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What do you do if someone is using your email address on Facebook?

What do you do if someone is using your email address on Facebook?

Quick Answers

If you find that someone has created a Facebook account using your email address without your permission, there are several steps you can take:

  • Report the account to Facebook and request that it be disabled/removed
  • Change the password on the account if you can access it
  • Change the email address associated with the account
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your actual Facebook account
  • Check for any other unauthorized accounts using your info
  • File an identity theft report with the FTC if applicable

Having your email address used by someone else on Facebook without your consent can be annoying and potentially dangerous if they have access to your contacts or personal information. Acting quickly to report and disable the unauthorized account can help secure your identity and online presence.

How to Tell if Someone is Using Your Email on Facebook

There are a few key signs that indicate your email may have been used to create an unauthorized Facebook account:

  • You receive a welcome email from Facebook for an account you didn’t create
  • Friends report seeing an account with your name and info that you don’t recognize
  • You notice posts or messages sent from an account with your name that you didn’t write
  • You get emails about Facebook password reset requests you didn’t initiate
  • Facebook recommends friends for you that you don’t actually know

Essentially, any Facebook notifications or account activity linked to your email address that you didn’t initiate yourself may signal that someone else has created an account using your email without consent. Being aware of the signs can help you catch a potential identity theft situation early.

Step 1: Report the Unauthorized Account to Facebook

If you believe someone has created a Facebook account using your email address without permission, the first step is to report it to Facebook and request that the account be disabled or removed. Here is how to report an unauthorized account:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center and select “Report Something” then “Report a Violation”
  2. Choose “Pretending to be me or someone I know”
  3. Enter the web address for the unauthorized account profile
  4. Follow the instructions to explain how you know the account is fake and submit the report

Facebook will investigate the reported account and take action if it violates their terms around impersonation and misrepresentation. Reporting quickly can help disable the account before the person has a chance to access your personal information or contacts.

What Happens After Reporting an Unauthorized Account

After submitting a report about an unauthorized account to Facebook, here is what typically happens:

  • Facebook will review the report and account details to verify it violates their policies
  • If confirmed as unauthorized, Facebook will disable the account so it can no longer be accessed
  • They will attempt to determine if the account was created maliciously and retain information in case of legal action
  • You will receive a notification from Facebook when action is taken on the reported account

The impersonating account should be removed as quickly as possible once reported. However, the entire process may take a few days to a few weeks depending on the complexity of the case.

Step 2: Change the Account Password and Email if Possible

If you are able to access the unauthorized Facebook account, you may be able to take control of it yourself initially:

  • Change the account password – This prevents the person who created it from accessing the account again
  • Update the email on the account – Removing your email helps sever the account’s connection to your identity
  • Delete any posts or messages – This can help limit the misuse of your identity

Keep in mind changing details may alert the account creator that you have accessed it. But taking back control, even temporarily, can help minimize the potential damage.

Recovering Access to the Unauthorized Account

To change an unauthorized Facebook account’s password or email yourself, you will need to regain access:

  • Use Facebook’s password reset feature to set a new password
  • Answer the account’s security questions if prompted
  • Submit a copy of your photo ID if Facebook requests identity verification

Once you have temporary access, quickly make the needed changes to secure the account and disconnect it from your identity.

Step 3: Strengthen Security on Your Real Facebook Account

In addition to addressing the unauthorized account, it’s also important to strengthen security on your own real Facebook account after discovering identity theft:

  • Change your password – Update to a strong, unique password to stay safe
  • Enable two-factor authentication – This adds an extra login step for increased protection
  • Review account privacy settings – Make sure only approved friends can view personal info
  • Check login approvals – Monitor locations to ensure only you are accessing the account

Bolstering security on your actual Facebook account helps safeguard you from further misuse of your information or contacts. Limit account access and monitor closely for any suspicious activity.

Turning on Login Alerts

To turn on login alerts for your Facebook account:

  1. Go to “Settings” then “Security and Login”
  2. Select “Get alerts about unrecognized logins”
  3. Choose to be notified via text, Facebook Messenger, or email notifications
  4. Save your alert preferences

With login alerts enabled, you will be notified anytime your account is accessed from an unrecognized device or browser. This allows you to monitor suspicious login activity.

Step 4: Check for Other Unauthorized Accounts

Someone misusing your email to create an unauthorized Facebook account may have also created accounts elsewhere using your information. Be sure to check for fraudulent accounts on other major platforms:

  • Google – Look for unexpected Gmail accounts or YouTube channels
  • Twitter – Search for unfamiliar profiles using your name and photo
  • Instagram – Check if a fake account exists with your handle
  • Amazon – Monitor orders and account names for ones you don’t recognize

Conducting searches and keeping an eye out for unknown accounts created in your name can reveal if your identity is being misused on multiple sites. Take steps to report and secure any fraudulent accounts you find to prevent ongoing identity theft.

Searching Your Name on Google

One easy way to look for unauthorized accounts elsewhere is to search your name on Google. Simply type your first and last name in quotation marks into Google Search, like “John Smith”.

Review the top results for profiles, social media accounts, or mailing addresses that may be using your identity without your knowledge. Investigate anything suspicious to determine if it is fraudulent.

Step 5: File an Identity Theft Report

If someone has clearly stolen your identity by creating unauthorized online accounts, you may want to file an official identity theft report:

  • File a report with the FTC at
  • Notify your local police department about the identity theft situation
  • Submit copies of the report to banks, creditors, or other entities misled by the theft

Having an official identity theft report on file strengthens your case when disputing fraudulent accounts and provides evidence of criminal activity if police investigation or legal prosecution is warranted.

Identity Theft Report Documentation

When filing an identity theft report, it’s helpful to have documentation ready to submit. Relevant documentation may include:

  • Screenshots of unauthorized online accounts
  • Emails received related to unknown accounts
  • Records of transactions or purchases you didn’t make
  • Copies of suspicious social media messages or posts

Solid documentation makes it easier for law enforcement and companies to quickly verify your claims of identity theft. Keep detailed records as you deal with the aftermath.


Discovering that someone has created an unauthorized Facebook account using your email address can be unsettling. However, acting quickly to report the fake account, change key details, strengthen your own account security, check for other fraudulent accounts, and file an identity theft report can help protect your identity. Stay vigilant in watching for further suspicious activity and take appropriate action as needed. With some timely effort, you can disconnect the unauthorized Facebook account from your identity and prevent ongoing misuse of your personal information.