extensions and accessing Facebook again.

Reset your password again

Even if you recently reset your password, try going through the reset process 1-2 more times. This can retrigger Facebook’s email verification.

Use Facebook’s direct email contact

You can email Facebook’s support team directly about account issues at [email protected]. Be sure to include detailed information about your problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why won’t Facebook let me log in with my email anymore?

This is most likely because Facebook no longer recognizes your email, either because you changed your email and didn’t update it, you have a typo in your email, you’re using a proxy address, your email was deleted, or you have multiple Facebook accounts with the same email.

What should I do if I changed my email and Facebook doesn’t know me anymore?

Go to your Facebook account settings and update your primary email listed to your new active email address. Facebook should then recognize your new email.

Why does Facebook say my email is not associated with an account?

You likely have a typo in your email address, have changed emails without updating Facebook, or created multiple accounts with the same email. Double check the email, update your account if needed, and consolidate multiple accounts.

Can two different Facebook accounts have the same email?

Yes, Facebook does allow multiple accounts to use the same email address. However, this is not recommended as it can cause login issues and prevent password recovery via email if you get locked out.

How do I recover my Facebook account if my email changes?

Update your primary email address on Facebook to your new active email. You can do this through your account settings. Also add your new email as a backup recovery option in your security settings.


To summarize, if Facebook does not recognize your email address, some potential fixes include:

  • Double checking you have the right email with no typos
  • Trying alternate emails associated with your Facebook account
  • Updating your account with your new email address
  • Switching between mobile and desktop
  • Using your Facebook username to log in instead
  • Resetting your password to re-verify the email
  • Contacting Facebook support if all else fails

Be sure your account only has one email associated with it, promptly update Facebook when changing emails, and take preventative steps like using familiar devices to access your account. With some troubleshooting, you should be able to get Facebook to recognize your email again.


Having Facebook not recognize your email can certainly be inconvenient and prevent you from accessing your account. However, in most cases it is an issue that can be resolved with a little troubleshooting and patience. By identifying the potential causes, taking corrective steps, and contacting Facebook support if needed, you should be able to get back into your account in no time.