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What do the different ticks mean on messenger?

What do the different ticks mean on messenger?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 1.3 billion monthly active users. When you send a message on Messenger, little icons or “ticks” appear next to your message to indicate the message status. These ticks provide useful information about whether your message has been successfully sent, delivered, read, and more.

Single Grey Tick

A single gray tick means your message is still sending and has not yet been delivered to the recipient’s device. This usually only shows for a brief moment before changing to another icon.

Double Grey Ticks

Double gray ticks indicate your message has been successfully sent from your device and delivered to the recipient’s server. However, their device has not yet received the message or connected to the server to download it. The message is on its way but has not quite reached the recipient yet.

Double Blue Ticks

Double blue ticks mean your message has been delivered and received on the recipient’s device. The ticks turn blue once the recipient opens the Messenger app with an internet connection, causing their device to connect to Facebook’s servers and download your message.

Seeing the double blue ticks provides confirmation your message has arrived in the recipient’s inbox. However, it does not necessarily mean they have read your message yet. It only means it has been delivered to their device.

Double Blue Ticks and “Read”

Double blue ticks plus the word “Read” indicates the recipient has opened your chat thread and actively read your latest message. This provides the most concrete confirmation that your message has been successfully received and viewed.

Single Red Tick

A single red tick means your message could not be delivered. This usually occurs due to an issue reaching the recipient’s device and server, or if their account has been deactivated.

If you see a persistent red tick, it typically means there is a delivery issue that should be resolved before your message can be properly sent and received.

Hourglass Icon

An hourglass icon next to a sent message indicates your message is still being processed and uploaded to Facebook’s servers. It is essentially the same initial sending stage as the single gray tick.

The hourglass turns to a single gray tick once the upload is complete, then continues through the delivery process from there.

Exclamation Point Icon

An exclamation point in a yellow triangle signifies your message could not be sent due to an error. This usually occurs if there is a connectivity issue on your end preventing the upload of your message to Facebook’s servers.

Encircled “!” Icon

An encircled “!” icon indicates your message is still being sent and the upload has been temporarily delayed. This commonly occurs if you have a poor internet connection.

Once connectivity improves, the icon will turn to a single gray tick as the message finishes uploading to Facebook’s servers and proceeds with the delivery process.


If you see the word “Blocked” next to a sent message, it means the recipient has blocked you and your messages will no longer reach them.

This occurs when someone actively blocks you from their friends list. Any messages you attempt to send them will fail to be delivered.

What About Group Chats?

The same icons and ticks appear in group chats to indicate message status, with a couple differences:

  • Double blue ticks appear once your message has been delivered to all participants who have the chat open at the time you sent it.
  • Double blue ticks with “Read” will show after your message has been read by all current participants.
  • Participants who join the chat later will not trigger the “Read” receipt until they scroll up and view your earlier messages.

Why Doesn’t the Recipient’s Profile Pic Light Up?

In the past, Messenger used to have an additional read receipt where the profile pic of the person you messaged would light up once they read your message. This feature has been removed from Messenger.

Now the “Read” text display is the only indicator that the other person has viewed your chat. Their profile pic no longer lights up.

Can You Turn Off Read Receipts?

If you prefer not to display read receipts in Messenger, you can turn them off in your settings:

  1. Open your Messenger app and tap your profile picture
  2. Go to Privacy settings
  3. Tap on “Turn off read receipts”

This will prevent the “Read” text from being sent in your 1-on-1 and group chats. You can turn it back on anytime in your settings.


The ticks and icons seen next to Facebook Messenger messages provide helpful insights into the status of your communications. While they may seem cryptic at first, each symbol gives you specific information to let you know if your messages have been successfully sent, delivered, read by the recipient, or encountering errors along the way.

With read receipts disabled, you won’t get the “Read” confirmation, but you’ll still see the sending and delivery acknowledgment. So you’ll know your messages are getting through even if you opt to keep the ultimate read status private.

Understanding the meaning behind Messenger’s various ticks and icons provides clarity into your conversations so you’ll know if your messages are reaching your recipients or if there’s a problem that needs to be resolved.

This allows you to communicate across Facebook’s massive platform with confidence.

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Facebook Messenger is used by over a billion people each month, making it one of the most widely used messaging platforms in the world. With so many active users, Messenger needs to provide clear indicators about whether a message was sent successfully or not. That’s where the system of ticks and icons comes in.

For many users, the ticks have become a standard way of gauging message delivery and read status. People recognize the icons and intuitively understand the meaning behind each one. Gray means your message is in transit. Blue means it was delivered. Read means the recipient actively looked at your message.

As Messenger has added new features over the years, even more icons and indicators have been added. Sending a message on Messenger is not as simple as just typing and hitting send. There is a whole sequence of technical steps that have to happen behind the scenes.

Your device sends the message to Facebook’s servers. The servers queue up your message to be delivered to the recipient. Their device then has to connect to the servers and download the pending messages. Finally, the recipient has to open the message thread and actively look at your sent message.

Lots can go wrong during this process. Networks can be down. Devices can be offline. Users may have you blocked or have deactivated their accounts.

The ticks provide insight at each stage, showing whether your message reached Facebook’s servers, made it to the recipient’s device, and was opened and viewed by the recipient. Without this feedback, you’d be sending messages blindly with no way to know if they were going through.

In the early days of text messaging, you just had to hope your message was delivered and read. Messenger’s ticks solved this problem by giving visual confirmation each step of the way. Other messaging apps like WhatsApp soon adopted similar delivery indication systems.

Over time, people have come to rely on and expect these delivery receipts. It brings transparency and peace of mind to our digital communications.

However, some users still prefer to turn off read receipts. The advantage is it gives them more privacy and control. The recipient won’t know specifically when you’ve looked at their messages.

But it sacrifices some convenience. Without the visual confirmation, you don’t know if your chat partner is up to speed on the conversation and you lose that sense of closure.

Turning off read receipts also doesn’t stop the gray and blue delivery ticks. Those confirmations are locked in and can’t be disabled. So you’ll know your messages are going through, just not being read.

Users appreciate having the option to hide read receipts. Apps like Messenger want to provide controls and customization to give people choices over their messaging experience.

On Facebook’s platform, the ticks display next to all messages by default. You have to proactively go into your settings to turn them off. But for those who want more privacy, the option is there.

As with all features, Messenger is likely continually evaluating its delivery indication system and iterating to improve it. The needs of users are always evolving.

Perhaps in the future they will introduce more nuanced controls over receipts, like having the option per specific conversation to enable or disable read receipts. Or using a system similar to email where the sender can request read receipts rather than having them on unconditionally.

There are also conversations about reducing dependence on read receipts altogether. Some feel it leads to unnecessary obsession over whether a message has been read yet. The focus becomes less about the conversation itself.

As technology moves forward, there will likely be changes in how messaging delivery and read status is conveyed. But for now, the standard ticks and icons remain a familiar part of the Messenger experience.

They provide clarity around the messaging process and assurance your conversations are protected. Over a billion people now understand the meaning behind gray, blue, and red. The ticks have become engrained in Messenger culture and shaped our expectations around digital communication.